RMS October 2024 Newsletter

October 2, 2024
Thank you for reading our October 2024 eNewsletter!
October 2024 ENews
As mentioned in my welcome message, we have been busy at RMS! Classes have gotten into their learning routines. Our 6th graders have new confidence in navigating their daily schedules and the smiles on their faces continue to be on display.
I have observed many fun things in my classroom visits. In one room students were working on identifying their strengths as a learner. Students used those results to form ideas around careers or potential college majors. Individuals were doing some sharing in small groups and I overheard some great discussion on personal goals based on the learning activity. In another classroom students were digging into a math problem where they were deciding if a roller coaster with a ceiling of 20 meters was safe for all riders. Students were making inferences before actually playing with measurements and proving their answer with calculated evidence. Another set of students were working on creating their own state which included them deciding on a metaphor that would represent the shape and size of their state. Watching students make connections to their interests while showing evidence of their learning against the standards, brought a lot of engaging energy into the space. These are just some of the many ways students are diving into learning at RMS.
We wrapped up our fundraiser with our final big giveaway ($500 cash!) this week. I want to personally thank you on behalf of RMS staff for supporting the fundraiser. Our families are important stakeholders in our shared goal to support students toward learning success. As noted, this fundraiser allows for us to invite teachers/staff to put in for funding requests that directly impact learners and their Royal experience.
At RMS, we center our work around three core values: empower, belong and learn. These words encompass our middle school commitments:
*Students are active learning participants.
*Students identify a strong sense of belonging at Roosevelt Middle School.
*Teachers collaborate and continue to center their work around growing the confidence, engagement and overall growth of a learner.
We will continue to keep our commitments on the forefront as we strive to support every student, every day.
New Parent/Guardian Resources
Please review the Anoka-Hennepin Schools New Guardian/Parent Resource Document for guidance on technology and the tools available for parents/guardians to access.
Fall Conference Information and Sign-Up Link
2024 Fall Conferences
We’re excited to connect with you!
Please choose the option that works best for you:
- In-Person Conferences (Monday, October 14): Schedule an in-person meeting with your student's teacher.
- Virtual Conferences (Thursday, October 24): Sign up for a virtual conference with your child's teacher. Once scheduled, you'll receive a confirmation email that includes the link to join the virtual meeting at the time of your conference.
Important: Please save the confirmation email, as it contains the link you'll need to start the virtual conference at the designated time. Conferences will begin right at the scheduled time to respect everyone's privacy and time. Be sure to join promptly!
Online Help Options
- Find your child’s school
- Videos to help you sign up for conferences
- Cancel your conference online
- Look up conferences that you scheduled
If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 763-506-5860.
Student Anti-Bullying Survey
The Anoka-Hennepin School District is administering the annual Student Anti-Bullying survey to
a sample of classrooms in grades 4, 6, 8 and 10 between October 8th and November 15th. Our
school will be conducting the survey on Wednesday, October 16th.
The survey asks students about bullying behaviors they may have experienced or witnessed at
school. The results are used to help identify and address areas of concern to make the school
environment safe and welcoming for all students.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Kristin Karlson, School Counselor.
Picture retake day - October 11
If your student was absent, started school after our picture day on September 4, or needs a retake, October 11 is retake day.
Since we only do pictures once a year, this will be the last opportunity for 2024-25 school pictures.
- If you would like to purchase picture packages online, use code EVTKBP6ZB
- If you prefer a paper order form, one can be obtained from the Main Office.
Students that have a picture packet and will be doing retakes, need to bring their picture packet to school on October 11.
Order your Roosevelt Middle School yearbook today!
Order online or call 1-877-767-5217 to reserve your copy!
Our Volunteer Needs
Here are the current volunteer needs at RMS.
Thanks for supporting our students & staff.
Donating RMS Conference Snacks for Mon Oct 14
Support our Spanish classes with an activity on Friday, November 1
Supporting Judo/JuJitsu Club (Mondays after school through Dec)
Library Support (flexible scheduling)
Chaperoning Ski Club (Friday nights Dec-Feb)
To become an RMS volunteer, please complete/update your RMS Volunteer Application & Background Check Permission. Current RMS volunteers log into MyVolunteerPage.com to sign up.
