March Newsletter

March Newsletter
A Note from the Principal
As we step into March, we are reminded that spring is just around the corner—a season of growth, renewal, and new opportunities! Our students have been working hard both in and out of the classroom, demonstrating respect, responsibility, and a love of learning.
This month brings exciting events, and we encourage families to stay engaged, whether by attending school activities, supporting at-home learning, or simply celebrating your child’s daily successes.
Thank you for your continued partnership in making Oak Hill a place where every student thrives. We appreciate your support and look forward to a wonderful month ahead!
Mrs. Potter and Mrs. Newsom
Upcoming Events
Talent Show
Thursday, March 13
You're Invited to Our Totally Rad Variety Show!
Oak Hill Elementary is excited to invite you to our annual Variety Show on Thursday, March 13, at 5:30 PM! This year’s theme is "Take Me Back to the '90s," and our students are ready to bring the nostalgia with some tubular talent, including dancing, singing, magic, comedy, and much more!
Come cheer on our amazing performers and enjoy an evening filled with fun, creativity, and '90s throwbacks. We can't wait to see you there—it's going to be all that and a bag of chips!
End of 3rd Grading Period
Friday, March 14
End of Grading Period & Report Card Information
The third grading period will end on Friday, March 14. We are proud of our students' hard work and progress so far this year! Report cards will be sent home with students on Friday, March 21, so please be sure to check their backpacks. If you have any questions about your child’s progress, we encourage you to reach out to their teacher. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!
Spring Class Pictures
Wednesday, March 19
End of Grading Period Rewards
Friday, March 21
We are excited to celebrate our students' hard work and achievements for the third grading period! On Friday, March 21, students who have met their Accelerated Reader (AR) goals will enjoy a sweet treat from KONA Ice, while those who have earned 200 OAKS Bucks this grading period will get to participate in our OAKS Rally—a fun and exciting event to recognize positive behavior and effort.
We are so proud of our students for their dedication to learning and demonstrating great character. Keep up the fantastic work, Oak Hill students!
Kindergarten Field Trip
Monday, March 24
Our kindergarten students are going on an exciting field trip to the Candyland Children's Museum in Portsmouth, Ohio, on Monday, March 24! Field trip forms have been sent home with students, so please be sure to review and return them as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher. We look forward to a fun and educational experience for our youngest learners!
We’re thrilled to share that our OAKS Afterschool Program is going strong! This year, our program is packed with intervention, enrichment, and engaging activities designed to support and inspire every student. We have started the second session of the program. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please contact the office for information.
Here’s a peek into some of the fun your children are experiencing in OAKS:
🎲 Life-Size Board Games
🎤 Karaoke Sessions
🎮 Oculus Headsets for Immersive Learning
🏀 Gym Games & Activities
🎶 Music and Rhythm
...and so much more!
Thank you for your continued support in making OAKS a place where learning meets adventure. We look forward to sharing even more with you as the year continues.
The last day for OAKS Afterschool will be Thursday, April 10th!
Counselor Corner
Counseling Referral - Anyone can refer...
School Counselor Request Form: This form is to be used by staff and parents/guardians of students at OHES. Please fill out the information below so we can help meet the needs of the student. Reminder, counseling requests/visits are confidential expect when someone is being hurt, hurting themselves or hurting others. Please reach out by phone if you feel as if the situation is urgent and needs immediate attention.
Oak Hill Elementary Phone Number: 740-682-7096.
Rylee Bates
Elementary School Counselor
Perfect Attendance Pays Off with a Dino-Mite Ride!
Students at Oak Hill Elementary were rewarded in a fun and exciting way for their commitment to perfect attendance! Those who attended school every day in February were entered into a special drawing for a chance to ride around the school on our Dinosaur Stuff Riders.
The lucky winners enjoyed their dino-mite adventure, zooming through the halls with big smiles and lots of cheers from classmates and staff. This fun incentive not only celebrated their dedication but also encouraged all students to prioritize attendance.
Great job to all our students who showed up every day, ready to learn! Keep up the great work, and you might be the next lucky winner!
If your child needs to be absent, please verify the absence with the front office.
Call the front office at 740-682-7096 to report an absence.
Send a doctor's excuse for excused absence or have them faxed to 740-682-7065.
Character Strong
March's Focus Character Trait is Honesty
*See fun challenge below.
Have you filled out your Final Forms yet? Please check your email to access your account or click on the link below to get started. If you have any questions, please contact Christopher Jordan @ christopher.jordan@oakhill.k12.oh.us. Students must have these updated in order to participate in field trips.
Office hours during the school year are from 8:00- 4:00 daily.
Office: (740) 682-7096
Please be sure to call the school to report if your child will be absent.
School Hours:
8:20 a.m.-3:26 p.m.