January 4 - January 11, 2025
Upcoming Dates
1/8/25 - Progress Reports Posted
1/9/25 - Rising Seniors Night (Current Juniors)
1/10/25 - On the Sport Admissions Southern New Hampshire University
1/17/25 - 7:30pm O*N*S*T*A*G*E at Salem High School proudly presents CHICAGO
1/18/25 - 7:30pm. O*N*S*T*A*G*E at Salem High School proudly presents CHICAGO
1/19/25 - 2:00pm O*N*S*T*A*G*E at Salem High School proudly presents CHICAGO
1/20/25 - No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/21 - 1/24 - Midterms
Check out our athletic schedules below.
O*N*S*T*A*G*E at Salem High School proudly presents CHICAGO
SALEM, MA - O*N*S*T*A*G*E at Salem High School proudly presents CHICAGO: Teen Edition, adapted from Kander and Ebbs legendary and award winning musical about fame, fortune, and acquittal. Packed with catchy tunes and Fosse inspired choreography, come see what ‘All That Jazz’ is all about.
Performances are Friday and Saturday, January 17 and 18 at 7:30 PM and Sunday, January 19 at 2 PM at the Salem High School auditorium (77 Willson Street, Salem, MA 01790). The run time of this show is 1 hour 30 minutes, and includes a brief intermission. $15 General Admission (at the door)/$12 Presale at SHSonstage.ludus.com. $10 Students, Seniors, and Active Military. $5 student rush tickets will be available to SHS students during lunch the week of the show.
CHICAGO Teen Edition will feature performances by a cast of 26 Salem High School singers, actors, and dancers, and a pit band with a mix of professional and student musicians. Over 35 students have contributed to the designing, creating, and operation of technical elements (costumes, props, set, lights, and sound), both after school and as part of projects in Technical Theater and CTE classes.
CHICAGO Teen Edition is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals. www.concordtheatricals.com
Midterm Schedule
First-semester examinations will be held on Tuesday January 21st, Wednesday January 22nd, Thursday January 23rd, and Friday January 24th. Attendance will be taken, as these are regular school days. The expectation is that students attend all academic blocks during the midterms schedule. The examination schedule is designed to balance the work and stress of final/midterm examinations for students.
If students are not present for the exam due to extenuating circumstances, they will be given an incomplete and will take the exam the following week (or later with administrator approval). Students may approach a teacher to take the exam early for an excused absence or extenuating circumstance; however, please note that a teacher is not obligated to provide a student with the exam ahead of midterms and may provide the exam after midterms. This is per the teacher’s discretion with regard to the course/midterm.
Scholars that ride a bus will be provided transportation at 12:30 and 2:35.
***The school day ends at 12:30 for scholars unless they have afternoon early college classes or are staying for a makeup exam or study help.
Salem High School Yearbook Recognition Ads and Ordering Yearbooks
Yearbook Recognition Ads are the perfect way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones.
All orders must be placed by 2/8/25
1/4 page $35.00
1/8 page $20.00
Fundraiser for the Class of 2026.
450 Paradise RD
Swampscott, MA 01907
Cell Phones and Yondr Pouches
Yondr in Schools: https://www.overyondr.com/phone-free-schools
In & Out Procedures:
As students enter the school building, students will turn off their phones and lock them in a Yondr bag. Students will maintain possession of their Yondr bags throughout the day. Phones must be stored prior to the 7:45 AM bell. If your child needs a new Yondr Pouch we will have them in the lobby on 1/2/25 and 1/3/25 as scholars enter school.
Magnets for unlocking pouches will be located in the main lobby.
Students are responsible for bringing their Yondr bags to and from school. They are allowed to decorate and personalize their bags if they would like.
If a Yondr bag is damaged, lost, or if a student has forgotten their bag on a particular day, students will give their phone to their respective Assistant Principal (Ms. Sagayaraj, Ms. DeRosa, or Mrs. Lynne Mullen), who will place the phone in a sealed envelope. The phone will be stored in the administrator’s office and will be returned to the student when he or she reports to the respective office after dismissal.
