Eagle Press
Our Week in Photos!
Red Ribbon Month Poster Winner!
Buddy Time!
Our 1st & 5th graders spent time connecting and reading. Our 5th graders visited the first graders in their classroom. They read them Halloween stories and completed a Morning Meeting Circle together! All of the students had a great time!
Halloween Fun!
Destination Imagination Meeting
All students, grades Young 5s-12 use Canvas, a learning management system. Classroom teachers use Canvas to provide instruction, resources, activities, and assessments for students, as well as parent communication.
Parents are encouraged to set up a parent/observer account to stay abreast of student learning. Canvas will allow parents to:
- Contact their child’s teacher
- View grades, due dates, and events
- See, and in many cases access, what the child is doing at school
- Support an absent student
- View classroom and building announcements
Downloadable directions are linked below. In addition, helpful videos and walk-throughs may be found linked HERE.
If you have any trouble at all, please reach out to Ike's Media Clerk, Paul Sleziak at paul.sleziak@fraserk12.org or Kim Keith at kimberly.keith@fraserk12.org..
Snacks for Sale during lunch!
Canned Food Drive!
Picture Re-Take Day ---November 4th!
Car Seat Check Event!
Come Work With Us!
Does your child have medical needs?
If your child has specific medical needs, please reach out to the main office prior to the start of school. In order to administer medication, consent forms must be completed. Consent forms for prescription medications must include dosage and frequency information signed by a physician. Medication, including inhalers, must be stored in the main office and not in backpacks or pockets. In addition, if your child has a medical plan, it will need to be updated for the 24-25 school year.
Please find medication forms linked below for your convenience.
The goal of our PTO is to enrich the environment of our children, families and community. It takes volunteers to make that happen and parent volunteers are always necessary and welcome!
Welcome our PTO board!
President: Chasity True
Vice-President: Kristin Watson
Treasurer: Natalie Mulka
Secretary: Jen Coppens
Teacher Trustee: Tyler Plucinski
Follow us on facebook! Eisenhower Eagles PTOfacebook.com