The Southside Scoop
Student Weekly Updates for Southside High School
What's Going On This Week
Senior Announcement: You have exactly 15 days left to purchase your senior ad for the yearbook. Use the link to purchase online and submit your ad now, or https://yearbookforever.com/school-store/cwcZoSPm0u55tA7Z9Td0O1lA . Complete this form to pay for your ad now with cash/check and submit your final design in the Spring. https://forms.gle/Nbn89mRLfaYVcZMh6 . Add prices and sizes are as follows: Full Page - $150.00 Half Page - $100.00 1/4 Page - $80.00 1/8 Page - $40.00 Contact Mrs. Brewer with questions. Jana_brewer@ecboe.org
Monday: Regular 8 period day: Let's have a great Monday!
Tuesday: Regular 8 period day: Free math tutoring after school
Wednesday:Special Schedule/Early Release - Students will report to 1st block. We will have or Veterans Day program at 9:00. After the program, we will report to Panther Period and we will call homerooms for lunch. Early Release for the Veterans Day Parade. Buses will dismiss at 11:30 and we will dismiss drivers and car riders as soon as buses are off campus; Bowling vs. Oxford - Good Luck!
Thursday: Regular 8 Period Day: FCA meets at 7:15 in LC; Free after school math tutoring; Do Good December Fundraiser at break;
Friday: Pep Rally Schedule: Game Day - SS vs. Mtn. Brook - Kickoff at 7:00; Theme: Black Out; Fall Fest JSJ- The list was sent out for approved students that will be helping.
Saturday: Good Luck to our Cross Country Teams as they compete at the state tournament!
Important Upcoming Dates
Election Day - Nov. 05
Veteran's Day Program- Morning Activity -Early Release at 11:45 - Nov. 6
Veteran's Day- Out of School - Nov. 11
Cheer Regionals - Birmingham - Nov. 12
College and Career Fair @ Southside High - Nov. 12
World Kindness Day - Nov. 13
Theatre Performs "The Lottery" - Panther Period - Nov. 14
Teen Science Cafe Night in LC - 5:00 - Nov. 14
School Pickle Ball Tournament - Nov. 15
Army National Guard Speak to Seniors - Nov. 18
Army National Guard Speak to Juniors - Nov. 19
Liberty Legacy Celebration in Auditorium - Nov. 22
Thanksgiving Break - Nov. 25-29
Band Christmas Concerts - Dec. 05
Coronation - Dec. 14
Final/Midterm Exams - Odd Block - Dec. 18
Final Midterm Exams - Even Block - Dec. 19
End of 9 Weeks/Last Day of Semester - Dec. 20
Winter Break - Dec. 23-January 06
Backpack Blessings - Leo Club Service Project
We are excited to announce that the LEO Club is sponsoring a donation drive for Backpack Blessings starting November 1st! You can help by purchasing items from our Amazon Wishlist and having them sent directly to the school, or drop your donations off at the office.
Every donation helps pack backpacks for our counselors to distribute, ensuring that children in need don’t go hungry. Let's come together to support our community!
Amazon Wishlist: https://a.co/fBXQwIK
More Info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1272KXG_6Owbyce2dKTFtesccUrYGnr-dPFflgXzH3ek/edit?usp=sharing
#BackpackBlessings #LEOClub #DonateNow #SupportOurKids #CommunityLove
Important Check In and Checkout Procedures - please read!
Check In/Tardy and Checkout Procedures
All students that are tardy, checking-in to school or checking out of school MUST GO THROUGH THE FRONT OFFICE. We have a new finger scan system in place (very similar to the lunchroom finger scan system) where each student will scan in or out with check-in/check-outs and tardies.
A parent, guardian, or someone on your check-out list MUST sign you out of school to checkout. This is the same as always. The student must then go through the office to scan out before leaving. This procedure must be followed.
We do not accept over the phone checkouts. Please do not call the school for a checkout. Someone on the students checkout list must come and sign the student out of school.
Please remember how important attendance at school is! Please don't checkout of school unless absolutely necessary. If you are absent, please turn excuses in to front office.
Students are not allowed to exit the building to go to your car, even if you forgot something you really need! If you need something, you have to go through the office and an admin or SRO will escort you to your vehicle. Disciplinary consequence will apply if you do not follow these procedures!
This will be enforced!
Claws Out Cafe!
Cafe will open during break on Sept. 03!
Southside High School
Email: sshs_help@ecboe.org
Website: sshs.ecboe.org
Location: 2361 School Drive, Southside, AL, USA
Phone: (256)442-2172
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Southside-High-School-122855827754859
Twitter: @sshspanthers