Collins Hill HS - January, 2025
Monthly Newsletter
January, 2025 -- A Message from Principal Augmon:
Dear Collins Hill Families,
I am excited to welcome everyone back this week to begin second semester! As a reminder, daily attendance is key to student success.
If you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to download both the ParentVue and Parent Square Apps so that you are able to monitor grades, discipline, and attendance, as well as avoid missing out on important updates from teachers, coaches, and club sponsors. Directions for downloading the Apps can be found on our newly renovated Collins Hill HS website:
It’s going to be a great semester on The Hill!
Go Eagles!
Mrs. Lee Augmon, Principal
Collins Hill High School
(770) 682- 4101
Important Dates To Remember
January 6 - Second Semester Begins
January 20 - MLK Holiday
Feb 7 - Digital Learning Day
Feb 13-17 - Mid-Winter Break
January Student of the Month, Salma Bello-Okunowo
Congratulations to Salma Bello-Okunowo, January Student of the Month. Salma is an AP Scholar with a Distinction Award and a Georgia Certificate of Merit recipient. She is a member of GSLT(Georgia Student Leadership Team) as well as co-founder and president of ACC (African Cultural Club). Salma facilitated and founded the PASA (Pan-American Student Alliance) and currently serves as a co-president. Salma plans to further her education , majoring in Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science. She hopes to work in the Engineering Field, in addition to expanding her braiding business into a certified franchise for salons.
Phoenix High School Registration
Registration for 3rd mini-semester will open Monday, Dec 2. They have traditional classes that meet every day (Monday - Thursday), and they also offer a flex option for some classes (more of a hybrid format). The flyer with more details is HERE.
Poetry Week
There will be a poetry week in the media center during eagle time from 1/13 - 1/17. More details will be put on the scrolling announcements, sent out, or posted on the Poetic Flow instagram (@chhs.poeticflow).
Denim & Diamonds
Baseball Tryouts
2024-2025 Credit Recovery
There will be four Credit Recovery windows for Collins Hill during SY24-25:
Q3 - 1/13/25 through 2/12/25 (Registration deadline 1/13/25) and
Q4 - 2/24/25 - 3/28/25 (Registration deadline 2/24/25)
Courses will be offered through Georgia Virtual School (GAVS) for students who failed a class with a grade between 50-69.
This is a self-paced, online format.
Students will work through each unit, scoring a 70% or higher on each unit post-test for the next unit to open.
Students can work through the course work as quickly or as slowly as needed in order to master the material, but the deadline for each session is listed above.
Students must pay $25 in MyPaymentsPlus for each credit recovery session.
Tests for units (post-tests) should only be taken during Eagle Time so that Eagle Time teachers can proctor. Students may also schedule a time to take their tests/final exams in the GOC Lab.
The final exam or EOC are also required to be taken at school once the course is finished.
Once registration closes for each session, Dr. Childs and our counselors will work on getting students registered for their classes in the GAVS platform and scheduled as a 9th period in StudentVue.
Once registration is complete Georgia Virtual, students will receive an email from them with instructions about how to access their class and get started on the coursework.
GAVS sets the due date for each class as the day that students are enrolled in the class but students will have the credit recovery window to complete all of the tests/exams.
For us to register students for a GAVS credit recovery class, students MUST have an account with GAVS that does NOT use their school GSuite email.
Students having issues with their GAVS account should email Dr. Childs at
(IMPORTANT: Do NOT create another account if you have taken credit recovery in the past)
Go to website:
Click on “create student account”.
Fill in ALL of the required information highlighted in yellow. Make sure you put in a personal email address NOT your school email. Click the Save button.
The system will automatically assign you a Username and Password. Take a picture of or write it down so you won’t forget it (remember it is case sensitive).
After your account has been created log out. Now, try logging back into your account to make sure it was created successfully.
You MUST create an account if you have NEVER taken credit recovery before.
Do NOT create a second account if you have taken credit recovery in the past.
If you have forgotten your account username and password, email Heather Childs (
Digital Driver's Education
*This course is for students who have previously obtained their driving permit or driving license. It includes 30 hours of zoom classroom instruction with a DDS certified instructor along with 6 hours of behind the wheel driving.
The Community School Office is now accepting registration forms and payment for the March 10, 2025, thru March 21, 2025, digital via zoom Driver Education Course. Many insurance companies offer substantial discounts to automobile policies for up to three years when your licensed student passes and completes this course. You may stop by the Community School Office room #1.338 or visit the school website at to download an application or obtain more information. You will need to click on the Community School tab and then click on the classes tab (space is limited).
Certificate of Enrollment Forms
Certificate of Enrollment Forms*
*This form is required for students aged 15 to 17 who wish to obtain a Driving Learner's Permit or a Driver's License and is only valid for 30 days from the date of processing.
- Log into your MyPaymentsPlus account to request and pay $6.00 for your official Certificate of Enrollment.
- Allow 48 business hours to process your request, please.
Return to the Main Office during school hours (Monday-Friday) to pick up your completed and notarized certificate.
eADAP Certificate
eADAP Certificate*
*This certificate is required for students aged 16 to 17 who wish to obtain a Driver's License.
Go to the website: (If you cannot recover your username and password you created when you took the course previously to print your certificate, you will need to create a new account and retake the course)
Hover over "Testing/Training " on the ribbon bar at the top of the page.
Choose "Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program (DAP/eADAP)" from the dropdown menu.
Click on " eADAP for Teen Drivers " under Program Links.
Click on the "Student Registration" tab in the left-hand box on the page. Then click continue.
The Student ADAP Registration page will come up and you will need to fill this form out COMPLETELY and press save. You should be able to then log-in and take the course online and print out your certificate once you pass.
FAFSA Workshop
Buy Your Yearbook
Buy Your Yearbook!
We have finalized our page count and have room for ONE MORE PAGE OF SENIOR ADS! Go to to purchase and design a senior ad. Space is only reserved for you once you fully design AND pay for an ad. Available ad sizes are 1/8 page, ¼ page, ½ page, and 1 full page.
Senior Portraits
Senior Portraits:
The due date for senior portraits has been pushed back to Fri Jan 17th! Book your Senior Portrait session by going to Photos from a private photographer will not be accepted!
Use this link for some navigation help:
Senior Parent Meeting
Name Recording for Graduation
Everything Class of 2025!
Scholastic Images On Campus
Senior Dues
Senior dues are $155. Payment can be made online , at the Scholastic Images office (2955 Horizon Park Dr., Ste. D) or with the help of a representative when they are on campus on October 30.
Dues cover cap and gown, senior week, graduation tickets, class t-shirt* (while supplies last), etc. Dues do not include a yearbook, parking or prom.
*T-shirts can be picked up by reaching out to Mrs. Ebelhar (A116)
News from the Family Resource Center
Kick-off the new semester empowered with the tools to monitor, support, and advocate for your 9th - 12th grader! If you have not activated your ParentVue AND ParentSquare accounts, we are here to help. Whether you need help activating your account, learning to navigate the applications, understanding the difference and reason behind both, or have questions or concerns regarding either one of these vital parent resources, please reach out:
Office: 770-682-4117
Schedule an Appointment: **APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE (In-person or Zoom)**
Thank you for partnering with us for student success!
The Care Closet is available to our students and families that are struggling with food insecurity and are in need of essential items such as food, personal care items, and basic school supplies. Students in need, may schedule a time to visit the Care Closet for necessities using this link: Parents may reserve a bag of food or essential items by using this link:
Parent/Guardians wishing to volunteer their time to help organize, stock, and pack bags for the Care Closet, please sign up here (check form for dates/times):
Help us Stock the Care Closet! The following is our general wish list. Please check our website for updates as the year progresses:
The Care Closet is now accepting gently used or new winter wear (i.e., coats, jackets) AND formal wear (i.e., prom dresses, accessories)! Due to space, we are unable to take other clothing items at this time.
Let's talk over a cup of coffee! Tuesday, January 14 at 9:30 AM — Come join the parent liaison and other Eagle parents to chat about positive ways to partner with the school in support of your high schooler's overall success. We will also have a special guest from the Navy with information about their collegiate and career programs. Please RSVP if you plan to attend:
Orientation for NEW Parents/Guardians to The Hill. If your student recently enrolled at Collins Hill High School and you would like to attend this brief session hosted by our parent liaison, please sign up here: (See registration form for dates and times - more dates added each month!)
