College Heights Connection
November 7, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Families,
We are heading into a busy time of the year. Parent/teacher conferences will begin December 2. Teachers will offer virtual and in-person conference times. Conference time is a wonderful opportunity to talk about your goals for your child and your child's developmental progress. Please reach out to your child's teacher with any questions.
Just a reminder our Pre-K and Preschool special education programs are closed for Thanksgiving break the week of November 25-29. Our 0-3 program will close at noon on Wednesday, November 27 and remain closed until December 2.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Principal Garland
School News and Announcements
College Heights Fall Parent Conferences
Monday, December 2 through Friday, December 13
Teachers are looking forward to partnering with you at our fall conferences! They will discuss your child's social-emotional development, classroom transition, and set learning goals for the second semester. Your input is invaluable as we work together to support your child's success. Please see teacher and classroom communications for conference sign-ups.
Support our Annual Service Project
Please help support our school-wide service project. Students love to help, and service projects can teach them about their role in their community and the importance of helping others as well as compassion and a sense of social responsibility.
Details are included below. We will collect items through December 6.
Library News
This Week's Books
Pre-K students listened to the story Biindigen: Amik Says Welcome, which introduced them to different Native American tribes, language, and customs through a charming story of beavers meeting their cousins from different lands. Ask your student if they remember what "baa maa pii" means (until later).
One, two, and three year old students will visit the library tomorrow (Friday) due to the Virtual Learning Day on Tuesday. They will hear these stories:
Sophie's Squash by Pat Zietlow Miller & Anne Wilsdorf
Stop That Pickle! by Peter Armour, illustrated by Andrew Shachat
Oh, No! by Candace Fleming & Eric Rohmann
I Just Ate My Friend by Heidi McKinnon
Maisy's Big Book of Kindness by Lucy Cousins
Bunny Bags
If you checked out a Bunny Bag at Family Literacy Night on Monday, October 21, it is now due back to the library. Please return it at your earliest convenience so that you can check out another one!
DEI Book Cart
Don't forget to check out our cart across from Caretha's desk! Snuggle up at bedtime with your sweet babies and escape into one of these amazing diverse books.
PTO News and Announcements
Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 7 p.m. for the College Heights Auction!
In addition to marking your calendar, the auction committee is seeking donations from our community. We have an ambitious fundraising goal this year, and each company sponsorship, in-kind donation and item will make a difference for our school.
If you respond 'yes' to any of the following questions, we hope you'll consider supporting the auction!
- Do you own or work at a company that would sponsor our event at any level?
- Do you have a personal or professional skill or service that could be donated to the silent auction like photographer, landscape architect, interior design etc.?
- Do you know a person, business or organization that you'd be willing to connect us to for the auction?
Feel free to email collegeheightsauction@gmail.com and thank you in advance!
Your 2024-2025 Auction Committee,
Stephanie & Daniel Cho, Lauren Baker, Kat L, Chris Warfield, Amber Womble
Community News and Announcements
Supper & Sips Returns!
Grab your friends and neighbors and help us celebrate the return of Decatur Education Foundation's highly-anticipated fall FUNdraiser - Supper & Sips! Join us on Thursday, November 14 from 6-10 pm at The Chapel on Sycamore for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship - all for a good cause. The Supper provides crucial support for DEF, allowing us to continue our work addressing unmet needs, providing enriching opportunities, and supporting our educators.
Get your tickets today! Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Email Meagan@DecaturEducationFoundation.org.
STEP UP for Decatur Youth!
DEF was founded more than 20 years ago by a group of residents who wanted to ensure that EVERY student in CSD had what they needed to learn and thrive. Today, DEF's mission remains focused on Decatur's kids and educators, and we are still 100% reliant on the support of the Decatur community. DEF puts the community's contributions where they will have the biggest impact on our students, and DEF's Step Up Circle is a special group of supporters that allows us to operate programs like Lighten the Load, Teacher Innovation Grants, behavioral health support, arts programming, and so much more. There are also benefits - for both businesses and individuals - to joining DEF's Step Up Circle (beyond the warm and fuzzy feeling you get from supporting Decatur's kids!). Visit https://decatureducationfoundation.org/step-up-circle/ to learn more about the different giving levels.
Important Dates
November 11 - December 6 - College Heights Service Project item collection
November 22 - Early Release Day (Pre-K)
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break (Pre-K/Preschool special education)
November 27 - School closed at noon (0-3 program)
November 28-29 - Thanksgiving Break (0-3 program)
December 2-13 - Fall Parent Conferences