Principal Rubino's Newsletter
Sunday, March 23, 2025
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Message from Principal Rubino
Dear OMS Caregivers,
On Wednesday, 8th grade students participated in Civics Day at OMS and it truly was a spectacular day of experiential learning where students had the opportunity to bring to life everything they have been studying throughout the year in civics to kick off their Civics Action Projects (CAP). As principal, the day filled me with joy - both as a panelist and observer of learning. Students were engaged, asking great questions, and had the opportunity to learn from prominent Arlington politicians and other civic leaders.
Organized by the Ottoson 8th grade Civics Team (Erik Bakke, Charlie Livingstone, Mary Mezzetti, Olivia Phillips, Todd Sundstrom) and Michael Kozuch, K12 Director of History and Social Studies, with the support of Principal Rochelle Rubino, Assistant Principal Lindsay Migliero, Administrative Assistant Amanda Bonnette-Kim and Head Custodian Jay Dunning and many others, Civics Day represents the launch of 8th grade civics projects. The day started with the singing of the National Anthem by student Tali Zykorie in the Wood Gym and a keynote speech by Massachusetts Representative Sean Garballey (23rd Middlesex). Students then attended panels on topics such as climate change, immigration, transportation, mental health, food security and schools. Panelists included APS administrators and staff, Arlington town officials, Massachusetts Representative Dave Rogers (24th Middlesex) and non-profit leaders. Students ended the day with a mock Town Meeting led by Arlington Town Moderator Greg Christiana and former School Committee member and teacher Bill Hayner. Students debated and then voted on a Warrant Article that proposes to allow youth under age 18 to participate in town committees and commissions. See below for photos.
In other news...
This week, students had the ultimate chance to turn their teachers into living wall decorations—all for a good cause! Our "Tape a Teacher" fundraiser was a huge success, with students eagerly purchasing strips of tape to secure their favorite (or most patient) teachers to the wall.
Laughter filled the room as layer after layer of tape was added, testing both gravity and our teachers’ endurance. In the end, not only did we raise an impressive amount for the OMS Student Council, but we also created some truly unforgettable (and slightly sticky) memories.
A huge thank you to our brave teachers for volunteering and to everyone who donated—your generosity and school spirit really stuck with us. See below for photos!
Coming up
Join OMS Special Education Team Chair Hilary Dawson for an executive functioning workshop on Tuesday, April 1 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. She'll share strategies for busy families of busy middle school students. Please register via this form so we know how many people to expect.
As always, please remember our core values: Engage, Empower, Excel: We work hard; we are kind, we speak our truth. Have a great week!
Please read on for important information for this week and beyond.
This Week:
- Monday, March 24
- MCAS Infrastructure Trial - Grade 8
- Wednesday, March 26
- MCAS Infrastructure Trial - Grade 7
Looking Ahead:
- Sunday, March 30
- METCO Bridging Two Communities Walk; 1 - 3 p.m. @ Franklin Park
- Tuesday, April 1
- ELA MCAS - Grade 7
- Executive Functioning Workshop
- Strategies for families of busy middle school students
- 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at OMS
- SPACE Workshop - 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
- SPACE is designed for families who find themselves struggling to navigate and support their child's anxiety.
- Wednesday, April 2
- ELA MCAS - Grade 7
- Thursday, April 3
- ELA MCAS - Grade 8
- Friday, April 4
- ELA MCAS - Grade 8
- Monday, April 7
- World Language Food Festival - After school in the cafeteria
- Bring a donation to support Arlington Eats
- Tuesday, April 8
- SPACE Workshop - 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
- SPACE is designed for families who find themselves struggling to navigate and support their child's anxiety.
Thursday, April 10th
- Ottoson Earth Day Celebration; 3:00-4:30pm
- Screen printing shirts and bags and other items available for purchase to raise funds for protecting our oceans; bake sale starting at 3:30pm
- Front Lobby
- Friday, May 4
- BIPOC Family Event with Dr. Kalise Wornum; 4:15 p.m.
- Wednesday, June 18
- 8th Grade Moving on Ceremony (during school day; more info coming soon!)
- 8th Grade Dance - 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at OMS
Supporting Homework Success
Civics Day at OMS
Schedule changes for 25/26 School Year
In case you missed the email, I wanted to share this message again:
We have received some questions about some of the adjustments we are planning for next school year, and so I wanted to take a moment to better clarify the goals around some new elective offerings for the 2025/2026 school year and the connection to directed studies. As articulated in the OMS School Improvement Plan under strategic academic goal 2, OMS wants to foster a positive and inclusive school culture that engages students, supports their diverse interests, and strengthens their sense of belonging.
Throughout this school year and continuing into next year, the OMS scheduling committee has been reviewing the elective options available to OMS students. Electives fall under our specials category and include subjects such as art, music, FACS, and technology—courses traditionally taken by all students. Additionally, we have offered computer science and ACE for those who chose to enroll, along with band, chorus, and orchestra.
Currently, directed studies function as a "filler" in student schedules when they do not select an elective. These periods are supervised by teaching assistants rather than licensed teachers and do not count toward the state’s required time-on-learning.
Our goal is to reimagine elective options to include more project-based, experiential courses that emphasize hands-on learning and real-world applications, with the goal of increasing student engagement and connection to school by providing them with more choice in course selection, which also prepares them for the offerings at AHS. I have shared those options in previous communications. Teachers are currently working on curriculum development for those courses, and we will continue to refine the course descriptions that will eventually appear in the OMS Program of Studies.
We also recognize the importance of providing additional resources when students would benefit from additional time to complete classwork with support. We want to ensure that these supports are available to ALL students, not only those with space in their schedules. As we pilot this approach next year, we will continue offering the Learning Center for students who need additional academic support. Unlike a directed study, the Learning Center provides an environment where students can receive organizational support, build executive functioning skills, and manage assignments with guidance from a teacher. This space is ideal for students who benefit from a quieter setting where they can develop independent learning strategies. The Learning Center is not an elective students can choose, but it can be accessed through teacher and counselor recommendations. If you believe this support would benefit your student, I encourage you to discuss it with their counselor.
Students may also be recommended for math or reading support classes depending on their needs.
As we roll out these new electives, it's important to note that not all students will take them. During this pilot year, availability is limited, and schedules vary based on academic needs and services. However, we are asking all students to select their top three choices so that, if space allows, they have the opportunity to participate. While we aim to phase out directed studies over time and phase in more flexible support systems, some scheduling gaps may still necessitate their use. Our goal is to minimize these instances and create smaller, more supportive environments for student engagement and learning. We will continue refining and expanding our elective offerings over the next few years to provide students with more choices aligned with their interests and curiosity to explore new ideas.
Finally, I want to remind families that OMS offers additional academic support through Homework Club, which is available after school on Mondays and Thursdays and is staffed by teachers and teaching assistants. The library is also open daily after school through PM programming, providing a quiet place for students to study and complete homework.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions as we move forward with these changes.
Student Council Fundraiser: Tape the Teacher
Special thanks to Mr. Livingstone, Ms. Duffy, Principal Rubino, Ms. Kaplan, Ms. Packer, Profe Franford, Ms. Conneely, and Mr. Delehunt!
Previous information that is still relevant
METCO Bridging Two Communities Families Walk
Arlington METCO is thrilled to invite you to the annual Arlington METCO Bridging Two Communities Families Walk! This special event, sponsored by Arlington METCO in partnership with FAM – Friends of Arlington METCO and Arlington-based organization GuineaFowl Adventure Company, is a wonderful opportunity to come together, connect, and celebrate our vibrant community. Please see the attached flyer for more details, and sign up here. This is a great annual event for the whole family! We hope to see you there!
Upcoming Community Events
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to announce that our free Parenting Solutions Library is now available in Spanish. MPY is offering this valuable resource in partnership with Peace at Home Parenting Solutions, a non-profit organization located in Mansfield, Connecticut. Through this partnership, MPY is providing proven resources to help students’ families thrive.
Peace At Home Parenting Solutions specializes in empowering parents with evidence-based strategies to foster nurturing connections that safeguard their children's mental well-being. The Parenting Solutions Library is easily accessed using the link on MPY’s home page. No log in or passcode is needed.
The Peace at Home Parenting Solutions Library is a free, valuable resource for PTOs, SEPACs, ELLPACs and other parent-oriented groups. We request your assistance sharing this valuable and free resource through school-based newsletters and school-based organizations. For your convenience, we have created this handout. Please contact MPY Executive Director Margie Daniels at margie@mpyinc.org with questions.
OMS Club Updates
Submit your writing & art to the OMS literary magazine
Ottoson's Literary and Art Magazine, Mirabile Scriptu is looking for original student work in:
- Poetry
- Short Stories
- Essays
- Visual Art (paintings, drawings)
- Photography
Our editorial team will select and present a diverse collection of student voices and perspectives, highlighting the talent within our school!
Editorial meetings will begin after Winter Break. To get involved, students can join our Google Classroom: 6yn2mot
Work can be submitted anytime! Literary and Art Magazine Submission Form
If students have questions or want more information, they can reach out to Ms. Harte by stopping by Room 305 or emailing kharte@arlington.k12.ma.us.
Thank you for your support!
2025 MCAS Dates - Mark Your Calendar!
APS Family Support Request Form
If your family is in need of support, please complete the APS Family Support Request Form. Once you complete this form we will share your responses with the family engagement department and/or school social workers or counselors to support your family.
Lost & Found Photo Gallery
Lost & Found items can be retrieved from Ms. Duffy at the main office. Please take a look and see if anything you are missing has been found.
Photo Gallery Link :
News from SEPAC
What is SEPAC? The Arlington Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a volunteer group of parents, guardians, and caregivers that works to build a supportive community inclusive of all students, caregivers, educators, and stakeholders. It provides families with training and resources and collaborates directly with district administrators and the Arlington School Committee to promote effective family-district communications and appropriate service delivery and accommodations to students with disabilities. Learn more
Consistent Attendance:
Regular attendance is crucial for your child’s success. Please make every effort to ensure they are present and on time every day. This will be a focus of our administration and counseling team this year and you can expect to receive communication from the main office if your child is tardy or absent from school.
Reporting Absences, Dismissals, and Tardies
Please take the time to read through the handbook to review our policies regarding school attendance.
The best way to report any attendance issues (absence, tardy, or dismissal) for your child is by sending an email to the Ottoson absentee line – omsattendance@arlington.k12.ma.us
Please make sure to give us:
Student Name
a reason for the absence or tardy
expected date of return
for dismissal, the name of the person who will be dismissing your child
Come Prepared:
Students should arrive each day ready to learn, with all necessary materials and a positive mindset.
Ottoson does have AM/PM programming. Click here to register.
Beverage Guidelines
Water Only
We encourage all students to stay hydrated throughout the day by bringing water bottles. Only water is permitted in the classrooms.
No Outside Beverages
To maintain a focused and healthy environment, beverages such as coffee, energy drinks, or popular "pink drinks" from outside establishments like Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks are not allowed in the building.
Our Commitment to Excellence
At Ottoson Middle School, we are dedicated to providing an environment where every student feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their fullest potential. Our faculty and staff are passionate about teaching and are here to support your child every step of the way.
We are excited about the year ahead and the opportunities it holds for academic growth, personal development, and building strong, lasting connections. Together, we will create a supportive and vibrant school community.
Communication and Support
We believe in open communication and encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns throughout the year. Our partnership with you is vital to your child’s success, and we are here to support you as well. Please reach out to your child’s teachers if you have any questions. You can expect communication from your child’s teachers and teaching team early on in the school year.
Your child’s grade-level assistant principal can help to provide communication and support. Ms. Lindsay Migliero will be working primarily with grade 8 students and families and Mr. Christopher Mahoney will be working primarily with grade 7 students and families.