Orientación para Padres y Tutores NUEVOS a Collins Hill High School. Si su estudiante se matriculo a nuestra escuela recientemente, le invitamos a esta sesión breve con nuestra "parent liaison" (enlace para padres). Favor de inscribirse aquí: (este taller es diferente al taller "Newcomers Academy" en español para familias recién llegadas a los Estados Unidos)
Grab your device and drop in for a virtual session with the parent liaison. We'll review what's coming up on the school calendar (e.g., upcoming events, special meetings specific to certain grade levels, where to find college prep checklists, and an overview of resources available to parents and families in support of their high schoolers overall success. NOTE: This is a casual meeting for general school related conversation. We are not able to discuss personal/confidential information during this meeting. The parent liaison is the host of this virtual drop in, and it is intended as informational and for general Q&A.
DATE: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
TIME: 12:30-1:00 PM
NEWCOMER ACADEMY (for families new to the U.S. and CHHS) ¡EN ESPAÑOL! (para familias recién llegadas al país)
Las siguientes reuniones son para los padres y familiares de estudiantes nuevos al país y a la escuela de Collins Hill High School. Favor de inscribirse aquí para asistir:
Translate the Website to your Preferred Language
Attention Multilingual Families! Did you know that you can translate the CHHS website and our parent resources to your preferred language?
SCHOOL WEBSITE: Look for the Language button on the bottom right corner of the screen and click to select your language.
PARENTVUE APP: Select "current language" at the bottom of the log in screen and choose your language.
PARENTSQUARE APP: Please visit the Counseling Office or the Family Resource Center at your earliest convenience and ask for your preferred correspondence language to be updated. When your preferred correspondence language is set to a language other than English, it will allow you to communicate with your child's teachers and any school staff in your preferred language when using ParentSquare (the app automatically does the translating for you!).
Need help with any of these translation features or finding other multilingual resources to help you support your child's high school years, please schedule an appointment with our parent liaison: (appointments are available in English or Spanish, and a translation device is available to help with all other language needs)
ParentVue Help
If you need help accessing the ParentVUE app, please sign up for an appointment here. We would love a chance to support you!
Join PTSA Today!
Even if you don't have time to volunteer, your membership contribution will assist the PTSA in their support of CHHS, students and staff. Our goal is to have at least ONE person from every household represented at Collins Hill join this year.
Scan the QR code or go to to join the CHHS PTSA
Address Changes, Emergency Contact Changes, Ordering a Transcript
Current students needing to order transcripts:
Please visit your My Payments Plus account and look under the Events/Activities tab to order and pay for transcripts.
If you have moved to a new home address....
If you have moved, please update your student's address as soon as possible to ensure receipt of school mailings and to remain eligible for school transportation. We are required to have updated proofs of residency on file for all students.
Only the enrolling parent/guardian is allowed to submit address changes. Please follow the steps below to update your student’s information:
1. Fill out the Address Change Form.
2. Bring the form, proofs of residency, and the enrolling parent's ID to the counseling office.
NOTE: Please allow a minimum of two (2) business days for your requests to be processed. Students WILL NOT be issued a permanent bus change until ALL required documents are received.
Questions or Concerns? Please email or call 678.376.8694
Need to update Emergency Contact information and/or parent phone numbers:
- Log on to your ParentVUE account
- Click on ParentVue >> Student Information >> Edit Information
- Follow the prompts to update each section as needed for each student
Need to update a parent email address....
This may only be done by the enrolling parent.
All email address changes must be made in person during regular school days, 7:15am-2:30pm
Please visit
Update your Immunizations
My Payments Plus
All activities and fees are now being paid through MyPaymentsPlus. All activities for Collins Hill will begin with CHHS. You can type CHHS in the search bar and all available activities for our school will pop up. Orientation Documents are located there as well and need to be signed.
My Payments Plus Mobile App
Paying for school meals, fees, exams and activities online helps speed up lines, ensures the safety of your payment and is convenient and easy whether using the MyPaymentsPlus website or App. My Payments Plus is now also available on Google Play and the Apple's App Store!
Click on the below links for more information.
Marketing Flyer Mobile App English
K-12 Student Accident Insurance
Worried about paying for your child's medical care if an accident should happen? K & K's student accident insurance can help. Go to and click the Enroll Now button for detail
Gwinnett County Public Schools Information
We want to make sure you are aware of some important materials that are available to you and how you can access them. Please take a moment to look over these helpful documents!
Student/Parent Handbook - Click For Link To Document
Student Calendar - Click for Link to Student Calendar
Parent Portal Information - Click for Link to Document
Newsletter Opt-In
Want this newsletter directly to your email inbox? Opt in by scanning or clicking the image:
About Us
Location: 50 Taylor Road, Suwanee, GA, USA
Phone: 770-682-4100
Twitter: @collinshill