The Paw Print
Lovin Elementary Parent News letter
Special Edition- A Look Ahead at November
Veterans Day Appreciation
Dear Parents,
On Friday, November 8th, Lovin Elementary will present our annual Veterans’ Day Program. During this time, the children will honor the men and women who have served in the armed forces of the United States of America. Our program will begin at 9:00 AM on Friday, November 8th. Following our program, we will have our traditional parade around our school, followed by a reception with light refreshments for our veterans and their families.
We would like to invite you and your family to enjoy this program with us. If you, a relative, or a family friend is a veteran or is presently serving in the military and can attend our program, we would like to recognize them in a special way. If you have a veteran or active service member who will be present at our program, please complete the form below and send it back no later than Friday, October 25th. This will allow us enough time to prepare the certificates and order the medals.
Additionally, we will have a brief video presentation using photographs of our veterans. If you have a photo of your veteran in uniform, we would also like to include them in this presentation. Please send the photograph(s) as well as the form on the back to your child’s teacher in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and their teacher’s name. Your child may turn their marked envelope to their teacher or drop them off at the front office. The photographs will be returned promptly after they have been scanned. Thank you for your help with this worthwhile matter, and we hope to see everyone in November for our program.
Caroline Suggs
PTA Culver's Night 6:00-900 pm
Culver's Share Night November 11th 6:00-9:00 pm. 1133 Scenic Hwy S. Lawrenceville
Archer Cluster Robotics Competition
The Archer Cluster Robotics Competition will be held at Harbin Elementary School on Tuesday November 12th 6:00-8:00 pm. Come see what our students have created.
Lovin Family Holiday Luncheon
Lovin Elementary will host our families as they join their student for a Holiday Luncheon. Your student will have their special lunch on either November 13th or 14th. You are invited to join your student for lunch this day the cost will be $4.00 per adult (Exact Change, Cash Only) more details to come.
Title 1 Literacy Night- Thursday November 14th 5:00-6:00 pm
International Night Thursday November 14th 6:00-8:00 pm
International Night Family Interest Form
Greetings Lovin families! As we work to plan our International Night, we want you to be involved! There are so many different cultures represented in our community, and we want to give you the opportunity to highlight yours! If you are interested in volunteering please complete the attached interest form. Thank you