HAJHS November Newsletter
Academic Year: 2024-2025

Message from Mr. McCall
The school year is definitely flying by as one marking period is already in the books. Please take a close look at the school calendar and "Important Dates" in this newsletter as the schedule for November is not typical. Also, Parent/Teacher Conferences will be on November 26th, which is an early dismissal day. Students are dismissed at 11:10am and lunch will NOT be served on this day.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday.
Dale McCall
October Students of the Month!
Each month, we celebrate outstanding students for their efforts both in and out of the classroom. Teachers and staff nominate students that exemplify what it means to be a Golden Tiger (Citizenship, Adaptability, Analytical Thinking, Integrity, Perseverance, Communication) and one student is selected from each grade level by HAJHS Administration.
Congratulations to the October Students of the Month!
7th Grader
Leili Robinson
8th Grader
Paige Rutter
9th Grader
Scott Payne
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Tuesday, November 26th from 12pm to 7:30pm. Within the next week, you will receive a link via ParentSquare with directions on how to sign up for a time slot.
November Lunch Menu
FREE Breakfast for ALL Students
Breakfast will be FREE for all students.
It is still important to those who may qualify for free/reduced priced meals, to apply or update their meal application for the 2024-25 school year.
You can add money to your child’s account through the School Café App that is available at the Apple App Store or on Google Play or by visiting School Café at https://www.schoolcafe.com/HOLLIDAYSBURGAREASD.
Inside the Classroom
On Wednesday, October 9th, the semester 1 ninth grade Tiger TV students visited WTAJ and met with executives, reporters, news anchors, and meteorologists, in addition to touring the facility and watching Studio 814 and the live news at noon.
The field trip to WTAJ was a great way for Tiger TV students to learn how professional television news shows are made and broadcast, in addition to gaining a behind-the-scenes look at the industry.
In Info Tech 7, students brewed up delightful hot cocoa stands for fall, Halloween, and winter using the creative magic of Canva! With a dash of imagination, they learned to layer graphics and apply enchanting backgrounds that would warm even the chilliest of days!
Student examples are from:
Lucy Belicic
Vada Battisti
Morgan Sunderland
Abigail Montrella
Hollidaysburg Junior High Reading club and Reading competition team had the wonderful opportunity to take a field trip to our local Hollidaysburg Area Public Library on October 23rd. The students got to tour the facilities, learn about the YA room, and explore all the wonderful features our local library has to offer.
9th Graders in Fuel Up To Play 60 have been busy promoting physical fitness! They visited CWL in October. Some students led 1st and 2nd grade classrooms through a fall-themed activity break while other students ran Halloween themed stations with the kindergarten PE classes.
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon week was October 23rd - 31st. Students and staff participated in themes each day to promote living a drug free life. Students that participated received a ticket that they entered into a basket raffle. The Junior High is proud to be drug free!
Halloween Costume Contest
To end Red Ribbon Week, on Tuesday, October 31st, students and staff "scared the drugs out of the school" by wearing a halloween costume and students could volunteer to be in the costume contest. Students were judged during their grade level lunch periods by select staff and administration. Winners were crowned at the end of the day. Thank you to all who participated.
7th Grade Winners
8th Grade Winners
+ Other Students
9th Grade Winners
JH Fall 2024 Scholastic Book Fair
The JH Fall 2024 Scholastic Book Fair begins Monday, November 18, and concludes Tuesday, November 26. Each school day, the fair will run from 8:00 A.M. - 2:50 P.M.
Please access our book fair's home page to view the fair's flyer and learn more about online and eWallet shopping -
Easy-to-setup eWallet funds are immediately available for use. Plus, family and friends can contribute to your child's eWallet account.
Thank you for supporting the book fair!
Please contact Marcie Erickson with any questions:
(814) 695-4426 x6165
Club Information
Aevidum meetings are held from 3:00pm to 3:45pm in Room 218 on the following dates:
November 6
November 13
November 20
Art Club
Art Club meetings are held from 3:00pm to 3:45pm in Room 132 on the following dates: Art club dates for November will be the 7th, 14th and 21st.
