August Newsletter!
Partners for Success
School year 2023-2024 is almost here!
Here are some tips:
A Student Profile Snap-shot is a great way to introduce your child to their new teacher, as well as other staff at the school.
Who should receive a copy? In addition to sending it to the classroom teacher, and/or your child's special education teacher, it is a great idea to provide a copy of this one page summary of your child to anyone who interacts with your student on a regular basis, or might support your child at critical times. This could include:
- Bus Driver
- Substitutes (you can ask the teacher if they would be willing to include it in their sub folder)
- Specials Teachers
- Media Specialists
- Intervention Specialists
- After or Before Care Staff
- Cafeteria Staff
- Front Office Staff
- Classroom Aids
- School Nurse and Health Room Techs
If you need assistance in creating a one-page profile for your child please feel free to reach out and I will be happy to help!
Special Education Language to know!
To get you started in learning more, here are a few of the most commonly used Special Education Acronyms and their meanings:
- AAC - Augmentative/Alternative Communication - This is any system your child uses to communicate. This can include PECS systems and electronic and tablet based communication systems.
- ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis - A scientific approach to understanding behavior.
- ACTT - Augmentative Communication and Technology Team - The FCPS team that assists with supportive and adaptive technology.
- ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act - A civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities
- BCBA - Board Certified Behavior Analyst - A person with a graduate- level certification in applied behavior analysis.
- BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan - A document developed to address the individual behavior needs of a students whose behavior interferes with learning.
- DIBELS - Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills - A set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills.
- ESY - Extended School Year - Special Education and related services that are delivered to a student beyond the regular school year.
- FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education - Free education designed to meet the student's unique needs and prepares the child for further education, employment, and independent living.
- FBA - Functional Behavioral Assessment - A process for identifying problem behaviors and developing interventions to improve or eliminate those behaviors.
- IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act - A law that makes available a free and appropriate education to eligible children with disabilities.
- IEP - Individualized Education Plan - A legal document that lays out the Special Education instruction, supports, and a services a student needs to receive FAPE.
- LRE - Least Restrictive Environment - Assures that a child with a disability must be educated with their non-disabled peers to the fullest extent possible.
- OT - Occupational Therapy - Rehabilitation through the performance of activities required for everyday life.
- PECS - Picture Exchange Communication System - A type of AAC that uses visual symbols to teach the learner to communicate. (These are the symbols frequently seen on student's desks and teacher's lanyards used for communication.)
- PWN - Prior Written Notice - A written explanation of the changes a school district will be making, and/or refusing to make, to an student's IPE. (In FCPS you will receive a PWN after every IEP meeting. It is at the end of your meeting notes that are sent 5 days after the meeting.)
- SEIA - Special Education Instructional Assistant - Supports the Special Education teacher both in the classroom with students and with administrative tasks.
- SLP - Speech Language Pathologist - An individual who can assess and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication and swallowing disorder
FCPS Upcoming events!
Autism 101 Presentation
Wednesday, Sep 6, 2023, 05:30 PM
400 Ferndale Avenue, Frederick, MD, USA
The Communities upcoming events
The Frederick County Office for Children and Families wants hear from you! A research team is talking to families
about their child care choices — including their choice not to use child care for infants, toddlers, and children who are too young for school. You will receive $60 for your participation! Take a look!
Stay Connected!
Contact Rachel Spicer-Special Education Community Liaison or 240-236-8744
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