Manning Morsels for Families
Week of August 19th 2024
Off to great start!
Our students finished their first week of the 2024-2025 school year with so many wins to celebrate. Teachers celebrated some of their wins as we had some Friday fun and visited each classroom.
Thank you to our custodians for getting our buildings ready for students, our District Administrators and staff for supporting our building during the first days of school and our school staff for getting the classrooms ready for students. 💛💙
Ms. Pietrzak and Mrs. James
Link to Manning Calendar
This is a direct link to the website
🚌Arrival Updates This Year🚗
- Supervision on playgrounds/school property - students should be supervised by an adult
- Doors 1/2 - Students will enter the closest door this year.
- 7:45 - 8:00 - Staff helps students to designated areas
- 8:00 - Staff enters the building and walks students to class.
- After 8:00* - Parents must walk their students into the building and sign-in them in at Door 2. Students are marked tardy starting at 8:05.
*If there is ever a delay to weather or an event out of the ordinary, we will extend our supervision as needed.
🚌Bus Expectations and Evacuation Drill🚌
On Friday, all classrooms will review expectations
A Letter from Mrs. Pool
More details about the lunch room and topics from above.
💡STEM Donations🧪
Manning Spiritwear
Click the link above
Ms. Pietrzak and Mrs. James
Manning Principal and Assistant Principal