Learning Unleashed
Professional Learning in your Inbox

November 2024
Implementing Impactful Practices for Student Learning
- Engagement Strategies that Work
- Maximize Student Engagement with Station Rotation Models
Big and Small Strategies to Harness the Power of Peer-to-Peer Teaching
Video: An Authoritative Study of Two High Impact Learning Strategies
How ‘Would You Rather’ Questions Can Support Higher-Order Thinking
- Reflection Strategies to Improve Practice
Getting Clear on Preferred Practices with "More Of/Less Of" Documents
Reflection on learning practices and strategies is embedded within each of the four critical questions of the PLC process. Here are a few reflective questions for collaborative teams from the PLC Reflective/Coaching Questions, a companion document to the LISD PLC Implementation Guide:
Within Question 1 (What do we want our students to know and be able to do?)
- What strategies should be consistent across our team? Where will we have autonomy to select and adjust practices to reflect the learning needs within individual classrooms?
- How can we proactively plan for initial learning experiences that support students who may struggle with and excel with these topics?
Within Question 2 (How will we know if each student has learned it?)
- What connections can we make between student performance and the instructional strategies we used?
- Which instructional practices could be adjusted to give students more ownership of the learning process?
Within Questions 3 & 4: (How will we respond when some students do not learn it? and How will we extend learning for students who have demonstrated mastery?)
- What other strategies might help students better understand the targets?
- How can we provide students with processes to understand the material at a deeper level?
Small Teaching Moves Can Make a Big Difference
CIC Feedback
In LISD, we thrive on feedback to improve our processes and systems!
Please share your conference experience with us via the conference feedback form so we continually improve #LISDCIC moving forward, as well as support additional learning needs.
GT Credits at CIC
If you attended sessions that offered GT credit (check the list here), you can submit a GT credit request to have these hours added to your Eduphoria Strive portfolio.
The Learning Unleashed newsletter is designed to keep #1LISD continually growing and improving by connecting us to just-in-time ideas, content, and resources aligned to our Learning Model and guiding philosophies.
Check out past editions of Learning Unleashed.
Contact Us
For more opportunities for professional learning provided by Leander ISD, check out Eduphoria Strive.
Email: professional.development@leanderisd.org
Website: https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/professional-learning/home
Phone: 512.570.0209
Twitter: @LISD_IPL