Wildcat News
September 2024
In the Know
Back to School Night is Thursday, August 15th 6:00-7:30. We will meet in the MPR, then you will go to your child's classes to meet their teachers and find out what your child will learn about this school year.
Calling All Parents: Williams Middle School is looking to organize a PTA called PAWSS (Parents and Williams Staff and Students), and would love to have you join. Stay in the loop with all that is happening with your student and help to make our school the best that it can be! During this first meeting we will be looking for parent volunteers willing to lead the effort by serving as officers as well as welcoming those who would like to assist. The first meeting will be on Tuesday, August 27th at 6:00pm in the Library.
No School on Monday, September 2nd: Schools will be closed on Monday September 2nd in observance of Labor Day.
Behavior Expectations Presentations: Administrators will be visiting classrooms in the next week to speak with students about Behavior Expectations in order to create a safe and productive learning environment at our school. As a family, please take a moment to review the TUSD K-8 Student Handbook. In particular, please review the sections on Dress Code (pg 23) and Cell Phone use (pg 22), as we have had a number of students violating these sections at the start of the school year. In summary:
Dress Code: Please ensure that your child comes to school dressed in clothing that adheres to the policy-- this includes no crop tops. Students may be asked to change into alternative clothing or parents may be called to provide alternate clothing if students don't have it with them.
Cell Phones and electronic devices (including airpods/earphones): Must be turned off and put away into backpacks as soon as students come onto campus. They must remain there until the last bell rings. Students in violation of the policy will have their device confiscated and can pick it up in the office at the end of the day. Students who violate the policy three or more times will need to have parents pick up the electronic device(s). Additional consequences will apply to students who continue to violate the policy.
Thank you for your help in ensuring that your students follow the standards in the TUSD K-8 Student Handbook.
PBIS: ROAR Tickets: Teachers and other school staff hand out ROAR tickets to students who demonstrate excellent character. The tickets can be redeemed during lunch for prizes and we will hold raffles as well. If you or someone you know would be willing to donate items or funds for prizes for our students, please connect with Tony Crivello at acrivello@tusd.net.
6th Grade Science camp due dates are fast approaching! Interest forms are due August 15th. First payment of $50 is due August 23rd. Please contact Samantha Wallace at swallace@tusd.net if you have questions.
Facebook: Join us on Facebook to stay up to date with WMS updates/news. Look up Earle E. Williams Middle School! Or click here: https://www.facebook.com/EarleEWilliamsMiddleSchool
Support Resources for students:
MyPath- Does your child struggle with math? Are they behind in some key concepts? Williams Middle School has a free adaptive tool available to all students called MyPath that they can access from their computers that will allow students to fill in any gaps in their math understanding, and help them to grow their skills until they are fully working at grade level standards. Some teachers may even provide credit for work completed in this program. See your child's math teacher for further details.
After School Homework Help: We have help available for students wanting support or a quiet place to work in our library after school 2:45-4:00 on Tuesdays-Fridays.
Clubs and Activities
Hollywood Welcome Back Dance: All students are invited to our first dance of the year, the Hollywood Welcome Back Dance on Thursday, August 29th from 3-5. Tickets go on sale This Friday for $5 during lunch. Starting August 22-27th prices will b $7. Thursday August 29th the cost will be $8. Get your tickets early! Entry includes dance ticket, one snack, and drinks. Additional snacks will be sold at the dance.
Sports Open Gyms: All students are encouraged to come try out a sport-- no prior experience is necessary. Below is the schedule, which starts on Wednesday, August 14th. Contact Mr. Beaken (Rm 56) cbeaken@tusd.net or Mr. Sato (Rm 53) dsato@tusd.net with questions.
AM: 7:00-8:00am, PM: 2:45-3:45
Monday- Boys Basketball am
Tuesday- Coed Volleyball am
Wednesday Girls Basketball am, Boys Basketball pm
Thursday: Coed Volleyball am, Co-Ed Track pm
Friday: Girls Basketball am
Contact Information
Email: jhoffman@tusd.net
Website: https://williams.tracy.k12.ca.us/
Location: 1600 Tennis Lane, Tracy, CA, USA
Phone: 209-830-3345
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EarleEWilliamsMiddleSchool