Grizzly Gazette
January 6, 2025 ~ Happy New Year!
Volume 2, Issue 19
GMUES Calendar
News from Mrs. Hughes
Happy New Year GMUES Families!
We hope you all had a wonderful holiday break! School starts tomorrow at 8:20 a.m. sharp! This is a brand new quarter and a great time to make a fresh start as far as absences, tardies, grades, homework, etc. I just love a fresh start!
Speaking of a fresh start...Please remind students that we do not allow any toys, games, cards, drawing/sketch books, or any other holiday gifts at school. If your student was lucky enough to get a smart watch...wonderful! They need to keep it in the backpack or leave it at home. We do not allow smart watches or other devices at school. Please review our cell phone policy at the end of this letter. Thank you so much for your help with all of these items.
Please check out the calendar below. There are lots of important dates. We will be finalizing grades this week. Please check your student's PowerSchool account on Friday, January 10th. All grades will be final on Friday.
We will also have our 1st of two 5th grade camp related meetings in January. This is a great time to meet some of the program staff and learn all about our 5 field trips and overnight camping trip planned for our 5th graders.
There are also 2 different long weekends in 3rd quarter. Please make sure those dates are on your calendar!
Second quarter grades will be final on Friday. Don't forget to check you child's PowerSchool account. If you are not sure how to check it, ask them! They know exactly how to get in and see all their growth! Have fun celebrating how hard they have all been working! If you would like a paper copy of your child's grades, please just call our office. We are happy to print one for you.
Can't wait to see all of our students tomorrow!
Mrs. Hughes,
Sunday, January 5th ~ Clubs Registration email out to parents
Monday, January 6th ~ School starts @ 8:20 a.m
Monday, January 6th ~ 3rd Quarter begins
Friday, January 10th ~ Spelling Bee @ 9:00 a.m. in the gym
Monday, January 13th ~ PTO/Site Council Meeting @ 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, January 14th ~ PUSD Board Meeting @ District Office @ 5:00 p.m.
Monday, January 20th ~ MLK Holiday, No School
Tuesday, January 21st ~ CLUBS Begin!
Thursday, January 23rd ~ 1st 5th Gr. Camp Program Meeting @ 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 30th ~ Incoming 5th Gr. Parent Information Meeting@ 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 13th ~ 2nd 5th Gr. Camp Parent Meeting @ 5:30 p.m.
Friday, February 14th ~ 17th ~ President's Day holiday weekend & PUSD workday, no students
Tuesday, February 25th ~ Spring Pictures
Wednesday, March 5th ~ Spring Choir Concert @ 6:00 p.m.
Monday, March 17th ~ 21st ~ Spring Break
After School Clubs Registration is now open!
Badger U Clubs Begin on Tuesday, Jan. 21st! REGISTRATION Form below
Attention: 6th Grade Boys!
Boys Basketball Tryouts @ PMHMS ~ Open to 6th grade boys as well!
January 7th-9th from 3:00-5:00 PM
(6th Graders: 3:30-5:00 PM)
We are calling all 6th-8th graders to try out for boys basketball! You MUST be registered to participate in tryouts. This season, we will be using Final Forms for sports registration.
To register your son, please create a parent account on Final Forms and then set up a student account. Detailed instructions are provided below.
~If your student athlete is enrolled at Prescott High School, simply log in to your parent account and add a new student.
For 6th graders: Parents can either bring you to Mile High, or you can ride the activity bus from the bus stop after school.
Directions for registration: Click Here
Ashley Tetreault
Principal, Mile High Middle School
Year Book Orders!
From our Nurse Mai's office!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This is a quick reminder to be mindful of the cold and flu season. Students are reporting symptoms such as congestion, runny nose, headache, stomach ache, sore throat, cough, nausea/vomiting and fever. Strep Throat, Covid, Upper Respiratory Infections have been reported.
Please keep your child home from school for the following reasons:
Fever of 100.4 or higher. May return to school when your child is fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
Vomiting and Diarrhea- May return to school when your child has not vomited or has diarrhea for 24 hours.
Sore throat pain with difficulty swallowing; Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white patches or streaks of pus and tiny red spots on the back of the roof of the mouth.
Swollen, itchy eyes with thick discharge, crusty or redness to the whites of the eye.
Rash that’s unrelated to a chronic skin condition.
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
Excessive mucus from the nose(runny nose) or sneezing unrelated to environmental allergies.
Persistent non-productive/productive cough- May return to school when cough is under control.
Please follow-up with your child’s doctor if symptoms persist and don't get better. Your child may return to school when all signs/symptoms have subsided/resolved without the use of medication, or when their physician provides a written statement indicating your child is ready to return to school.
Ways to prevent spread of infection:
Wash hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom and before eating. Please do not share food or drinks or utensils. Cough and sneeze into the bend of their elbow or into the front of their shirt to help keep germs off of their hands.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Disinfect frequently-touched surfaces throughout the day.
Thank you for doing your part to keep our kids and community safe and healthy!
Looking for a way to support your child's school?
Attention PUSD parents and guardians: Have you ever considered supporting your child's school by serving as a substitute teacher? As a substitute teacher, you can select which schools you work in, the subjects or grade levels you want to support, and the days that work with your schedule. Our Teachers and Principals would love to have you serve as substitutes in their schools.
Substitute teachers and paraprofessionals earn $121 - $131/day depending on training.
Substitute teaching positions require a Bachelor's degree and IVP Fingerprint clearance card.
More details and an application can be found HERE.
We hope you consider supporting our students and staff by becoming a Substitute teacher!
Older newsletter items for your reference....
