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Rattlin' Rattler
February 2025
![Rattlin' Rattler February 2025](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/8f78/thumb-fa1d1c4a716ed4f751d6ea0263499f87.png)
A Message From The Principal...
Dear Parents:
With January behind us, we welcome February with open arms. We are almost halfway through the 3rd quarter. Please take some time to review your child's grades. Progress reports will be uploaded to HAC (Home Access Center) on Friday, February 7th at 4:00 PM. On February 3rd, our students and staff celebrated 100 Days of Learning! It has been a joy to support our students, and we continue to be amazed by the resilience and dedication of both our students and staff this year. Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education!
A quick reminder: Monday, February 17th, is a student holiday as our teachers engage in Professional Development.
It is hard to believe that we are in the third nine weeks of the school year. This will be a very busy time for our teachers and students as we continue to monitor our progress toward achieving our goals for this school year. This semester will go by quickly, and we need your help in making sure your child meets the state and district expectations in order to be promoted to the next grade level. Please help your child by reinforcing the skills taught at school. Reading should be a nightly activity, as well as practicing the appropriate basic facts and sight words.
Consistent school attendance is essential for your child’s learning and success. Research shows that students who miss 10% or more of the school year—about 18 days—are at risk of falling behind academically. This includes both excused and unexcused absences. We understand that sometimes challenges arise, and we’re here to help! If your family is facing any difficulties that affect your child’s attendance, please reach out to us. Together, we can ensure your child builds strong habits for success in school and beyond.
Wishing you a wonderful month of February!
Cole Bader,
Teacher Attribute/Special Circumstance Request
Parents, this is just a reminder that we cannot do specific teacher requests for the upcoming school year. We do however take teacher attribute requests or requests regarding any other special circumstances. All requests must be submitted by completing this form. The deadline for these requests is April 1st.
Important Information Regarding Pick-up & Drop-Off
As we continue to keep safety in mind, I would like to thank you for pulling up as far as you can to help our drop-off/pick up flow even faster. I appreciate you all for parking and walking your children through the cross-walk rather than dropping them off in the parking lot or getting out of your vehicle in the drop off loop. Please refrain from being on the cell phone during parent drop off or pick up. State law prohibits cell phone use while driving on school property.
Also, a friendly reminder to stop at the stop sign after you drop your child off. Teachers are turning left at the marquee and have the right away.
Thank you again for helping us keep ALL of our students safe!!!
Word from the Nurse
As things change daily we must remember to be vigilant and not put our guard down when it comes to the safety of our students.
Please Remember:
- If your child is not feeling well please keep them at home.
- Practice good hand washing skills at home.
- Please remember to keep a change of weather appropriate clothes in your child's backpack for ECSE, Pre-K, and Kinder
- If your child is sick please keep them home till they are fever free for 24 hours with no fever reducing medicine given
- Please provide any updated immunization records to the nurse
Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day!
February 14, 2025
100 Day of School!
Dress up as if you were 100 years old!
Wigs, grey or white hair, curlers, eyeglasses, sweaters, bowties, suspenders, canes)
We are a 100 days smarter!
February is African American History Month!
Don't Delay order your Yearbook today!
Yearbook code ID Code: 13787225
School name: Raba Elementary
Cost: $25
Box Tops!
Box Tops Makes It Easy.
No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit your school's Box Tops earnings online.
News from PTA
Join us for our PTA meeting
February 11th from 5-6 pm
Followed by a performance by our 2nd graders!
Special Olympics!
Good Luck to all Our 2025 Special Olympians!
February 24th
All students identified as an Emergent Bilingual in Grades K-12, including those who have declined bilingual or ESL services, are required to participate in Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS).
Students in grades 2nd-5th are assessed through online testing in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students will be taking their test on the following assigned date.
- 2nd & 3rd Grade- March 3rd (Listening & Speaking)
- 4th & 5th Grade- March 4th (Listening & Speaking)
- 2nd & 3rd Grade- March 5th (Reading & Writing)
- 4th & 5th Grade- March 6th (Reading & Writing)
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Ms. Salinas directly at 210-397-1350 (Ext. 117) or by email michelle.salinas@nisd.net
Raba Elementary
Website: http://nisd.net/schools/info/167
Location: 9740 Raba Drive, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: 210-397-1350
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rabaelementaryes/
Twitter: @NISDRaba