Message from the Superintendent
May 8, 2024
Dear North Middle School Community:
The purpose of this letter is to update you on the West Virginia Board of Education's (WVBE) decision to issue a State of Emergency for North Middle School during the Board's May meeting held earlier today.
North Middle School was first identified as a Comprehensive Support & Improvement (CSI) School during the 2022-2023 school year as a result of low performance on categories identified in West Virginia's Consolidated State Plan for Elementary and Secondary Education.
The announcement today comes after a Targeted School Environment Assessment by the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) Division of District and School Accountability conducted on April 17, 2024. The assessment was prompted by results of a 2023 survey indicating that 53% of students at North Middle reported feeling safe at school, compared to the statewide result of 80%; a significant increase in Title IX violations and physical altercations; a decrease in English and math proficiency based on 2023 WV General Summative Assessment results; and the initial CSI Diagnostic Report as mentioned above.
Results of the April 17th assessment further identified issues, including feelings of being unsafe and leadership's approach to discipline as unfair and inconsistent; threatening and hostile behaviors exhibited by students, including profanity and inappropriate language, unaddressed by teachers and staff members; ineffective classroom management strategies; feedback describing the school as chaotic, destructive, and occasionally a hostile learning environment; and a lack of instructional leadership by the administrative team as described by staff members.
Based on the information provided by the Targeted School Environmental Assessment, the WVBE voted unanimously to issue a State of Emergency for Martinsburg North Middle School. The WVDE Division of District and School Accountability will create an action plan in collaboration with Berkeley County Schools leadership. This plan will be presented to the WVBE at the June meeting.
Given this declaration, I want to reiterate the steps we are taking to support students and staff through the remainder of the school year. Effective Wednesday, May 1, Holly Kleppner, Executive Director, Department of Secondary Leadership, stepped in as lead administrator of the school. Ms. Kleppner, along with the other administrators, is fully committed to ensuring a meaningful finish to the school year despite the challenges we are faced with.
As your superintendent, this issue has my undivided focus as I prioritize the removal of barriers and the implementation of changes that are in the best interest of students and staff.
As always, please reach out with any additional questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued support.