Free Lunch Information
Don't Forget! EZMeal Applications for Free Lunch
We have made the EZMeal application SUPER easy to find and fill out! We have so much important funding that comes from this money. Here are some other facts:
*School has NO access to your application information
*Even if you child never eats meals from school, YOU can still apply and help us with funding
*Qualifying for FREE or REDUCED is ALL FREE this year!
*You can do it on your phone and it only takes a second
*This could mean FREE Clubs for next year
*Math and Reading Interventionists are paid for with this funding
Thank you for taking the time to apply. It takes only a second and makes such a difference.
Dress Code and Cell Phone Policies
Dress Code Policy for Granite Mountain Upper Elementary School
As you do your back to school shopping for your student, please keep in mind our PUSD Dress Code:
Grades 5 and 6
Prescott Unified School District encourages students to take pride in their attire as it relates to the school setting. Students should dress in a manner that takes into consideration the educational environment, safety, health, and welfare of themselves and others. A spirit of support and cooperation between parents and school personnel is needed to ensure that students come to school appropriately dressed in attire that does not pose health or safety hazards and is appropriate to the school environment.
The administration and staff reserve the right to employ administrative judgment in disallowing any clothing, accessories, jewelry, or other items which could include any trends or fads that are distracting to the educational process, atmosphere, climate, or that pose a safety issue.
Dress for Success. Our objective is to promote personal safety and hygiene, to encourage positive behavior and respect for self and others, to promote positive peer images, and to show respect for family and community expectations.
This dress code is in effect during school hours and during all school events. Exceptions to portions of the dress code may be allowed during designated school spirit days or other events at the discretion of the administration.
School regulations PROHIBIT student dress or grooming practices that:
• Present a hazard to the health or safety of the student or to others in the school. This would include:
Dangling or large hoop earrings.
Articles of clothing or jewelry which may cause damage, maintenance problems, or present any safety concerns or school disruptions (ie chains, spikes, etc).
Nails that are filed in pointed shapes (coffin nails, stiletto nails). Nail length needs to be appropriate to the school environment and setting
• May disrupt and/or interfere with school work, create disorder, or prohibit the ability of a staff member to effectively deliver the educational program. This would include:
Skirts and shorts that are shorter than fingertip length. Bottom of the skirt/shorts must be at your fingertips when your arms are at your side.
Shirts including crop top, belly or 1/2 shirts that do not reach the waistband when seated. (Midriff/torso must be covered at all times)
Clothing that is offensive or inappropriately revealing, such as transparent clothing, straps more narrow than a credit card, low cut shirts, and pajamas/flannel pants/onesies. No athletic clothing (leggings, sweatpants) that skin can be seen through
(Straps more narrow than credit card must be covered at all times)
(Pajamas/Flannel Pants/Onesies are meant to sleep in, not go to school in)
Exposed underwear, such as bras and boxer shorts/briefs or anything resembling underwear, such as bralettes, sports bras, tube tops, etc.
Pants/shorts that are not worn or secured at the waistline.
Pants/shorts that have rips or holes higher than mid-thigh (Holes must be below your fingertips when your arms are at your side).
Headgear may ONLY be worn during recess outside, such as caps, beanies, hoodies, headbands with ears, horns, accessories, etc., with the exception of religious headgear.
Body piercings which cause damage, maintenance problems, or present any safety concerns or school disruptions (ie chains, spikes, etc).
Students are not allowed to draw or write on themselves, others, or clothing.
Make-up, hair color, hair styles must not potentially disrupt the educational environment including but not limited to lipstick, eyeshadow/eyeliner, etc. (natural-looking mascara is acceptable).
Costumes are only allowed to be worn as allowed on spirit days.
Clothing that has wording or images that are not school-appropriate.
• Cause excessive wear or damage to school property. This would include:
Shoes with heelys (rollers), cleats, or studs.
• Prevent students from achieving their educational objectives.
• Clothing and/or accessories that are gang style or represent membership in a gang.
• Clothing and/or accessories that have statements, pictures, or symbols that represent prejudice, obscenity, vulgarity, sex, drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
PUSD Cell Phone Policy for Grades 5 and 6
PUSD Cell Phone Policy
Why do we have rules around cell phones?
Cell phones are valuable and important communication devices in today’s world. Prescott Unified School District schools are committed to an academic environment where students are engaged in their learning, actively participating, and building academic endurance. However, use of cell phones during the instructional day severely impedes and distracts from the learning process.
For more information:
Cell Phones/Smart Watches/Headphones/Electronic Devices/Toys
If parents allow their children to carry a cell phone or wear a smart watch for emergency purposes while walking home or at the bus stop, it must remain off and in the student’s backpack while at school. If it is heard or seen, it will be held at the office until the end of the day. On the second violation, parents/guardians will have to pick up the cell phone. If a parent/guardian needs to get in touch with their student during the school day, please contact the front office.
Headphones (airpods, bluetooth headphones, etc.) of any kind are not permitted for use on campus at any time.
Electronic devices such as iPods, iPads, MP3 players, gaming systems, etc. are not allowed at school or on field trips.
Specific to Granite Mountain Upper Elementary School
In addition to the above, cell phones are only allowed for use after the student has reached their pick up spot by the gym, by Abia Judd or the bus waiting area and the student is not participating in afterschool programs.
If any cell phone/device is heard or seen, it will be held at the office until the end of the day. On the second violation, parents/guardians will have to sign the Unauthorized Item form for the student to pick up the cell phone/device the next school day. On the third violation, the parents/guardians will need to pick up the cell phone/device from the front office. Any violation afterward will result in further disciplinary consequences and a cell phone/device contract.
Students may not take pictures/videos of other students or staff members with their cell phones or any other device. It is a violation of the privacy rights of individuals and it is against the law.