Student Support & Attendance
November 21, 2024
MA Attendance Regulations & Current Chronic Absenteeism Rate in WPS
Dear Families,
On November 1st, we completed the first quarter of the 2024-2025 school year. Thanks to your, the school's, and your student's efforts our Chronic Absenteeism numbers are low.
As of that date, only 0.3% of WPS students are designated as Chronically Absent. Please continue to work with your student and their school to keep your child's school attendance as consistent as possible.
As noted in previous newsletters, one of the keys to academic achievement is good attendance. Consistent participation in school and school-based activities is important for making a successful transition from youth to adulthood. Attendance issues like tardiness and "habitual absences" (more than 8 unexcused absences in a quarter) are the first indicators that a student may be experiencing stress or other difficulties in their life. Massachusetts laws pertaining to attendance are designed to protect children and ensure that they are safe and productive. Schools want to partner with families to help students who may be struggling with consistent attendance at school.
Key messages regarding Massachusetts' attendance regulations as summarized below:
- Students are required by law to attend school.
- Schools want children in the building to help them learn and grow. They will help families if there are obstacles that interfere with consistent school attendance.
- Parents/Guardians are required by law to ensure that their child attends school.
- Parental responsibility is not optional. It's a legal requirement.
- Parents/Guardians need to notify schools when a student will be absent.
- Schools will work with families to create a plan to promote regular attendance at school.
- School Administrators can file a criminal complaint in court against the responsible parent/guardian as a result of habitual absences.
- This is usually done as a last resort when schools and families need addtional help.
- School Administrators can file a report with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) as a result of habitual absences and inconsistent parent/guardian efforts to ensure school attendance.
- Educational neglect falls under the purview of the DCF.
Massachusetts Attendance Regulations
School Attendance
Chapter 76, section 1 of the Massachusetts General Laws states that all children between the ages of six and sixteen must attend school. It is the parents or guardians to ensure that their children attend school.
Parental Responsibility
Parents or guardians are legally responsible for ensuring that a child under their control attends school daily. It is a crime for a responsible parent or guardian not to cause such a child to attend school. If a child fails to attend school for seven day sessions or fourteen half day sessions within any six month period, school administrators may file a criminal complaint in court against the responsible parent/guardian.
Notification and Contact Information
Chapter 76, section 1A of the Massachusetts General Laws states that parents/guardians must be provided each year with the instructions for calling a designated phone number at a designated time to inform the school of the absence of a student and the reason for the absence. Those telephone numbers can be found in the school's Student-Parent Handbook. In addition, parents/guardians must provide the school with a home, work or other emergency telephone number so that they may be contacted during the school day so the school may call and inquire about said absence.
What is a CRA (Child Requiring Assistance) Application?
A “CRA” (Child Requiring Assistance) application may be filed in court by a school district if a school-aged child is “habitually truant". That means a child willfully fails to attend school for more than eight school days in a quarter, or who repeatedly fails to obey the lawful and reasonable regulations of his or her school. The Court’s authority pursuant to a CRA petition includes the power to place the child in the custody of the state agency known as the Department of Children and Families.
What is a 51A?
A 51A is a report of suspected child abuse or neglect that is filed with the Department of Children and Families. Under Chapter 119, section 51A of the Massachusetts General Laws, a report can be filed on behalf of a child under the age of eighteen for educational neglect if a child is not attending school on a regular basis. Parental Responsibility Parents or guardians are legally responsible for ensuring that a child under their control attends school.
Illness Protocols - see below but contact the school nurse with questions
Chronic Absenteeism definition
A student is considered Chronically Absent when they miss 10% of the school year. In Massachusetts, this means a student who misses 18 or more days, regardless of an excused or unexcused reason, is classified as chronically absent. Remember that all it takes is for a student to miss two days each month to be designated with this status.
WPS Chronic Absenteeism rates
Current Chronic Absenteeism Rate after the first quarter of the 2024-2025 School year
November 1, 2024 - 0.3% of WPS students are Chronically Absent
Walpole Public Schools (WPS) have been addressing challenges related to attendance. Chronic Absenteeism has increased dramatically since 2020. Before the pandemic, students were attending school more consistently. Our goal is to decrease our numbers as much as possible.
Chronic Absenteeism Rates in Walpole Public Schools
- 2019 - 7.1% of WPS students were Chronically Absent
- 2022 - 13.1% of WPS students were Chronically Absent
- 2024 - 9.3% of WPS students were Chronically Absent
We know that Walpole is not alone regarding the number of student absences from school. School absenteeism is an issue in Massachusetts and across the country. The district will continue to work with families in an effort to further reduce the number of absences in our schools.
We're here to help
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at the email or telephone number listed below. Or, you can contact your child's school:
Edward Connor
Dean of Student Support and Attendance
Email: econnor@walpole.k12.ma.us
Location: 275 Common St. Walpole MA 02081
Phone: (508) 660-7257 ext. 5020