During the Day:
Families who have urgent or emergency situations can reach their students by contacting the Salem High School Main Office 978-740-1123.
Any student that needs to make a phone call during the day can do so in the main office or with their grade level secretary.
Any student leaving the building for Early College, Internships, and field trips will unlock the Yondr pouch at the time of leaving Salem High School for this event.
If a student who reported not having a phone upon entry to the school is found using a phone, a member of the administration or student support team will confiscate their phone and contact the student’s parent or guardian.
The phone will be stored in a locked cabinet for the first offense and the phone will be returned to the student when they report to the main office after dismissal.
After any following offenses, the confiscated phone will only be returned to the student’s parent or guardian.
A compilation of research and studies related to phones in the clasroom and school.
Students often have the false belief that cell phone use in class does not impact their learning. Studies showing cell phones' negative impact on academics when present but not used in class; Phones negative impact on academics when used in class. Read more: https://www.cacsd.org/article/1698443
Clip below from Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. Laurie Santos Podcast:
Laurie Santos, Ph.D., professor of psychology and cognitive science at Yale University, shares insights on why keeping your phone away can boost focus and performance.
It's A Great Time to Be A Witch!
Be About It!
SHS Junior William Towne Named to NAfME Eastern Division All-Eastern Honor Ensemble
SALEM (Jan. 2, 2024) – William Towne, a junior tuba player in the Salem High School band, was named to the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Eastern Division All-Eastern Honor Ensemble, NAfME Eastern Division Ensemble Chair Hannah Cole announced on Dec. 15.
Mr. Towne was one of 146 student-musicians – from Maine to Washington, D.C. – selected to the Ensemble which drew more than 2,000 applications. Only eight tuba players were selected to the Ensemble while 15 students from Massachusetts were tabbed. Selection for the Ensemble is based on recommendation from a music educator.
The All-Eastern Honor Ensemble Concert is scheduled for Apr. 24-27 at the Bushnell Performing Arts Center in Hartford, Conn.
The honor is the latest for Mr. Towne, who has enjoyed a stellar junior year. He was named to the Massachusetts Music Educators Association (MMEA) Northeast Senior District Festival in November and was selected to audition for the MMEA All-State Festival Saturday, Jan. 25.
Mr. Towne is a two-time MMEA All-State selection and a member of the Boston Youth Symphony Orchestra.
A converted trumpet player, he was inducted into the SHS Tri-M Music Honor Society on Dec. 4.
“William practices daily and challenges himself to solo music and ensemble music in addition to what we ask him to do,” said Ben Chertok, Coordinator of Music at Salem Public Schools. “He truly loves it. That’s the secret sauce.
“We’ve had a few kids in the past (selected for the Ensemble), but in my 19 years, it’s been less than 10,” Mr. Chertok added. “It’s like going to the All-States, but on a much larger scale.”
Mr. Towne is an equally impressive student who maintains a 4.65 cumulative grade point average. He is the son of Muriel Portugal and Scott Towne of Salem.
Witches Ink
Members of the Witches Ink Print Shop showing off their new gear!
Owen Travers,Amaya Lindor,
Gemma Murphy,
Mia Almonte,
Mrs. Jenn Toler
Salem High School's print shop is off to a great start and will full service community jobs soon!
Exploratory Highlight - Culinary
Great Scholars + Great Programs + Great Teachers = Incredible Opportunities
Salem High School Grade 9 Scholars have the opportunity to explore all of our shops and at the end of Grade 9 choose their best fit. As part of this rotation scholars will also learn about early college and many more opportunities that Salem High School has to offer.
This week's highlight shows off our Culinary Program. Scholars engaged in making Snickerdoodle Cookies which also included the Gluten Free Version. Lots of smiles, energy, and teamwork as our scholars made their snickerdoodle cookies.
