The Weekly Roar
July 25, 2024

October 25, 2024
Hello River Bend Families!
We started the week with high schoolers busy around the building during their Central Day of Service. We are still in our Field Trips Era. Mosaics students went to the History Museum, 1st graders walked to the Monarch Fire Station, and 4th grade experienced the Whimsical Woods at Faust Park.
Our Honors Choir students performed in the All District Choir Concert at The Family Arena last night and wow, did they sound great! Thank you Mrs. Mitulski! Shouting out Nurse Baker for hosting a flu clinic for our school community today!
Thank you to kindergarten parent, Jenn Wilhelm, for leading PTO's Trunk or Treat event happening tonight! We have a Parkway school bus and a Monarch fire truck coming! Don't forget to support our 5th grade students and buy some concessions.
We will celebrate the last week of our Government and Citizenship unit by having a spirit day on Monday: Dress Like a Community Helper Day!
Speaking of dressing up, that is something we do NOT do at River Bend on Halloween. T-shirts, headbands, jewelry, socks, accessories, etc. are all good. We just don't wear Halloween costumes to school.
Parkway has a long tradition of helping students become informed, engaged citizens in the election process. On Friday, November 1st, we will hold a mock election we call "River Bend Votes." The district shared information with families a couple of weeks ago. That information can be found on the Parkway website.
It is important to respect and value the viewpoints, cultures, and traditions of others. We are so lucky to learn and grow in a diverse school community. There are several special observances coming up in which many of our students, staff, and families will participate. Be sure to check out our Spotlight on Culture below.
Have a great weekend!
Each child as my own,
Next Week
Monday, October 28th
A Day
Dress Like a Community Helper Day!
Tuesday, October 29th
B Day
2nd Grade Field Trip to Chesterfield Police Station
Choir Practice- 4:00 PM
Wednesday, October 30th
C Day
3rd Grade Field Trip to St. Louis County Courts Building
Tornado Drill
E-Hour Minecraft Gaming- 4:00 PM
Thursday, October 31st
D Day
Happy Halloween!!
Choir Practice- 8:00 AM
Friday, November 1st
E Day
First Day of American Indian Heritage Month
River Bend Votes
Saturday, November 2nd
Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
Sunday, November 3rd
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Happy Birthday, Mrs. Marino!
Spotlight on River Bend Culture
Many of our students and families will celebrate Diwali. Diwali is
the Indian festival of lights. It typically lasts for 5 days. It
symbolizes the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over
evil, and knowledge over ignorance."
Some traditions during this time include wearing finest clothes,
illuminating the interior and exterior of homes with diyas and rangoli (oil lamps or candles),
offer puja (worship) to Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity and wealth, light fireworks, and
partake in family feasts, where mithai (sweets) and gifts are shared.
Dia de los Muertos
Our very own kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Higdon, celebrates a Mexican tradition called Dia de
los Muertos, or "Day of the Dead." It always takes place right after Halloween, from November
1st-2nd. This is also All Saints Day and All Souls Day for Catholics. If you've seen the Disney
movie Coco, then you probably already know a little bit about it. It is a celebration of life and
remembering family members and loved ones who have passed on. Some families make
elaborate Ofrendas (or altars) that have pictures of their loved ones. They put their loved one's
favorite foods on the altar with flowers and candles. You may also see calaveras, or skulls, as
a popular decoration and sugar skulls as a treat. These skulls are not meant to be scary.
This tradition is so important to Mrs. Higdon because her grandmother used to take her dad
and his brothers and sisters across the border to Mexico to visit her father's grave. People
decorate their loved one's graves and have a picnic and spend time in the cemeteries. The
cemeteries are filled with vibrant colored flowers and decorations. It really is a beautiful sight
to see. Dia de los Muertos is one of Mrs. Higdon's favorite Mexican traditions that she has
passed on to her own children and she hopes they will continue with their kids.
Thank you Mrs. Higdon, for sharing a part of your culture and family traditions.
LAST CALL -- Character Development Book Study
Over the last several years, River Bend has made significant growth in the area of character development...
- Moved away from Leader in Me
- Created a grass roots character program
- Implemented 6 Core Values and a Mission Statement:
- Implemented a School-wide Second Step Program
- Revamped our PAWSITIVE Discipline Plan
WE NEED YOU! This year we have an initiative to survey 100% of our families in the areas of character development and well-being at River Bend. We want to hear from ALL of you.
Beginning the week of conferences you will receive a survey to be completed on your own. Opportunities will exist for you to complete the survey at conferences as well.
River Bend Book Study
We would also like to offer a parent/guardian book study this year, led by Dr. Schulte. We will be reading the book, The Power of Good News by Hal Urban.
Please complete this form as we gauge interest in participation for our book study.
River Bend Book Study Participation Form
Thank you for all you do to support River Bend! We appreciate your continued partnership in the growth and success of each child.
P.E. World Series Poll
Mr. C and Coach Brown have been doing some polling during their class cool down conversations. They have been asking students to predict who they think will win the World Series: New York Yankees or Los Angeles Dodgers??
It was very close, with only a few votes separating the two, and River Bend predicts the team who will win is...the Los Angeles Dodgers!
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, November 5th- Election Day, No School for Students
Friday, November 8th- Veterans Day Celebration
Monday, November 11th- Scholastic Book Fair begins, PTO Meeting
Wednesday, November 13th- Early Release 2:00 Dismissal
Thursday, November 14th- Parent/Teacher Conference Evening
Friday, November 22nd- Picture Retake Day
November 27th-29th- Thanksgiving Break
River Bend PTO
River Bend Core Values & Mission
To ensure each student a safe and rigorous learning environment where they feel a sense of belonging, and can grow and lead with a global lens of kindness, responsibility, integrity, and empathy.