LRUE January Newsletter
January Newsletter
Wednesday, January 1
- No School
Thursday, January 2
- No School
Friday, January 3
- No School
Monday, January 6
- School Resumes
Wednesday, January 8
- Character Education Day
- PTA General Meeting at Elementary Commons 6:30pm
Wednesday, January 15
- School Board Meeting at Central Office 6:30pm
Monday, January 20
- MLK Day No School
Tuesday, January 28
- Wildcat Closet Open 4-6pm
Progress Report Cards
Second Quarter ended December 20, 2024. Progress Report Cards will be going home on January 10. Please ensure that all breakfast, lunch, and Cat Care charges be paid and all overdue library books returned.
A Note From Nurse Olivia
I wanted to take a moment to remind parents and students of our medication policy at Logan-Rogersville School District.
Prescription and Non-Prescription medications to be taken by the student while at school, shall be delivered to the school by parent or guardian in the current prescription bottle or original container, properly labeled by the pharmacy with student’s name, physician's name, date of original prescription, name of medication and instructions for a administering the medication.
A medication release form must be completed and sent with EACH medication, or be signed by the Parent/Guardian at the time the medications are delivered to school.
For the safety of all students in our district Students are not allowed to transport medications to and from school in their backpacks unless they have a signed note from the prescribing physician stating that they can self carry and self administer the medication. Please bring all medications to the front office to drop off to the school. If you are needing to pick up medication from school, parents/guardians must pick it up from the school office as our policy does not allow us to send medications home with your students.
Questions regarding the medication policy may be directed to the Principal or the School Nurse. Your cooperation as a parent/guardian is greatly appreciated.
Order Your Yearbook!
The price of the yearbook:
$20 December 28-March 7th
$25 after March 7th
Order deadline is April 12th
Dress for the C*O*L*D!!
Students need to dress properly for the colder recess weather. Please bring coats, hats, gloves, scarves, etc. and plan for your child to go outside if the temperature is at least 32 degrees. If you do not want your child outside, please send a note to your teacher. If you are unable to purchase winter items for your child, please contact our school counselor, Julie Watson.
Trackin' Wildcat Walk/Jog Club
20 Mile Club
Beau McCann, Noah Carlson, Garrett Chaffin, Jarryn Philpott, Bo Beck, Sheiden Tuhey, Silah Coyan
26.2 Mile Club
Quinn Beal, Thomas Geisert, Josiah Bush
30 Mile Club
Hudson Cook, Molly Denney, Eli Garrison, Avery Giedd, Annabelle Ingle, Ella Ortega, Jocelyn Parent, Kinley Rodden, Jackson Buttram, Lola Frieze, Madden Hammel, Laila Morgunov, Finley Precise, Ellie Cash, LucyAnna Whitt, Isabella Anglen, Ethan Batson, Darby Burnich, Lilly Climer, Ruby Grubbs, Trinity Pendergrass
40 Mile Club
Tenylee Dean, Harper Meholic, Remi Russell, Mattie Shrable, Henry Wakefield, Paetyn Davis, Isaiah Hall, Natalie Hyde, Sophia Jacome, Heath Smith, Gage Stamper, Beau Tennison, Taylor Trask, Lilly Castleberry, Andy Littleton, Zander Mertensmeyer, Brody Pettett, Piper Wolfskill, Annabelle Yost
50 Mile Club
Dylan Johnson, Claire Wilson, Graycen Holmes, Matthew Kidder, Jase Laveroni, Jovi Turner, Elsie Bumgardner, Remington Killingsworth, Caroline Luikart, Claire Lummis, Lilly Ortega
60 Mile Club
James Greer, Brody Gregoroski, Ross Howey, Hadley Roberts, Judson Stefka, Easton Williams, Connor Coyan, Kloey Ferrell, Gus Lovan, Braxton Millard, Elijah Rodden
70 Mile Club
Miles Collins, Jaxon Hughes-O’Quinn, Mason Shevchuk, Sayla Wood
80 Mile Club
Finnegan Sanders
90 Mile Club
Evan Mericle
100 Mile Club
Elijah Williams