Linden Middle School
March Newsletter
Dear LMS Families,
Welcome to the March edition of the LMS newsletter! As always, I hope this letter finds everyone happy and healthy. The mild weather has definitely made the last month an enjoyable one. Here is to a nice spring. Spring marks the busiest months of the school year here at LMS. With state testing in April and all of the year end activities, don't blink because it will be over in no time. Staying focused after spring break can be a challenge but the job is not done yet! Please continue to monitor your students' progress through Parent Vue. In addition, continue to reinforce the importance of your student monitoring their Student Vue account. From all of us at LMS, thank you for your continued support and partnership in your student's educational journey.
Important Dates
March 4
LMS 7th/8th Boys BB (A)- @ Kearsley Bus leaves at 3:20pm
LMS 7th/8th Boys BB (B) vs Corunna at LMS
March 5
LMS Parent Meeting -8:15am
GCI Tour-LMS Grade 8-EDP Q3- 12:15-2:15
LMS 7th/8th Boys BB (B) vs Goodrich at LMS
March 6
LMS 7th/8th Boys BB (A)-vs Flushing at LMS
LMS 7th/8th Boys BB (B) @ Flushing Bus leaves at 3:15pm
March 7
LMS/LHS Choir Concert @7pm in LMS Cafeteria
LMS Competitive Cheer @ Brandon-Bus @3:45pm
March 8
Winter Color Guard Show @LMS Cafeteria+Gym
March 12
8thGrade PSAT 8 practice session
LMS 6th Grade concert 7pm @LMS Cafeteria
March 13
LMS Class Meetings-6th Grade-During Eagle Time
SOAR Leader Meeting - 7:15, Media Center
March 14
Secondary Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-7pm - LMS
LMS Class Meetings-7th Grade-During Eagle Time
March 14-15
SOAR Leader 6th grade Shamrock Hunt
March 15
LMS Class Meetings-8th Grade-During Eagle Time
LMS Career Fair-Time TBD
March 18
Spring Sports Start
March 20
Tornado Drill #2 (Statewide)
Craig Tornquist 8th Grade Assembly
March 21
End of Q3
World Down Syndrome Day - Rock Your Socks!
March 22
Professional Development Day
March 25-29
Spring Break
LMS Spring Testing (April and May)
April and May are busy months here at LMS with the state spring testing windows. It is very important to encourage your child to charge their Chromebook each night, get a good nights sleep, and eat a healthy breakfast prior to the scheduled test session.
Each 8th Grade student has set up a College Board account, this account will remain with them throughout their educational journey. Please encourage them to put their username and password in a safe location.
8th Grade
PSAT 8 - April10 - The PSAT 8 is an online format, new this year. The format of the test has changed, with both Math and the Reading portion being completed by students online through the Bluebook App. This app is already downloaded on student Chromebooks. We will have one, possibly two, practice sessions prior to the test on April 10th. This will allow both the students and the staff to become familiar with the new format. By signing onto their College Board accounts, students may work through practice sessions at anytime. I encourage students to login and take some time becoming familiar with the test.
NWEA - Math - 4/16 and 4/17, Reading - 4/18 and 4/19
M-Step - Science 4/23 , SS 4/25
7th Grade
NWEA - Math- 4/08 and 4/09, Reading - 4/11 and 4/12
M-Step - Math 4/22 , Reading 4/24
6th Grade
NWEA - Math - 4/08 and 4/09, Reading- 4/11 and 4/12
M-Step - Math 4/29, Reading 5/01
Makeup Dates
PSAT8- 4/15
M-Step - 5/06 and 5/07
8th grade parents ONLY - Please see the link below to Opt your child out from including "Optional Student Information" during the PSAT test session - This is NOT an opt out for the PSAT test itself. If you elect to Opt your student out please print and return the form below to the LMS main office prior to the test session on April 10.
LMS Parent Meeting
We will have our final parent meeting of the 2023-2024 school year on March 5, at 8:15 a.m. here at Linden Middle School. Please check in at the main office and you will be directed to the meeting location. If you are interested in being part of this group please email me and I will add you to the distribution list. kenders@lindenschools.org
Future meeting dates:
2024 Washington D.C Trip
Attention 7th Grade Parents:
Next year's Washington D.C. trip is filling up fast! Get your student registered today! For registration information and any questions please contact Mrs. McBride - hmcbride@lindenschools.org
Trip dates Thursday, October 3rd - Tuesday, October 8th 2024.
Counselor's Corner
This past week, students in all grade levels were busy planning for next school year. High school counselors visited our 8th grades to speak to them about the high school course selection process. They will be following up soon with more information for families. Any questions should be directed to your student's high school counselor.
Students in 6th grade had the opportunity to sign up for 7th grade Band, while students in 7th grade had the opportunity to sign up for 8th grade Band or Spanish I.
For more details, please visit our counseling website.
Assistant Principals Corner
Hello LMS Families,
As we prepare for spring break, we are quickly approaching our spring sports season. This includes 7th/8th grade baseball and softball along with 6th/7th/8th grade boys and girls track. Please make sure to visit the link below to sign your students up for spring sports.
Coaches will be in contact with specifics on practice dates/times. We also are offering a bowling club for 6th/7th/8th graders who are interested. For more information please reach out to our Varsity Bowling Coach, Tina Bond - tinab_86@yahoo.com. The first practice for bowling is on March 12th from 4:00-6:00pm @ Holly Lanes.
As we close in on spring, we also typically see some choices that need to be addressed behaviorally by our students. We will continue to meet as classes and have discussions in school, but any support from home regarding making good choices, both verbally and physically are appreciated. Our students have been and continue to do an amazing job daily at school as a whole, but we want to make sure we don't have any big mix ups. Thank you and I hope you enjoy your spring break!
Lance Belill
Assistant Principal
Linden Middle School
FINAL NOTICE: Order the 2024 Yearbook
Dear Families,
Time is running out to purchase the 2024 yearbook. A payment plan is available at checkout.
LMS Life!
Congratulations to Breeze Gooding, LMS Student of the Month for February
LMS Unified Game!
Some School Spirit
6th Grade Honors Recipients -1st Semester
7th Grade Honors Recipients -1st Semester
8th Grade Honors Recipients -1st Semester
Linden Middle School
Email: kenders@lindenschools.org
Website: https://middleschool.lindenschools.org/o/lms
Phone: 810-591-0710
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindenCommunitySchools/