Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 19th April 2024
Earth Day 22nd April 2024
Earth Day 22nd April 2024
Non Uniform Day
Firstly, it will be non-uniform in school where all children and staff are invited to wear something green, brown or blue to represent the world and raise awareness about the event.
Earth Day - Zero Waste Lunch Challenge and Bake Sale
Zero Waste Lunch Challenge
At lunchtime there will be a Zero Waste Lunchbox Challenge. Children in Key Stage 2 who normally bring a packed lunch are invited to bring one with no single use plastic.
Bake Sale
At the end of the day, also linked to their DT work, there will be a bake sale. All money made on the day will be split and donated to the Salvation Army as well as going towards our class recommended reads.
Earth Day - Clothes Swap
We are holding a clothes swap. If you have any clean, good quality clothes/ accessories that you no longer want then please bring them inl. Your child will be given a token to get themselves a new piece of clothing and any remaining clothes will be available to purchase for a small donation with any surplus going to the charity shops in Ripon.
Earth Day - Book Swap
Year 6 will also be getting involved! As part of their courageous advocacy work on 'our world', they are holding a book swap which will work in a similar way to the clothes swap.
If you have any preloved books that you no longer want or read, please bring them in. Your child will be given a token to choose another preloved book on Earth Day. Any remaining books will be available to purchase for a small donation with any surplus going towards recommended reads in classrooms.
Fun at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Year 1 visit the Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Sequencing in Nursery
Our Math's topic this week has been sequencing, and to help us to understand what sequencing means we have been making jam sandwiches. We had to help Miss Powell by telling her what we needed to do first. This was a bit tricky, because when we said "put the jam on the bread" Miss Powell put the full jar of jam on the loaf. We were working hard on speaking in sentences and thinking about using as much detail as possible to get the instructions right. Once we had worked together as a group, we made our own sandwiches. We are looking forward to eating them at snack time!
Year 6 London Video
Next week, we will providing parents, carers and children in Year 6 the opportunity to come together to relive a wonderful 3 days in the capital. We have put together pictures and film from the trip to make a short film of about 30 minutes. Please do come along on Thursday 25th April to the school hall at 6pm.
Learning about St Wilfrid
St Wilfrid
As part of their local history work, the children in Year 2 have been leaning about St Wilfrid and why he is important to Ripon. They started their learning by ordering the events of his life and will be exploring why there is an annual parade in his honour.
School Updates
Tree Removal
Firstly, can I take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and understanding over the last week. It has been an eventful few days due to the tree falling onto the hall roof on Monday. GFM, the company responsible for the building and grounds, has worked quickly to remove the tree and do initial patch repairs. This has been a significant piece of work requiring a range of personnel and experts. We are now able to use the school hall again following the visit from a structural engineer. It is expected that the hall will be fully repaired during the summer holidays.
Toys in School
Please can we remind parents and carers that children should not be bringing toys into school. We also ask that trading cards such as Pokemon etc., are also not brought into school. Thank you.
Update from the Chair of Governors
Following my prior correspondence, I am pleased to share that we have successfully shortlisted for the Head Teacher role and are progressing to the selection day, supported by both the Diocese and the Local Authority. While this progress is positive, our unwavering commitment to find an exceptional individual who shares our passion for the transformational power of education and will lead our school community with openness, honesty and integrity remains. In the event the selection day doesn't meet our hopes, we may activate our contingency plan and readvertise the role. Your understanding and patience are valued as we look forward to the next phase of this important journey.
Stars of the Week
We always enjoy sharing who our Stars of the Week are in our special Celebration Worship on Friday.
Layla B for trying hard with her initial letter sounds in phonics.
Ella for challenging herself in the provision to independently write about an animal from a hot habitat. Well done.
Year 1
Leo for excellent representation of the school on our trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Well done Leo
Year 2
Archie for settling in very well to our class,
Year 3
Mercedes for having a fantastic attitude to her learning, putting 100% into everything that she does and not being afraid to challenge herself. We are so proud of you!
Year 4
Arlo for showing such enthusiasm in our topic lesson this week.
Year 5
Charlotte for her excellent descriptive writing this week. Charlotte built description over her paragraphs excellently. Well done.
Year 6
Alfie for challenging himself to improve his arithmetic.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 22nd April - Earth Day
Thursday 25th April - Year 6 London film night for parents and children (6pm)
Wednesday 1st May - Year 2 Worship at 9am
Monday 6th May - May Day (school closed)
Wednesday 8th May - Year 1 Worship at 9am
Monday 13th - Friday 17th May - Year 6 SATS week
Wednesday 15th May - Year 5 at St Peters in Leeds
Friday 17th May - Friends school disco
Wednesday 22nd May - Reception Worship at 9am
Friday 24th May - School closes for half term
Monday 3rd June - School reopens for second half of the summer term
Thursday 13th June - Sports Day
Week beginning 24th June - Enterprise Week
Tuesday 2nd July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 production (2pm and 6.30pm)
Wednesday 3rd July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production (2pm)
Monday 9th and Tuesday 9th July - Year transition days
Wednesday 10th July - Year 6 Leavers Event
Tuesday 16th July - Key Stage 2 Production (1.30pm and 6.30pm)
Wednesday 17th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship
Wednesday 17th July - Key Stage 2 Production (6.30pm)
Thursday 18th July - Key Stage 2 Celebration Worship
Friday 19th July - School closes for the summer holidays
Tuesday 23rd - Thursday 25th July - Oscar's summer holiday club (booking essential)
Tuesday 27th - Thursday 29th August - Oscar's summer holiday club (booking essential)
Our dates for diaries includes events that we currently have planned. As a school we try to communicate these in advance to support families, however at times dates and times can change due to a range of circumstances. We will add more dates over the term so please do check each week for new events.
Local Events
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool
Twitter: @riponcathschool