For questions about volunteering, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Jenny Johnson: JenniferA.Johnson@ahschools.us or 763-506-5970
It is October and the leaves are starting to fall. As we prepare to spend more time indoors, remember Community Ed has classes for all ages, all year long. Below are the upcoming classes available for 6th-8th graders at Roosevelt MS.
Dungeons and Dragons - Tabletop Gaming - Starts October 8
Dungeons and Dragons - Tabletop Gaming
Join a professional Game Master as you build a Dungeons and Dragons character, and then set out on your Adventures! Students will go on adventures guided by their imagination and their instructor while learning critical thinking, teamwork, roleplay, and puzzle-solving skills.
Presented by Bad Wolf Adventure Studio
Chess Club - Starts October 14
Get into the game you love to play! The focus is on developing a player’s chess skills, knowledge, analytical abilities and intellectual strength through lessons, puzzles and practice. Our team will compete against other teams at team meets and local and state tournaments. Create a checkmate today.
Presented by Youth Enrichment League.
Horsemanship - Starts October 15
Attention horse lovers! Learn how to groom, saddle and mount a horse. Lessons are outdoors (rain or shine) in a controlled environment. Signed waiver required on first day. Students must be 52” tall and ambulatory.
Classes held at: Bunker Hills Stables, 550 Bunker Lake Blvd, Andover. Phone: 763-757-9447. Please check in a half hour prior to class.
6th Grade Girls' Volleyball - Starts October 21
This is a modified league that introduces girls to the game of volleyball. Players will learn the basics of volleyball with an emphasis on skill development. A and B teams will be formed based on each player’s skill level. Teams practice after school and compete against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, there may be times when parents/guardians will be asked to transport their students. Matches will be on Wednesdays: October 30, and November 6, 13 starting at 4:00pm.
7th and 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball - Starts December 2
7th and 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball
In this competitive basketball league, players will learn the skills and strategies of basketball with an emphasis on participation, teamwork and safety. Based on registration numbers, A and B level teams will be formed based on each player’s skill level. Teams practice after school and compete against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, there may be times when parents/guardians will be asked to transport their students. Practice will be two days a week, games will be on Wednesdays: December 18, January 15, 29, February 5,12 starting 4:00pm.
7th and 8th Grade Girls’ Basketball - Starts December 3
7th and 8th Grade Girls’ Basketball
In this competitive basketball league, players will learn the skills and strategies of basketball with an emphasis on participation, teamwork and safety. Based on registration numbers, A and B level teams will be formed based on each player’s skill level. Teams practice after school and compete against other Anoka-Hennepin middle schools. Due to enrollment numbers and transportation scheduling, there may be times when parents/guardians will be asked to transport their students. Practice will be two days a week, games will be on Thursdays: December 19, January 16, 30, February 6,13 starting 4:00pm.
Holiday Cake Wars - December 4
Do you like competitions? Team-up with friends, or make new friends in class, and let the fun begin! There will be multiple types of cakes like cupcakes, brownies, and snack cakes to build fantastic creations . You and your teammates will brainstorm ideas and then apply a base coat of buttercream icing to your cupcake. You will enjoy learning how to use an array of edible decorations to create a variety of designs for your masterpiece! Who can make the most creative cupcakes? At the end of the class there will be a competition judged by a secret celebrity judge for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Who will win?
Dungeons and Dragons Epic Adventure - December 7
Dungeons and Dragons Epic Adventure
Dungeons and Dragons Epic One-Shot Adventure.
Join a professional Game Masters for a memorable D&D One-Shot Adventure. This epic four hour quest will give experienced players a chance to test out new characters and experience a brand new D&D journey. You need nothing to play. Simply register and we’ll take care of the rest. This class will be held at Bad Wolf Adventure Studios 3015 Coon Rapids Blvd NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433.
Adventure Description: It is a time of war and destruction. Resistance fighters, striking from the walled city of Kalegari, have won their first battle against the vile Phoenix King. During the battle, the Resistance managed to steal ancient texts that mention a weapon powerful enough to destroy the Phoenix King once and for all. Under attack from the King's forces, Queen Suraiya of Kalegari gathers together heroes from across the Lands to find this weapon and return peace to the world. Will you answer the call?
