Community Update Week of Oct 28th
Sharing information for the Wootton High School community.
A Message from Mr. Nelson
IDs for All implementation is happening soon. The purpose of this initiative is to ensure that only students who attend Wootton High School are present in the building. This is a safety and security enhancement which has proven effective around the county. It is, also, a districtwide expectation this year.
Here is what you need to know -
IDs for All will be implemented starting Wednesday, October 30th.
There will be a grace period until Monday, November 11th where we will move to full implementation.
Students were provided with IDs at the beginning of the year through Social Studies classes. Please begin bringing your ID each day to school. Students were also provided with a lanyard and ID holder.
Students who do not have an ID will be asked to go to the main office for a daily identification.
Additional details will be shared in this week's morning announcements which are available in the Community Update. Be sure to check it out.
Be well,
Calendar Reminders
MON, NOVEMBER 4 Grading and Planning for the end of term; no school for students
TUE, NOVEMBER 5 General Election Day – Schools and offices closed
Wootton Patriot Players
Purchase your tickets here...
đź’»Chromebook Damage & Repair đź’»
Each student is financially responsible for damage caused or loss of any Chromebook and charger that is checked out to the student. The device is loaned to the student to be used for instructional purposes only and in accordance with MCPS Regulation IGT-RA, User Responsibilities for Computer Systems, Electronic Information, and Network Security. No cost is associated for a student to borrow, possess, or use an MCPS Chromebook. A family is only financially responsible when there is avoidable damage to the device. If the device is faulty, there is no charge to the family; however, if the damage is considered avoidable or the device or charger is lost, the family will be charged according to MCPS current parts and replacement costs.
For Your Information
From the Wootton Health Room
The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) requires that any student leaving school early because of illness or injury must be signed out through the health room. Students who do not follow this procedure will be counted as unexcused for the remainder of the day.
From the Main Office
Are you missing a water bottle or lunch bag? Can't seem to remember where you left your coat or umbrella? Then come check out the Lost and Found in the main office workroom. We have a large collection of misplaced items that need to be claimed by their owners.
On Friday, November 1st, all unclaimed items will be removed from the workroom and donated to a local organization that can make use of them.
From the Attendance Office
Please send in an Early Departure note with your child in the morning. The student should bring it to the Attendance Office before 1st period. A pass to get out of class will then be provided so they can show their teacher when it is time to leave. The student will then come sign out at Attendance and meet you outside. It is required that your student signs out at the attendance office. If they do not, then it will not be excused.
Note: Please do not email early departure requests.
If you have forgotten to send a note, or made the appointment at the last minute, please call the attendance office at 240-740-1561. If you get the voicemail, then call the main office at 240-740-1500, and they can send a student aide, if they have one, to notify your child. You may also come in to request your child’s early departure, but this may take longer.
Senior Panoramic Picture
Attention Senior Class! The Annual Senior Panoramic Picture is scheduled for this upcoming Tuesday, 10/29, during advisory. Right at the end of 2nd period, all seniors should head directly to the stadium for the picture. Please move fast so the picture can start on time. Senior should wear the official senior black shirt that was picked up last week. If they did not purchase one, a senior can instead wear a black shirt.
Support the Acatonics
Please support our school’s acappella group, The Acatonics, as they prepare for the upcoming competition trip! Their Double Good popcorn sale is available now and will close Tuesday, October 29th. The popcorn is VERY good and comes in many different flavors. The popcorn bags and are bought online and delivered straight to houses, therefore families and friends all over the country can participate. Thanks for your support! Here is the link to order: https://popup.doublegood.com/s/ems591l8
Wootton Daily Announcements
Wootton College and Career Center
College Visits
- The Catholic University of America -- Tess Franscioni -- College & Career Center -- 10/28/24 11:30 AM
- William & Mary -- William Hailey -- College & Career Center -- 10/29/24 7:45 AM
- Christopher Newport University -- Julian Cruz -- College & Career Center -- 10/29/24 9:15 AM
- St. John's College -- Andi Burke -- College & Career Center -- 10/29/24 11:30 AM
- Juniata College -- Heather Pearson -- College & Career Center -- 10/30/24 10:30 AM
- University of Essex -- Graham Wise -- College & Career Center -- 10/30/24 2:35 PM
- Virginia Tech -- Mario Cruz -- College & Career Center -- 10/31/24 9:45 AM
- Kent State University at Kent -- Kelly Rafferty -- College & Career Center -- 10/31/24 11:30 AM
- University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown -- Christian Jaramillo -- College & Career Center -- 11/1/24 11:30 AM
MCPS Information
Brown v. Board of Education’s Impact on Montgomery County Public Schools
November 6, 2024
7 PM – 8 PM
Zoom Webinar Registration Link
This webinar is open to the public. Tracy Oliver-Gary, supervisor of pre-K-12 social studies, will lecture on how Montgomery County Public Schools responded to the Brown v. Board of Education’s ruling.
Attendance Is Important!
Regular daily attendance is expected. It is critical to a child's academic success. Parent/caregiver support of regular daily attendance is essential. Parents/caregivers should provide a note within 3 days stating the reason for absence. This will ensure the absence is marked excused. Students who were absent from school have the responsibility to request make-up work from their teacher.