Edgmont Elementary Family Update
Week of November 18, 2024
November's Theme: Creating Connections - Building Bridges Together
Students Must Be Present and On Time Daily
Families, it's imperative that students come to school daily, on time, and stay the duration of the school day. Valuable instructional time is lost when students arrive late. Teachers begin lessons at 9:00am daily. Thank you for your help in getting all students to the building on time!
Science Night
ESA's PBIS Assembly
Students Modeling a Game During our Assembly
Students of the Month
Ms. Lewis - Staff Member of the Month
ESA Celebrates World Kindness Day
Kindergarten Students
Mrs. Gramo & Mrs. Smith Proudly Show their World Kindness Day Creations
ESA Spirit Wear
November 26, 2024; 8am - 6pm
November 27, 2024; Act 80 Day
November 28 - 29, 2024: All CUSD Schools Closed
Family Summit
Science Fair
Student Information Update Form
Daily Reading at Home
Parents, we're encouraging every child to read at least 15 minutes a night to a family member. Reading instills confidence in your child as well as develops comprehension skills. We have books at Stetser that students are welcome to take home with them. Thank you in advance for your partnership in this endeavor.
Book of the Week
Mrs. Guida's Autumn Bookshelf Read Aloud
Weekly Inspirational Quote
A Walk in the Arctic
Canned Food Drive
Fridays in November
Upcoming Events
EVERY WED: 5:30-7:30pm Free crochet and stitching for all ages. at J. Lewis Crozer Public Library, 620 Engle St in Chester. More info at https://delcolibraries.libcal.com/event/12691143 Beginners welcome!
EVERY WED: 6:30-7:30pm Free Zumba (Latin-inspired aerobics class) for all ages at Keystone First Wellness Center, 1929 W 9th St in Chester. No registration required.
EVERY SAT: 9:30-10:30am Free Yoga (stretching, breathing and meditation) and 10:30-11:30am Free Zumba (Latin-inspired aerobics class) at Keystone First Wellness Center, 1929 W 9th St in Chester. No registration required.ed.
Dec 6, 4-6pm: Free painting class for ages 14+ (with accompanying adult) at Keystone First Wellness Center, 1929 W 9th St in Chester. Call 610-245-9847 to register.
Dec 6, 6-8pm: Free bowling party, dinner and care packages at Sproul Lanes, 745 South Sproul Rd in Springfield. Free transportation available upon request. No registration required. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Dec 30, Save the date for a fun and active midday event on a school holiday!
CUSD Volunteer Process
Below are direction from www.chesteruplandsd.org:
Volunteer Clearances
Legislation in Pennsylvania requires community members and parents to obtain clearances in order to volunteer in our schools. If you have previously submitted your clearances to the Human Resources office, they are good for five (5) years from the date of the clearance.
Governor Wolf has waived the fees associated with the Pennsylvania State Police—Criminal Background Check and the Child Abuse History Clearance. Since the FBI clearance is a federal program, those costs still remain; however, the district has decided to permit individuals who have resided in Pennsylvania continuously for ten years or more to sign a certification form that saves the volunteer the expense of the fee, ensures compliance with the law, and allows the district to maximize student safety.
Understanding that many community members will want to begin the process of securing clearances so that they are prepared for the start of the school year, we have provided several links and directions to assist you. Once you have obtained the requisite clearances, please bring them to the Human Resources office for the Chester Upland School District, located 1350 Edgmont Avenue, Chester PA 19013. Please be prepared to present a valid driver’s license or other photo identification. Our Human Resources Department will then add your name to the district list so that our educators can readily ensure that volunteers have the proper clearances.
Directions for Obtaining Clearances for Volunteers Who Have Resided in Pennsylvania Continuously for 10+ Years
- Complete ACT 34—Pennsylvania State Police—Request for Criminal Record Check
- Complete ACT 151—Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance—Online Application
- Drop off paperwork at the Chester Upland School District Human Resource Office. Please be prepared to present a valid driver’s license or other photo identification.
- Print and Complete this Volunteer Information and Certification Form.
Directions for Obtaining Clearances for Volunteers Who Have Resided in Pennsylvania for Less Than 10 Years
- Complete ACT 34—Pennsylvania State Police—Request for Criminal Record Check
- Complete ACT 151—Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance—Online Application
- Complete Act 114—FBI Fingerprinting—To schedule your appointment, visit https://uenroll.identogo.com and enter Service Code 1KG6XN. You may also call 844-321-2101 to schedule an appointment
- Complete ACT 114—FBI Fingerprinting
Be certain to register under the Pennsylvania Department of Education. - Drop off paperwork at the Chester Upland School District Human Resources Office. Please be prepared to present a valid driver’s license or other photo identification.