Presented by Bad Wolf Adventure Studio
Be informed, provide feedback on Budget Reduction and Realignment process
A number of factors converged in early 2024 that led to the need to reduce district expenditures by $26 million. Anoka-Hennepin acted quickly in the spring to plan a two-phased budget reduction and realignment process.
Phase 1: $5.1 million in central administration and services were reduced for the 2024-25 budget in an effort to mitigate the impact of additional cuts for the 2025-26 budget.
Phase 2: The district is currently determining a solution to address a $21 million budget reduction gap. Community meetings were held Sept. 25 - Oct. 10 in combination with a feedback process on two recommendations. A final decision is expected in November.
Factors impacting the district budget: The elimination of federal pandemic relief funds, higher than budgeted employee contract settlements, the impact of inflation on transportation and other operations, limited new revenue from state and federal sources and new requirements without funding support have developed a need to reduce expenditures by $26 million by the 2025-26 school year.
Proposed solutions: Anoka-Hennepin Schools have followed School Board direction to provide a reduction plan that cuts away from the classroom, particularly for the district’s youngest learners. The draft budget solution recommendations impact central services before schools with 53 percent of the reductions taking place at the district office/central services area, and 47 percent impact at the school level. The board is also studying a plan that would make additional central services and administrative cuts but spare reductions in schools allowing community members to decide on that impact through a levy referendum election in the fall of 2025.
Two options have been proposed for School Board consideration:
Option 1: $21 million total reduction.
Option 2: Make additional central services/administrative reductions and authorize an operating referendum election in the fall of 2025.
Looking ahead: Following robust community feedback for an initial draft plan, draft proposals are expected to be shared at the Monday, Oct. 29 school board meeting and eventually adopted at the Monday, November 25 school board meeting. This timeline is required ahead of key planning decisions on student registration and staffing decisions prior to the 2025-26 school year.
Provide feedback: School Board expectations provide for a process that encourages robust community and staff input prior to approval of the final recommendation.
View the community meeting held at Coon Rapids High School on Sept. 25, which was live streamed and archived on the district YouTube channel. The same presentation will be given at the following community meetings which you can attend.
All sessions will run from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m, with a short presentation at 6:10 p.m.
- Community Meeting #3: Wednesday, October 2 at Champlin Park High School
Community Meeting #4: Tuesday, October 8 at Blaine High School
Community Meeting #5: Wednesday, October 9 at Anoka High School
- Community Meeting #3: Wednesday, October 2 at Champlin Park High School
Learn more: ahschools.us/budget
Update: Middle school program review continues; recommendations to be revised following Sept. 23, 2024 School Board meeting
Following a formal program review in the spring of 2024, the district will continue exploring opportunities for aligning new courses with state requirements while remaining focused on goals of the district for the 2024-25 school year.
📖 Read the full story.
Need RMS's Policy and Procedures Reminders?
Our August 16 Back to School enewsletter contains important Roosevelt Middle School (RMS) information that can be helpful to you year-round. Click on the Back to School logo to take you directly to that newsletter.
- 7 - No School, Staff Development Day
- 11 - Picture retake day
- 14 - Parent/Teacher Conferences; In Person 3:20-7:30 p.m.
- 17-18 - MEA Teachers Convention, No School
- 24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences; Virtual 3:20-7:30 p.m.
- 5 - No School, Staff Development Day
- 22 - End of Trimester 1
- 25 - No School, Staff Development Day
- 26 - No School, Staff Grading Day
- 27- Conference Conversion Day, No School
- 28/29 -Thanksgiving Break, No School
Complete 2024-25 School Calendar
Roosevelt Middle School's Activities Calendar.
- Main Office: 763-506-5800
- Absence Line: 763-506-5806
- Student Services & Registration: 763-506-5960
- Community Education: 763-506-5812
- Child Nutrition: 763-506-5811
- Health Office: 763-506-5804
- Volunteer Services: 763-506-5970
- Help Desk: 763-506-HELP (4357)
This e-newsletter is published by Roosevelt Middle School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.