The Junior High Music Department is accepting donations of new and gently used black and white dress clothes and shoes for our concert closet. The Concert Closet provides concert dress for our band and orchestra students throughout the year. All donations can be dropped off in the Band Room or brought to the main office labeled "Concert Closet." Please reach out to Ms. Herb if you have questions (deanna.herb@hasdtigers.com)
Band Meeting Times:
7th/8th Grade Jazz Band begins on Thursday, November 7 from 3-4 and continues from 3-4PM throughout the year.
Drumline will continue to meet on Mondays from 3-4:15 PM; our last rehearsal is Monday, November 18.
All 7th and 8th Grade Band students will perform in the Winterfest Parade on Sunday, November 24. Report time is 12:15 PM for a 1:00 PM parade.
Rehearsals for the Winterfest Parade are after school on Wednesday, November 13 and Wednesday, November 20 from 3-4 PM.
Game Club
November 2024
- Thursday, November 7 / 3:00 P.M. - 4:15 P.M.
- Thursday, November 21 / 3:00 P.M. - 4:15 P.M
- Wednesday, November 6
- Tuesday, November 12
- Wednesday, November 20
- Monday, November 25
National Junior Honor Society
NJHS Meeting- Monday, November 4 during Period 2
Students who maintain a 94% GPA through the first 3 marking periods of their 8th grade year will be invited to apply for membership in the HAJHS Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. In addition to their GPA, students will be evaluated by the faculty council on the basis of service, leadership, character, and citizenship. Requirements for admission include, but are not limited to, 1) being active in 2 (two) school related activities in either 7th or 8th grade, 2) having participated in at least 1 (one) community service event in either 7th or 8th grade, 3) be enrolled in a minimum of 3 (three) college bound level classes, and 4) have had no more than 3 (three) detentions or 1 (one) suspension. If you believe your child may be eligible to apply, please review these requirements early with them.
The next PALS Meeting will be Friday, November 22nd, during 8th period. The location is TBD.
Podcasting Club
Wednesday, November 6 / Eat & Meet Lunches
Thursday, November 14 / 3:00 P.M. - 3:45 P.M.
- Monday, November 25 / 3:00 P.M. - 3:45 P.M.
Reading Club and Reading Competition
Wednesday, November 13
- Reading Club - 2:50 P.M. - 3:20 P.M.
Reading Competition - 3:20 P.M. - 3:45 P.M.
Reading Club - 2:50 P.M. - 3:20 P.M.
Reading Competition - 3:20 P.M. - 3:45 P.M.
Yearbook Orders & Yearbook Club
Yearbooks are available for pre-order. Go to yearbookordercenter.com and enter our school code: 4315. Books are $22 each until January 1st, when they increase to $25. Guaranteed pre-orders close February 14th
Any questions can be directed to nicole.stouffer@hasdtigers.com or abigail.miller@hasdtigers.com
Parent Information
Tiger Treasure Store
The Tiger Treasure Store is open again this year! It is located in the back of the cafeteria in the same room as the School Store. The store has new or gently used clothing for free as well as toiletries, hygiene products, and more! The store will operate once a week ,during all lunch periods, opening day is to be determined.
Thank you!
Jackie Settimio and Dawn Cunningham
Junior High Fundraiser
The Junior High fundraiser has concluded. Cookie Dough delivery and pick-up was Tuesday, October 29th.
Each student is required to either fundraise OR pay their Fair Share amount. A "Fair Share" program is offered to families not interested in fundraising for their students' share for the year-end class trips/activities.
Fair Share amounts:
7th Grade - $40.00 or sell 6 magazines or cookie dough
8th Grade - $60.00 or sell 8 magazines or cookie dough
9th Grade - $25.00 or sell 4 magazines or cookie dough
All checks for Fair Share balance should be made out to HAJHS and delivered to the main office.
