Santiago Charter Middle School
Friday Newsletter (on a Thursday): February 13, 2025
Hello Santiago Families-
Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow (2/14) and Monday (2/17) in observance of Presidents' Day. School will resume on Tuesday (2/18)
Culinary Arts: Our Culinary Arts team will be at the Orange Home Grown Farmers' Market this Saturday (2/15) from 10a-2p. Scroll below to check out their flier.
PTSA Executive Board Nominations 25-26: To nominate members of for our PTSA's Executive Board for the following school year, click here: SCMS PTSA Executive Board Nominations 25-26
8th grade Promotion Party Fundraisers: Are you interested in supporting our PTSA's efforts in raising money for our 8th grade promotion party? Click here for a letter from our PTSA: SCMS Promotion Party 2025.pdf
Calendar Details
This Week:
- Monday (2/17): No School (President's Day)
- Tuesday (2/18): EVEN Day Schedule
- Wednesday (2/19): ODD Day schedule/ Charter Board @ 6:30p (library)/ Canyon High School Showcase
- Thursday (2/20): EVEN Day Schedule
- Friday (2/21): ODD Make-Up Day (dismissal 1:35pm)
- Monday (2/24): ODD Day schedule
- Tuesday (2/25): EVEN Day Schedule/ ELAC @ 6p in library
- Wednesday (2/26): ODD Day schedule/ PTSA Meeting @ 8:15a (library)
- Thursday (2/27): EVEN Day Schedule
- Friday (2/28): All Periods (dismissal @ 1:35pm)/ 8th grade walk to El Modena @ 9:15a
Culinary Arts: Orange Home Grown Farmers' Market
Congratulations to this Year's Honor Band Students
These students auditioned and have the honor of being part of the Orange Unified Honor Band! We can't wait to see you in concert on Tuesday, March 25th at 7pm, at Chapman University, Memorial Hall. Way to go Santanas!
PTSA Corner
Our next PTSA meeting will be on Wednesday, February 26, at 8:30a in our library.
Make sure and follow our PTSA's Instagram: @santiagochartermiddleschoolptsa
Our PTSA is also lookin for members to serve on the Santiago Charter Middle School PTSA Executive Board for the 2025-2026 school year. For more information on the positions and/or if you would like to submit a nomination, please use the link below:
8th Grade Promotion Party Details (click below)
Donor's Choose
Check out the attached flyer to see how you can help teachers with their classroom wish lists!
After School Karate Class
Are you interested in a free after school karate class? See the attached flyer for more information.
Expanded Learning Program (ELP)
Santana Expectations
Everyday, Santanas are expected to follow the guidelines for our campus. For clarification of these expectations and what we will be discussing with students the first week of school, please click here.
If your child needs to miss school, please notify us promptly by phone or by sending a note/doctor's note to school with your child. You can call our attendance number 24/7 at 714-628-5681.
Stay Updated with Santiago:
Facebook: @SantiagoCharterSchool
Instagram: @SantiagoCharterMiddle
*please also load Remind App (many of our different programs will use this app to communicate)
Santiago Charter Middle School
Orange County's 1st Charter School
A public school, with a private school approach
ORANGE, CA 92867