Fleetridge Flyer
September 2024
A Note from Mrs. Glasco
Dear Fleetridge Families~
We have already accomplished so much during the first eight days of school. Teachers have spent time teaching procedures and establishing routines in their classrooms, and students have been learning and practicing our clearly defined expectations. This work is important to ensure we are prepared for the learning that will take place this school year. We are off to a great start here at Fleetridge!
I would like to welcome our fifty-one new kindergarten students and the thirty-eight students new to grades 1-5. We are pleased you have chosen Fleetridge as your school home as there is no better place to be. Welcome to the Fleetridge Family!
The September Back to School Night is scheduled for Thursday, September 12, 6:00-7:30. It will be an open house format with opportunities to learn important information from Fleetridge teachers and support staff members. Please mark your calendar as you do not want to miss this important family event.
Continue reading this newsletter to learn about School Picture Day, Attendance Awareness Week, Culver's Night and much more.
Thank you,
Melissa Glasco
Fleetridge Picture Day
Monday, Sep 16, 2024, 09:00 AM
Fleetridge Elementary School, East 55 Street, Kansas City, MO, USA
September is Attendance Awareness Month
September is Attendance Awareness Month!
Raytown Quality Schools teachers pack a lot of learning into every school day. How much, you ask? From literature, to math, to science, to athletics, to arts, to tons of other extracurricular activities – all essential to academic success and social skills.
Attendance Awareness Month takes place every September to help spread awareness regarding why maintaining attendance in school is important. A good school year starts with good attendance. According to attendanceworks.org, students who missed fewer than two school days in September typically have good attendance rates for the entire year. On the other hand, poor attendance in the first month of school is often a predictor of chronic absenteeism, defined as two or more absences per month, for the entire school year.
We will celebrate Attendance Awareness Month at Fleetridge September 23-27 with fun prizes and incentives throughout the week. Stay tuned for more information.
Library News
Arrival/Check In ~ Dismissal/Check Out
Morning arrival begins at 8:15 and ends at 8:30. Bus riders and walkers enter the building via the front doors. Car riders enter the building via the east doors, near the dock. Please do not drop off students in the west staff parking lot, in the driveway, or at the front doors.
Check In
If you arrive after the 8:30AM bell, please come inside Fleetridge as parent sign in is required for students who are tardy.
Please communicate transportation changes before 3:10 (1:30 Wednesday). If you need to pick up your student before dismissal, please do so before 3:10 (1:30 Wednesday). If you arrive after 3:10 (1:30 Wednesday), please proceed to the car rider line.
Check Out
A valid government issued ID is always required to check out your student, even if you have previously presented your ID. We will release students to the adults identified as household parents or nonresident parents. We will not release your student to anyone without parent permission. This includes the adults listed as emergency contacts. Please call the school office in advance, if an adult other than the parent is planning to pick up your student.
Please respect and follow the processes and procedures outlined above as they are very carefully designed with student safety in mind.
RQS Visitor Procedures
Visitors will enter the school building through the guided entry location. At Fleetridge, this is the main entrance-front doors.
Visitors will use the buzz/call button to alert the office staff.
The office staff member will ask questions to determine the visitor's purpose for visiting the school.
When possible, all unknown visitors will be asked to show a photo ID prior to entering the school building. (A second camera for this purpose will soon be installed at the Fleetridge main entry.)
Once the visitor's identification and reason for the visit has been confirmed, the visitor will be allowed into the guided entry door and into the main office.
The office staff member will scan the visitor’s photo identification through the visitor management system.
The office staff member will provide the visitor with a valid District visitor identification badge printed from the visitor management system and explain that it is to be worn at all times while the visitor is on campus.
The visitor will be escorted and supervised by a member of the school staff at all times.
At the completion of the school visit, the visitor will be escorted back to the school office to sign out and return the visitor badge upon departure from the campus.
Please watch this video for more information.
Lunch Visitors: We look forward to welcoming visitors during lunch on Wednesdays beginning second quarter. Please allow us to establish cafeteria procedures during first quarter, and we will be ready for you to join us for lunch on Wednesday, October 16th.
Parent Volunteers
Please submit your application as soon as possible and allow four weeks for approval.
The screening process is for adults who wish to participate in school activities and volunteer during the school day. Approval is not needed to attend evening events with your student(s).
RQS Parent Concern Protocol
The Raytown C-2 School District believes that building trusting relationships by open communication is important in order to improve and better meet the needs of our students and community. Please refer to the RQS Process for Resolving a Concern or Complaint for more information.
Fleetridge PTA
- Join PTA!
- Attend monthly PTA meetings.
- Give your time as a PTA volunteer
- Click here for the PTA support form.
Fleetridge PTA Meeting ~ Everyone is welcome!
Everyone is welcome at Fleetridge Elementary PTA meetings!
The first Wednesday of the month, 6:30-7:30, October - May.
If there is no school the first Wednesday of the month, the meeting will take place the second Wednesday of that month.
Wednesday, Sep 4, 2024, 05:00 PM
Culver’s, South Little Blue Parkway, Independence, MO, USA
PTA Sponsored World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser
September 16 - 30
More information coming soon.
Looking Ahead
Monday, September 2
No School - Labor Day
September 3-9
NWEA MAP Testing Week, Grades 1-5
MAP=Measures of Academic Progress
Wednesday, September 4
PTA Meeting @Culver's - Membership Drive, 5:00-8:00
Thursday, September 5
Chiefs Red Thursday - Wear Red!
September 9-September 27
KEA State Assessment, Kindergarten
KEA=Kindergarten Entry Assessment
Thursday, September 12
Back to School Night, 6:00-7:30
Sunday, September 15
Hispanic Heritage Month Begins
Monday, September 16
Fall Picture Day
September 23-27
Attendance Awareness Week @Fleetridge
Wednesday, October 2
Walk to School Day - Begin @Norfleet Baptist Church, 8:00AM
Wednesday, October 2
Fleetridge PTA Meeting - 6:30-7:30 @Fleetridge Library
Friday, October 11
End of 1st Quarter
Monday, October 21
Fall Picture Retakes
Thursday, October 24
Haunted Hallways Family Night @Fleetridge, 6:00-7:30
Friday, October 25
No School for Students - Teacher Professional Work Day
Wednesday, October 30-Thursday, October 31
Parent Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 31-Friday, November 1
No School for Students
Social Media
Melissa Glasco
Fleetridge Stars
Bill Lor
Fleetridge Elementary
Email: melissa.glasco@raytownschools.org
Website: https://fr.raytownschools.org/
Location: 13001 East 55 Street, Kansas City, MO, USA
Phone: 816.268.7220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FleetridgeElem