Hembree Highlights
May 17, 2024
Message from Ms. Lahey
Greetings Hembree Families!
As we near the close of the school year, I want to take a moment to thank you all for your kindness and for welcoming me back into the Hembree Family. I know change is hard, but it is something I have learned to embrace over the years. The last two weeks have been packed full of activities and adventures. Thanks to all the parents for being here for your children. I hope to see many of you next week at our end of year parties.
On a personal note, my youngest child Samantha graduated from UGA on May 10th. It was such an amazing day. My daughter is my third child to graduate from UGA. She was also a Hembree Hawk
Unfortunately, the forecasted weather for the PTA End of the Year Picnic tonight is calling for rain. In an abundance of caution, we have cancelled the event. The safety and well-being of our students is our top priority. We know this may be disappointing, but as we pivot, we'd like to encourage families to stop by Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen on Alpharetta Highway and support our Spirit Day! Many of us plan to be there at 5:30 p.m., so you might see a friend or two while there! Thanks for your understanding. We will see you in August for our "Back to School" picnic in the park!
Tuesday May 21st
Just a friendly reminder that May 21st will be a virtual day for ALL students. This is an election day and many of our schools are voting sites. This requires schools to be remote as a result.
Thursday May23
We will have our end of year class parties on May 23rd. Please see the communication below regarding dates and times.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Nancy Lahey
Hembree Springs ES
Important Dates
5/17 Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen Spirit Day (10777 Alpharetta Highway)
5/21 Remote Day for students
5/23 Last day of school
TAG Market Day
Our fifth grade TAG students held their Market Day today in the Media Center. It was amazing to see their creative efforts come to life in the products that they made. Students sold their creations to one another using TAG dollars.
Clinic News
Dear Parents,
As the school year winds down, we request that you plan to pick up any medication or supplies your child may have in the school clinic. All medications (prescription and over-the-counter), must be picked up by May 23th. Any medications not picked up by May 23th will be discarded as we cannot keep medications over the summer.
In the event your child requires medications for next school year, please remember to fill out a Medication Authorization Form. Provide the Medication Authorization Form and medication to the school clinic when school begins in August.
Please Note: All prescription medications MUST have a Doctor’s signature in order for the clinic staff to administer the medication. All medications MUST be in an original labeled container with a current expiration date.
Please notify the clinic if your child is planning to attend summer school and will require medication or has healthcare needs such as diabetes, asthma, seizures, allergies. Medication forms and/or health care plans are required during summer school.
Thank you,
Jean Bagwell
Clinic Assistant
5th Grade Snacks Needed
Thursday, May 23, Fifth grade classrooms will have complimentary snacks all day for 5th grade students as they enjoy their last day of school at Hembree Springs Elementary. Please sign up to donate snacks here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0844AAAB2DA6FC1-49605293-5thgrade
End of Year Celebrations
Here is a breakdown of the class party activities for the end of the year. We would love for you to join us! All parents are welcome to attend the party and you may check out students immediately after the party, but please remember, Hembree siblings may not attend another Hembree sibling’s party due to limited space and resources.
- PK 5/22 Performance for Parents 1:00-1:30
- K 5/23 10:20-11:05
- 1st 5/23 9:15-10:00
- 2nd 5/23 9:00-10:00
- 3rd 5/23 12:30-1:15
- 4th 5/23 11:30-12:30
- 5th 5/16: 5th Grade Picnic 11:05-12:35
Celebraciones de fin de año
Aquà hay un desglose de las actividades de la fiesta de clase para fin de año. ¡Nos encantaria que te unas a nosotros! Todos los padres son bienvenidos a asistir a la fiesta y pueden retirar a los estudiantes inmediatamente después de la fiesta, pero recuerden que los hermanos Hembree no pueden asistir a la fiesta de otro hermano Hembree debido al espacio y los recursos limitados.
- PK 5/22: Actuación para las padres 1:00-1:30
- K 5/23 10:20-11:05
- 1st 5/23 9:15-10:00
- 2nd 5/23 9:00-10:00
- 3rd 5/23 12:30-1:15
- 4th 5/23 11:30-12:30
- 5th 5/16: Picnic de quinto grado 11:05-12:35
Summer Learning Program for Grades 3-5
Fulton County Schools is offering a summer learning program for elementary students grades 3-5 from June 5th - July 3rd from 7:20 am - 2:20 pm at Mimosa Elementary School. This is designed for students that are not meeting grade level expectations at this point in the school year. This summer school opportunity is by invitation only and will be for reading and math.