The following are the scheduled year-end activities:
7th Grade***** Pittsburgh Pirate Game (Fundraiser/Fair Share Sponsored)
8th Grade ***** Hershey Park (Fundraiser/Fair Share Sponsored)
9th Grade***** Blue and White Dance (Fundraiser/Fair Share Sponsored)
If you have any questions, please email Amanda Hammel at amanda.hammel@hasdtigers.com.
Important Dates
Nov. 1 - No School for Students, In-service
Nov. 5 - No School for Students, In-service (Election Day)
Nov. 6 - Veteran's Day breakfast (More info below)
Nov. 11 - No School for Students, Holiday
Nov. 26 - Early Dismissal: JH-11:10 – No lunch, Parent Conferences
Nov. 27 to Dec. 2 - No School for Students, Holiday
Dec 10 - JH LGI 6:30-8:00 Behavioral Supports
Dec. 23 to Jan. 1 - No School for Students, Holiday
Jan. 17 - Early Dismissal: JH-12:40, Lunch will be served - PM In-service
Jan. 20 - No School for Students, Holiday
Feb 11 - FKS LGI 6:30-8:00 Autism/Applied Behavior Analysis
Feb. 14 to Feb. 17 - No School for Students, Holiday
March 14 - Early Dismissal: JH-12:40, Lunch will be served, PM In-service
April 15- JH LGI 6:30-8:00 Extended School Year (ESY)
April 17 – No School for Students, Act 80 Teacher In-service
April 18 to April 21 - No School for Students, Holiday
May 20 - No School for Students, In-service (Election Day)
May 23 - Early Dismissal: JH-11:10 – No lunch, PM In-service
May 26 - No School for Students, Holiday
May 30 - Early Dismissal: JH-10:10, Last Student Day/PM In-service
From the Attendance Office
All attendance excuses may be emailed to the Attendance Secretary, Amanda Hammel at amanda.hammel@hasdtigers.com or you may fill out this FORM.
Early Dismissals:
- Students needing an early dismissal need to bring a written excuse indicating the time of the early dismissal and the reason for the request.
- When arriving at school before entering the auditorium or going to breakfast, the student should report to the lobby outside the Main Office for an early dismissal pass.
- Students are responsible to report to the main office at the time of their dismissal, we do not interrupt class to call students.
- Please note the time on the written excuse is the time the student is dismissed from class, please allow enough time for them to meet you in the lobby.
- All students must be signed out by the person picking them up using the Navigate system in the foyer.
- Students needing an early dismissal need to bring a written excuse indicating the time of the early dismissal and the reason for the request.
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meets monthly during the school year at the HAJHS on the third Wednesday of the month at 10am. All parents and guardians are members and are invited to come to the meetings. Attending meetings is a good way to meet other parents and learn about what is happening at the Junior High School. PAC organizes many activities at the Junior High.
If you are interested in volunteering, please see the Junior High main office or access the volunteer signup form at hasdtigers.com - Junior High Page - Parents Tab - Parent Advisory Committee.
Tiger Pack Program
If you would like to participate in the Tiger Pack Program by receiving a bag of food weekly for your child(ren), please have your student(s) return the form that was mailed home. Forms are also available in the Main Office and attached below. A new signup form must be submitted every year. If you would like to donate to Tiger Pack or have any other questions, please contact Chris Burkey at christine.burkey@hasdtigers.com for additional information.
Additional Information
The Last Paw
HASD Foundation Fundraiser
The Dirty Soda Shack was at the Junior High the morning of October 28th as Junior High staff won a friendly competition amongst buildings to raise funds for the HASD Foundation.
Stay Golden, Junior High! ⭐
Hollidaysburg Area Junior High School
Website: https://www.hasdtigers.com/hajhs/home
Location: 1000 Hewit Street, Hollidaysburg, PA, USA
Phone: (814) 695-4426
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollidaysburgAreaSD/
Twitter: @Tigerwires