Ocee Learning Commons
Whats going on?
Thank you for all of your support!
What happened in the Learning Commons this year? Well, perhaps the question should be what didn't happen in the LC this year? Check out our photos below!
The Ocee Learning Commons:
Ocee averaged 200-300 Check-outs daily!
Accessed Safari Montage 700 times in one week in October!
Hosted 35 student volunteers per semester!
Provided over 750 ebooks with 1440 check-outs this year!
Made over 19,000 dollars on our book fair and had 52 parent volunteers participate!
Check out the stats!
We have had a truly remarkable year for technology integration! I’m so excited to report that Ocee has had about 6000 logins to our databases just through Mackinvia alone. (Mackinvia is our county resource hosting portal.) This doesn’t include our many other resources that are not accessed this way. What this means is that students have been extremely active been using many different digital resources. A few of the resources provided through Mackinvia are ebooks, audiobooks, Gale research resources, BrainPop, Pebble Go, Kids.gov, Biography.com, Kids Infobits, and numerous other wonderful databases for students. Tumble Books, another reading resource, has had 7,600 book views alone this school year. Nearpod, a wonderfully creative and interactive presentation tool that we just purchased at the end of March 2017, has been used 164 times by 1609 students. Pebble Go, another informative research database that we purchased this year, had 6700 logins with the most popular topics being weather, animals, volcanoes, biographies, and the solar system. (FYI - Pebble Go had an all-time top article this year with 3, 988, 616 views of Tarantulas!) It is so important for our students to keep reading and practicing reading skills over the summer. To help parents and students find reading material easily, the programs listed above can be used at home and accessed through www.fulton.mackinvia.com. Make sure your child knows his/her user name and password; if he/she is not able to recall them, please check with your child’s teacher before the end of the school year. These resources are accessible on iPads, Kindle Fire, Android devices, and any other devices with an internet connection. There is a Mackinvia App that is downloadable. Please remind your child to read, read, read!
Professional Development Provided (Based on Teacher Survey):
What is a Maker Space?, Orientation and use of the Learning Commons,
Internet Safety through Common Sense Media,
Personalized Learning Strategies,
Safari Montage, Discovery Learning, Overdrive,
Mackinvia, PebbleGo, ebooks, Office 365,
One Drive, Surface training