Summer Learning invitations were sent home on Friday, March 8th based on preliminary data. We now have end-of-year data for students and will be sending updated Summer Learning invitations home on Friday, May 17th based on this data. Please review the Summer Learning invitation and choose your registration option at the bottom of the letter. If you already signed and returned the preliminary invitation sent home in March, I will still need this updated invitation signed and returned as well.
Below is the criteria being used for Summer Learning:
3rd-5th grade student who did not meet the reading indicator on Georgia Milestones ELA (English Language Arts) Assessment.
[Due to new state standards, the Georgia Milestones Math scores will not be received until July 2024; therefore, math scores cannot be used for summer school criteria.]
3rd-5th grade student who is performing 2 or more years below grade level on iReady in reading (as measured by the End-of-Year Diagnostic in April 2024)
3rd-5th grade student who is performing 2 or more years below grade level on iReady in math (as measured by the End-of-Year Diagnostic in April 2024)
3rd-5th grade student who failed ELA and/or reading course
3rd-5th grade student who failed math course
3rd- 5th grade student being considered for retention
Please reach out to Morgan Tew, Assistant Principal, with any questions you might have about Summer Learning at tewm@fultonschools.org or 470-254-9452.
Milton Basketball Camp
We are currently NOW in the preparation stages for our 2024 Milton Boys Basketball Camp
- 2 Sessions
i. June 3- (9am-2pm) – at Milton HS – Main Gym (and aux if necessary)
ii. July 15-18 (9am-2pm) – at Milton HS- Main Gym (and aux if necessary)
- Ages
i. Open to BOYS and GIRLS
ii. Ages Kindergarten thru Pre-9th grade (incoming 9th graders are allowed to attend)
- Cost
i. $200 each week per camper
ii. $25 Discount for siblings
iii. $25 Discount for coming both weeks
(NOTE - Discounts cannot be combined)
iv. $30 Meal Plan – includes lunch everyday –
Chick fila/Pizza/Subway/Knuckies plus chips plus a bottle of water
- COST INCLUDES 1 Milton Basketball T-SHIRT
- Details
i. **Students may bring their own lunch – or purchase the meal plan listed above to get lunch
ii. Camp will be run by Head Coach Allen Whitehart and his Championship level coaching staff
iii. Some Milton Varsity players will be assisting with the camp
iv. Concession stand will be available for extra snacks/water/candy/Gatorade
v. Campers will divided up by ages and skill level for games, etc.
- Camp will consist of:
i. Daily fundamentals and skill development
ii. Offensive and Defensive breakdown
iii. Shooting development
iv. Video Highlights and breakdowns of Milton, college teams, NBA teams and NBA Stars
v. Lots of GAMES – 1 on 1, 2 on 2, 3 on 3, 5 on 5, Hot-Shot, 21, Free throws, dribble tag, and more
vi. FUN – this will be a fun week for kids
- TO sign up for the basketball camp – click on the link BELOW
i. https://miltoneagleshoops.sportngin.com/register/form/323601794
"Under the Lights" Milton HS Girls Flag Football Summer Camp
The camp is designed to be a fun, engaging introduction to the awesome sport of girls flag football - one of the fastest growing sports in the country. Campers will work alongside 2022 State Championship Runner-up Milton flag football players...and be encouraged to have fun while learning about the sport and getting physically active!
"Under The Lights"
Milton HS Girls Flag Football Summer Camp
Open to all rising 4th - 8th grade girls
Monday, June 24th - Thursday, June 27th
$125 per camper
All registered campers will receive a MHS flag football t-shirt
Payments can be made via Venmo to @MiltonFlagFootball
Scan Flyer QR code to register today!
Questions? Email MHSflagfootball@gmail.com
Roswell Basketball Camp
Thank you all so much for volunteering at Hembree Springs this semester! We appreciate all of the many hours you gave to support our students, staff and other parents and families to help make our Hembree Hawks community thrive. We wish you a restful or exciting winter break and look forward to seeing you in the halls in 2024.
All volunteers are required to re-register online to be able to volunteer again starting in January 2024. Once you re-register your volunteer status will be good through May 31, 2026. Fulton County School is discontinuing the current Raptor sign in process and replacing it with Infinite Campus CheckMate. Link here to complete the re-registration.
Safety & Security / Volunteer Application Form (fultonschools.org)
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902