Salem Witches Basketball
College and Career Counseling Corner
Meet With Your College and Career Counselor
How to Access your College and Career Counselor:
1) Scholars can ask for a pass from their teacher to see a counselor
2) Scholars can email their counselor regarding a concern or to make an appointment.
3) Scholars can also use the counselors' YouCanBookMe Links below
Kerry McHugh - https://kmchugh.youcanbook.me
Alice Ryan - https://msryansalemhigh.youcanbook.me
Maureen Beaudet - https://maureen-beaudet.youcanbook.me
Rachael Kozlowski - https://mskoz.youcanbook.me
Claribel Paulino - https://cpaulino.youcanbook.me
Alexandra Kirby - Early College Coordinator - akirby@salemk12.org
Meet your counselor! No matter where your scholar is on their journey in high school, their counselor can help provide valuable and useful information to guide them to post secondary success. Your scholar’s counselor will meet both individually and in groups to create a high school and postsecondary plan that meets your scholar’s unique needs. Please feel free to make an appointment anytime to get to know how this department can help your family and scholars in any way!
FAFSA Support
The U.S. Education Department (USED) has announced that the 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will be launched through a new process. Starting on Tuesday, October 1, USED will release the 2025-26 FAFSA form for testing with a limited set of students and institutions. The department will make the application available to all students on or before Sunday, December 1. This process will allow USED to test and resolve issues before making the form available to all students and contributors.
Massachusetts students can find information about college financial aid on this shared web site and through the Department of Higher Education’s Office of Student Financial Assistance.
Salem High School Counselors will continue to work with our community partners to provide continual support around the financial aid process as the year progresses including workshops, one-on-one support in person and virtually, and student lesson planning.
Pick Your College
College and Career Highlight
University of California: San Diego
Location: La Jolla, CA
Website: https://ucsd.edu/
Enrollment: 30,794 undergraduate / 8.037 graduate and professional students
Mission: UC San Diego is transforming California and a diverse global society by educating, by generating, and disseminating knowledge and creative works, and by engaging in public service.
About: UC San Diego is recognized as one of the top 15 research universities worldwide. Everything the university does is dedicated to ensuring that their students have the opportunity to become changemakers. While the university offers 11 divisions and schools and over 130 undergraduate majors: the five most popular academic majors for freshman are biology, economics, chemistry, math, followed by computer science and engineering.
Admission Requirements:
• As a first-year applicant, scholars must earn a high school diploma (or equivalent) and complete specific coursework in high school, earning a C or better in these classes. Courses include 3-4 years of math, 2-3 years of a laboratory science, and 2-3 years of a world language.
• ACT Plus Writing or SAT Reasoning test with Writing
• For prospective engineering, biological or physical science majors, it is recommended to submit scores from 2 SAT Subject Tests closely related to the desired major
• Personal insight questions
• Portfolio review (optional for Arts majors)
Average GPA: 3.81
Average Test Score: 1320-1510 (SAT) / 28-34 (ACT)
Virtual Tour: https://admissions.ucsd.edu/visit/virtual-tour.html
Medical and Health Services Manager
Education Required:
Bachelor’s degree in Health Administration. A Master’s degree in Public Administration, Business Administration or Public Health will be beneficial to work in larger hospital settings.
Typical Tasks Associated with This Career:
• Plan, organize and manage operations and activities of one or more health clinic(s) or health program(s)
• Oversee and manage processes of clinical teams
• Formulate and update departmental plans and priorities to address any business or operational challenges
• Set a direction for the team, resolve and issues and provide guidance to team members
• Stay abreast of important and relevant laws, regulations, policies, and procedures governing assigned clinic operations
Expected Income: Average $98,000
Job Growth: 18% over next 10 years
Related High School Coursework:
• Business Marketing
• Accounting
• Economics
• English
• Public Speaking
• Healthcare
• Health
• Psychology