Madonna Catholic School News
October 18, 2024

In the week following Thankgiving, it is easy to continue the practice of gratitude with a special focus on our Catholic Schools. Catholic education is a special gift that shapes not only our minds but also our hearts. It helps us grow in faith, knowledge, and love for others. Parents, staff, and students all have important roles in making this happen.
Parents are the first teachers of faith, showing their children how to pray and live like Jesus. They support their children’s education by staying involved, helping with homework, and encouraging them to do their best. School staff are dedicated to teaching students both academics and values. They guide students to be kind, respectful, and responsible, helping them to grow into thoughtful, caring people. Students also have a role to play. They work hard in their studies, follow school rules, and treat others with respect. They learn not just from their teachers but from each other, creating a community where everyone feels welcome and supported.
When parents, staff, and students work together, they create a strong foundation of faith and learning. This partnership helps students succeed in school and in life, showing them how to live with love, kindness, and respect for others.
This weekend we hope to see you and your family join us at our Madonna School mass at 8:30am on Sunday, October 20. We are forever grateful for the opportunity to celebrate our faith together.
Madonna Catholic School Admin Team
Mrs Cathy Hinger, Principal
Mrs Fiona Wimmer, Assistant Principal
What's Ahead!
Sunday October 20
- Catholic Education Mass at 8:30am at OLPH Parish
Monday, October 21
Tuesday, October 22
Swimming Lessons Grades 1 and 2’s
Wednesday October 23
- School Council Meeting at 7:00pm in person or Online with this link
Thursday, October 24
Swimming Lessons Grades 3 and 4’s
WEAR BLUE to show support for Catholic Education
Friday, October 25
- Cultural Living Rosary at 9:00am - All welcome!
November 6 & 7
- Parent/Teacher/Student 3 Way Conferences - book now using information below
Grade 4O & 4W School Assembly
Thank you to grade 4O and 4W for their leadership this week as they led our school in pryare and reflection on the life of St Francis. Thank you to the stduents who bravely stepped forward to read, sing, set up, welcome and support the technology needed to share the good news with our school community.
4G gets a visit from Fr Mario
Thank you to our grade 4 parents who were able to come into the school this week and meet with our teachers to learn about a possible overnight fieldtrip for their student in the spring of 2025. Our staff is committed to providing enriched learning opportunities for our students that hold thier engagement and deepen their learning. The Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller offers an exceptional range of educational programs that cater to our grade four social studies, science and health curriculum. We are eager to see where the next steps will take us. Gr 4 parents watch your emails as early next week we will survey our families and from this data we can work together to build an experience that benefits all of our students. And... at the same time create an outstanding Madonna School memory!
4 O'Brien Class Making Neurons with Emma our Mental Health Capacity Leader
Parent/Teacher Conferences Nov. 6th & 7th
Parent/Teacher/Student 3 Way Conferences
Madonna will be having a Book Fair from November 4th to 8th!!
It will be open during the day but also during Parent Teacher evenings as well.
Your child will be getting a flyer sent home to help them to choose their books.
Keep your eye out for more info about the Book Fair!
Madonna Information
EICS Parent Technology Handbook .... Power School for Parents
Consent Forms are now due for your child. Please log on to our Parent Portal and use this link https://www.eics.ab.ca/parent-resources-including-technology-powerschool/parent-technology-handbook-powerschool-for-parents to access directions for submitting your Yearly Consent Forms. Thank you
PowerSchool App: The PowerSchool app provides some access to student information but access to pay school fees, complete forms, view report cards and other important funcionality is not available via the PS app.
Pinned to the bottom of the dashboard is a message reminding users that only a small portion of the features available on the portal are also available within the app. If you click the post, it will give you a link to log into the full version of the portal.
We’re excited to announce that the ability to submit student absences is now available in PowerSchool! Please log into your Parent Portal here to record an absence.
PowerSchool can also continue to be used to view grades and report cards, pay fees, and update student information (including medical information).
You can view the EICS Parent Technology Handbook for further details on these items.
Parents are needed each week when hot lunch is offered in our school. Typically parents help from 11:20-12:45pm in the school kitchen where they sort, distribute and help pack up the weekly food order. Without your support the hot lunch program is not possible.
Grateful Advocates for Catholic Education
Parents are invited to attend this year's GrACE Summit October 25 in Calgary
Event Details
- Date: Oct. 25, 2024
- Time: 7:15 a.m.–2 p.m.
- Location: Catholic Parish of St. Luke (1566 Northmount Drive NW, Calgary)
- Who: This event is for trustees, educators, parents, students, clergy and parishioners
- Registration cost: $75
More Information
OLPH Parish News
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.