Title I Family Connection
January 2025
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👏Announcement: Title I Director
Dear Families,
The Everett Public Schools is excited to announce David Brady as the new Title I Director for the Everett Public Schools. For the past 32 years, Mr. Brady has been part of the Everett Public Schools beginning his teaching as a physical education teacher and eventually became a guidance counselor. He has worked as an assistant principal and also principal including at the Madeline English School, Whittier School, and the Lafayette School. He shared, "Over the years, I have most enjoyed my work with students and families. I am excited for my new role as Title I Director for the district. I am looking forward to building relationships with students, families, and teachers across the district to continue to build a strong Title I program."
Mr. Brady will begin his new role once a new principal for the Lafayette School is in place. He will support the new principal in order to ensure a smooth transition.
William Hart
Superintendent of Schools
🎹 Great Events Coming Up🪘
The Everett Public Schools Title I Program has planned some great events in January. All families are welcome.
The Brazilian Drum Troupe-Grooversity will be visiting the Everett Public Schools. The event is free. There will be a light dinner served followed by a performance of music and dancing for the whole family. Check out the video of their performance and come to see them in person.
- Tuesday, January 14th at the Whittier School
- Wednesday, January 15th at the Keverian School
- Thursday, January 23rd at the Lafayette School
- Monday, January 27th at the Parlin School
Also, come learn how to support your children in math at the next Title I breakfast on these dates:
- Wednesday, January 15th 8-9 AM at the Whittier School
- Thursday, January 16th 8-9 AM at the Keverian School
- Friday, January17th 8-9 AM at the English School
- Tuesday, January 21st 8-9 AM at the Parlin School
- Wednesday, January 22nd 8-9 AM at the Webster School
- Friday, January 24th 8-9 AM at the Lafayette School
Come meet other families and learn how you can support your child in math at home. We'll have a light breakfast.
📆 Attendance Matters! 📆
Keep Attendance up in the Winter Months
🎒Supporting Your Child's Attendance🏫
Every winter, bad weather — snow, slush, freezing temperatures or even heavy rains — can present challenges to getting children to school. So do the illnesses such as colds, flu, fevers and earaches that often come with the winter months.
Develop back up plans for getting your children to school in bad weather. Check to see who can give your children a ride to school if you aren’t able to take them to school.
Keep your children healthy. Maintain a regular bedtime and morning routine.
- Ensure students eat a good breakfast every morning.
- Ensure your children visit their medical provider and have received their vaccines, including flu and Covid.
- Stress hand washing, particularly before and after eating, and after using the restroom.
- Reinforce the importance of avoiding close contact with individuals who are sick, and not sharing cups and/or utensils with others.
- If your children seem anxious about going to school, ask teachers, school counselors, your medical provider and parents for advice on how to make your children feel comfortable and excited about learning.
Keep your children engaged in learning if they cannot attend school in person.
- Identify who can support your children’s learning at home, especially if you must go to work.
- Encourage your children to call classmates and stay connected to the teacher to find out about what they missed.
WHAT CAN PARENTS DO? To learn more about attendance and strategies that make a difference visit www.attendanceworks.org
🙂Supporting Social Emotional Learning
💗Self-Awareness 🧡
What is self-awareness?
Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions, thoughts, strengths, and limitations.
Why is self-awareness important?
Self- awareness helps children understand their feelings, make sense of them. behavior, and build confidence in their abilities.
How can families help build self-awareness?
- Name that feeling. Throughout the day, encourage your children to identify their feelings. use questions like, "How are you feeling right now?" and introduce them to a variety of feeling words (e.g., happy, nervous, frustrated, curious). As you watch moves and read books together, talk about the feelings they think the characters have. Ask your child if they have every felt that way.
- Keep an emotional journal. Each night, have your child write down or draw 3 emotions they felt during the day and the events that caused them. This builds emotions vocabulary and reflection skills.
- Try a mirror check. Practice making faces that show different emotions in front of a mirror. Ask your child, "What feelings does this face show?" This builds emotional regulation and empathy.
💬Tell Me More!🎤
Get Them Talking
Have you ever asked your child what happened during their school day and their response is, “Nothing.” You may have even gotten a non-verbal shrug of the shoulders. Children are often tired at the end of the day and getting a meaningful response from them may be difficult. By asking them a more specific question casually you are more likely to get more than a one word response. Here are some conversation starters to get your child talking about their school day.
What made you smile today?
What made you laugh out loud at school today?
What games did you play at recess?
What’s something you learned that you didn’t already know?
What is the best thing that happened at school today?
What is the worst thing that happened at school today?
Did you show kindness to someone today?
If you could get a do-over, what would you change about your school day today?
What do you like most about your teacher?
Tell me about a time you used your imagination today.
➕Everyone Can Do Math➗
Share a Love for Math with Your Child
The new year is the perfect time to adopt a fresh new mindset around mathematics. Math is one of the only subjects that causes anxiety in students and adults. About 93% of adult Americans indicate they experience some level of math anxiety. About17% of adults suffer from high levels of math anxiety. You can help to ease this anxiety for your children.
Some things families can do at home are:
Do not say you are bad at math. This makes children believe that people are either bad at math or good at math, we want them to believe that anyone can be good at math with practice and patience.
Embrace making mistakes in math. Show your child that making mistakes in math is normal and finding and fixing your mistakes is how you learn and grow.
Show your child that math is all around us and it’s useful! We use math with our finances, during shopping, while cooking, and other ways every single day.
👀Support Your Child's Learning of Math At Home 💻
Watch this short video to learn how the schools are working to support math. Learn some ideas of how you might support math at home.
🎓Winter 2025 Parent ESL Classes 🏫
The Everett Public Schools will be offering ESL classes for parents beginning the week of January 20th. There are a variety of in-person and virtual options. Please see link to register.