Ruhkala's Weekly Schedule
Week of April 5th to April 9th
Bell Schedule Beginning April 6th
Bell Schedule April to June 2021
This Week's Schedule:
Tuesday through Friday:
Arrival: 7:40-7:50
Dismissal: 2:20
Please see the procedures for arrival and dismissal below.
To Clear Absences:
Please contact Ms. Schrader (at in order to clear absences. It is very important that all absences are cleared before a student returns to campus.
If your child needs to have ANY medication during the school day please do the following:
- Fill in an RUSD medical form signed by a doctor.
- Bring the medication and the form to our front office.
RUSD Nutrition Services Full Time Reopening:
- On campus students will be served hot meals during their school day or they can bring a cold lunch from home.
- RVC students can pick up meals at Spring View Middle School, Rocklin High School and Whitney High School on Mondays from 10:30 am to 11:00 am and Tuesday to Friday from 11:30 to 12:00.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures: Beginning April 6th
- Students may arrive at school between 7:40 and 7:50. Classrooms will not open until 7:40. Students must go straight to their classrooms between those times.
- Kindergarten students can be dropped off in the kindergarten loop.
- First through sixth grades students can be dropped off at either the front or back parking lot or they can walk onto campus at a supervised cross walk.
- For the convenience of everyone, vehicles should PULL UP as far as possible before dropping off.
- Only staff members are allowed on campus during arrival. The office will remain closed at this time.
- Student dismissal is at 1:20 (Mondays) and 2:20 (Tuesday through Friday).
- Kindergarten students will be dismissed from the kindergarten playground utilizing the kindergarten loop.
- Walkers and bike riders will leave campus at the Walking Zone which is located at the bus loop.
- First through third grade students will be dismissed to vehicles at the front parking lot. Please remain in your vehicle and pull as far forward as possible.
- Fourth through sixth grade students will be dismissed to vehicles at the back parking lot. Please remain in your vehicle and pull as far forward as possible.
- Fourth through sixth grade students with siblings in first grade though third grade can dismiss from the front parking lot and should wait for their vehicle outside of the front office.
- Only staff members are allowed on campus during dismissal. The office will remain closed at this time.
A Message from the AMAZING Ruhkala PTC!
Ruhkala Families,
As we look toward the final few months of school the PTC would like to Thank and Bless our Amazing Ruhkala Staff. To do this we need your HELP. We will be doing a fun snack bar with extra energy treats for the week we return to full time and then we will be doing a lot of special meals and treats for Staff Appreciation Week in May. Our hope is that we can do one sign-up sheet instead of asking parents multiple times. If you would like to help out and bless our amazing staff for the remainder of the school year here are 3 ways you can help....
1) Sign up for an item on this link and drop off in the office by Friday, March 26
2). Using this link you can make a monetary donation to "Staff Appreciation" When using this feature it will ask you to select a quantity instead of an amount of money. Each quantity is $5. Please feel free to donate any amount.
3). If you work for a business or restaurant that would like to help with a meal or desserts please email Leslie VandenAkker at We love to partner with our community and create a Win-Win for everyone.
Thank you so very much for helping us show all the Ruhkala Staff how much we appreciate them, especially during a year when we have had so many changes.
The Ruhkala PTC
Kindergarten Registration for 2021/2022!
Visit the RUSD Registration Website at:
Please call our front office if you have any questions about kindergarten registration.
Weekly Schedule
- No School
- VAPA: Ms. Gottschalk/Ms. Berridge
- PTC: Dining to Donate at Applebee's
- VAPA: Ms. Kelley/Mr. Garza
- VAPA: Ms. Storey/Ms. Holochwost
- PE with Coach Carter
- School Spirit Friday: Wear your maroon/grey or Husky gear!
- VAPA: Ms. Brown/Ms. Blaine/Ms. Heap
- Second Grade Egg Drop
- PE with Coach Carter
- April 12th: Early Dismissal Mondays Begin (Dismissal: 1:20)
- April 12th to April 23rd: Ruhkala PTC's Readathon (More Information to Come)
- April 20th: Third Grade's Virtual Field Trip to Maidu