Shark Bytes
December 1, 2024 - Community Newsletter
Dear Monomoy Middle School Families,
We hope you had a restful and joyful Thanksgiving break filled with quality time and good memories. As we return, we find ourselves in the final stretch of the first trimester, which ends on Wednesday, December 4th.
As we transition to Trimester 2, students will experience a shift in their Unified Arts (UA) classes and move into new Seminar blocks. We are excited to introduce a small but meaningful change to the Seminar design this trimester, which will ensure all students have access an academic seminar to support their acceleration in math, ELA or a preidentified areas including reading or academic support. Because seminar works on an even odd rotation, students will continue to rank their top three choices for their second seminar, unless otherwise predetermined. Students will select seminars on Wednesday and they will begin Monday, 12/9. We are grateful for all students and teachers for supporting this additional time for supporting all of our amazing learners.
As we reflect on the season of gratitude, we are so thankful for the partnership of our families. If you have any questions about Trimester 2 or your student’s progress, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your student's school counselor, teachers, or administrators.
In partnership,
Abby Dudley
Pep Rally Shout Out: Thanks to all the students and staff for the amazing pep rally on Tuesday including leadership students, the band, the chorus, our student athletes, and the lucky volunteers from the audience. This was such an energetic and memorable celebration of school spirit! Extra thanks to Ms. Lower, Ms. Looney, and Ms. Botsford for all your planning and execution of this amazing event!
Meet the Coaches Night: Meet The Winter Coaches Night is scheduled for Wednesday December 4th at 6:00pm. Tryouts for winter sports will begin on 12/9. Go Sharks!
Open Gym: We will have open Gym on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week.
MRMS Winter Clubs: Don't forget to check out our Winter Clubs which will begin on 12/9!
Spring Musical: Get excited! This Spring, we will be welcoming Shrek the Musical to the MRMS stage. Please see the flyer below with details!
Winter Concert: Mark your calendars for December 12th for the MRMS Chorus and Band winter Concert. This will be held at Monomoy High School and we will send a link to buy tickets as we get closer to the event.
Shark Talk Newspaper: Click to access our school newspaper headed up by Ms. Hanna's seminar.
Bus Reminder: If your child is taking a bus other than their own, we need to have permission from a parent or guardian. Without permission, we are not able to allow students on a different bus. Please use Pick Up Patrol as the easiest way to communicate these requests.
Thrift Store: Please fill out the form linked here if you DO NOT want your student shopping at the thrift store.