Harvey Green News
March 2023
Harvey Green Elementary School
Ms. Trisha Johnson, Principal tjohnson@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Penny Martinez, Secretary pmartinez@fusdk12.net
Mrs. Veronica Luna, Office Assistant vluna@fusdk12.net
Si necesita Ud. la versión en español, vaya al final de la página
Email: tjohnson@fusdk12.net
Website: https://green.fremont.k12.ca.us/
Location: 42875 Gatewood Street, Fremont, CA, USA
Phone: 510-656-6438
Harvey Green Calendar
Principal's Message
Harvey Green Families,
Friday, March 3rd marked the end of the second trimester and we are now beginning the final trimester of the 2022-2023 school year. Thank you to all of the families who have proved residency for next year. If you have not, please do so immediately, or you will risk losing your child's spot at Harvey Green.
As Spring is coming soon, I have noticed that allergies have begun to pick up. If your child needs any medication at school please be sure to follow the correct procedures. Medication information can be found below. This is for the safety of all students.
In February we had the return of the Science Fair and I was amazed at all the wonderful projects that students submitted. I know each project took countless hours and dedication to complete. I am so proud of each student that participated. Please see below the list of students who placed at the Harvey Green Science Fair. Also, the City of Fremont will hold a special STEAM event on Wednesday, March 29th from 4-8pm at the Downtown Event Center. Daniel Z. and Samanyu S. will be displaying their project as they received first place for our fifth graders. A special thank you to Mrs. Liaquat who took charge of the science fair and encouraged all students to participate. I hope to see some families at the event.
Please be sure to check the lost and found rack for any of your child's lost jackets or other items. The rack is becoming very full and we will be donating it on March 15th.
As always, please feel free to call the office or reach out to us by email if we can assist your family in any way.
Ms. Johnson
Important Dates
3 ~ 2nd Trimester Ends
7 ~ See's Candy Fundraiser Begins See's Fundraiser
7 ~ Horner Band Assembly
7 ~ 7:00pm PTA Meeting- Register Here for Zoom Link
16 ~ 2nd Trimester Report Cards available on Illuminate
17~ No School- Staff Development Day
24 ~ See's Candy Fundraiser Ends
27 ~ 5th Grade CHPSE Lessons Begin
29 ~ 4:00-8:00pm STEAM Event- Downtown Fremont- Flyer
29 ~ 5:00pm Rising 6th Grader Parent Night at Horner- Flyer
30 ~ Book Fair Begins
4 ~ 5:00pm SSC
4 ~ 7:00pm PTA
5 ~ Book Fair Ends
6 ~ Minimum Day
7-14 ~ Spring Break
18 ~ CAASPP Testing Begins
25 ~ Open House
School Hours
Regular School Hours
AM TK/K 8:20am-11:40pm
PM TK/K 11:45am-3:05pm
Grades 1-5 8:30am-2:50pm
SDC 8:30am-2:15pm
Minimum Day School Hours
AM TK 8:20am-11:40pm
PM TK 11:45am-3:05pm
All K 8:20am-11:40am
Grades 1-5 8:30am-1:00pm
SDC 8:30am-1:20pm
Science Fair
1st Place~ Aavya M.
2nd Place~ Mayank Y.
1st Grade:
1st Place~ Nidhi A.
2nd Place~ Anay D.
2nd Grade:
1st Place~ Liara N.
2nd Place~ Aarush K.
3rd Place~ Aadhya M.
3rd Grade:
1st Place~ Nirvi R. and Thaneesri V.
2nd Place~ Amanda C.
3rd Place~ Nitara K.
4th Grade:
1st Place~ Rohini G.
2nd Place~ Viaan M.
3rd Place~ Kavya B. and Svana B.
5th Grade:
1st Place~ Daniel Z. and Samanyu S.
2nd Place~ Aarnav G.
3rd Place~ Yashaswimi D., Saeesha K., and Meenakshi S.
Counselor Corner
Dear Harvey Green families,
I'm over this cold weather and so ready for spring! In March, our lesson topics are mindfulness, stress management, and healthy/safe choices. We could all use moments in our day to be present, pay attention to our thoughts, and notice our feelings. To teach our students mindful strategies is setting them up to take care of their feelings and thoughts; leading to better ways of coping and managing stress. GoNoodle has a great series on guided meditation for kids!
Next month, we will explore careers and I need your help! If you, a relative, or friend is interested in volunteering to be a presenter for Career Day, please fill out this Interest Form.
Lastly, FUSD elementary counselors are hosting another workshop! The upcoming one is on Monday, March 13th at 9:30am. Take a look at this flyer for more information and to register!
Kind regards,
Mrs. Ng
Covid Test Kits and Covid Testing
Lost and Found
Yearbooks on Sale
New TK and K Enrollment
Lunch Time Reminder
Free Breakfast and Lunch Daily
ALL Green students will have access to free meals here at school. Students will be asked every morning if they are going to get a school lunch so we can order the correct amount
of food. Please communicate with your child if you would like them to get a school meal and if they are choosing the meat or vegetarian option.
TK/K students are welcome to come through the lunch line and grab a lunch but there is no lunch supervision for TK/K students they will need to eat with a parent/guardian off campus.
Breakfast will be served daily in the MUR for any interested students at 8:05am. Parents/guardians are not allowed in the MUR. Students will be supervised while they eat and will be either released to recess when finished or if they are TK/K they will be walked to class.
For menus and more information please use this link.
Comprehensive Health, Puberty, and Sexuality Education (CHPSE)- 4th & 5th Grade
The Fremont Unified School District Board of Education and our school faculty believe it is important for students to assume responsibility for their own health and well-being. They benefit from instruction that fosters the development of positive health behaviors and the prevention of negative unhealthy behaviors. FUSD’s Comprehensive Health, Puberty, and Sexuality Education (CHPSE) curriculum focuses on information that is essential for students’ well-being. This course of study conforms strictly to the guidelines provided by the California State Education Code 51933 and the California Healthy Youth Act.
Lesson Dates:
4th Grade: May 16th- May 19th
5th Grade: March 27th- April 4th
State law allows you to remove your student from part or all of the Comprehensive Health, Puberty, and Sexuality lessons. Students opting out of lessons will be provided an alternate curriculum under the supervision of a credentialed teacher. If you do not want your student to participate in all or part of the Comprehensive Health, Puberty, and Sexuality education program, you must provide, in writing (email or on paper), a note to your student’s teacher.
Links to the curriculum, opt-out information, and parent resources, can be found at: https://www.fremont.k12.ca.us/HealthResources.
English Language Proficiency for California (ELPAC)
Medication at School
If your child needs medication at school please use this link to get all necessary form. Health Forms
These forms will need to be completed and signed by the doctor so please try to get this completed before school starts.
FUSD COVID Safety Measures
There are many questions around COVID 19 and safety measures. Use this district link to find lots of helpful information. COVID Safety Measures
Per Board Policy any parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the District shall notify the District prior to or within five (5) days of any change in circumstance and/or a move which would affect their student’s residency (AR 5111.1).
Please complete and email the Change of Address Form with 2 proofs of new address residency to your current school.
FUSD is Hiring
PTA Corner
Please join us for our March PTA Meeting.
Feel free to save the following links to learn more about what Harvey Green PTA has been doing for our school and children. If you like what we are doing, sign up online today!
Website: http://tinyurl.com/harveygreenpta
Membership: https://jointotem.com/ca/fremont/harvey-green-elementary-pta
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harveygreenpta
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeZFNeFdjdENjjqWcB3W2YA
Please email us if you have any questions. Thank you very much for your support.
Harvey Green PTA