Edition 25

February 3rd - February 7th
Happening at OMS
A big thank you to our "SOUPER " PTO and Bulldogs parents for keeping our staff well-fed. Enjoy the super bowl!
This week Otwell welcomed rising 6th graders, they had a chance to tour the school. we are excited to see our future Bulldogs in the fall.
Miss Jones class enjoyed a fun morning of bowling and chick fil a!!
Celebrate OMS Employees
PTO Information
This is a link to the amazon wish list for the awards ceremony.
Bulldawgs Unleashed
Check out the latest episode of Bulldawgs Unleashed! In this episode we talk to our Teacher of the Month, Jennifer Pennington and our Staff Member of the Month, Jody Barbre.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/UNOhLhcB33I
Buzzsprout: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2119366/episodes/16561423
Season III | Episode 12
Important Reminders
- Please remember that NO outside food or drinks are allowed to be brought to the school
Por favor recuerde que NO se permite traer a la escuela comida o bebidas del exterior
Message from the Nurse
Please see message from Nurse Michelle
Counseling Corner
In honor of national School Counseling Week, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for trusting us to work with your students. It is truly our passion to make sure students are safe, connected, and thriving every day!
Your OMS Counselors,
Desiree Clark
Chrissy Morlanne
Pamela Walker
Need Tutoring??
OMS Athletics
6th Grade Information
Science: We are working on an ABC chart to think of as many words as possible that go along with our Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition unit. Some letters are trickier than others. Parents help us out! Can you think of a weathering, erosion, or deposition vocabulary word for our chart?
Math: We will have quiz 6.1 on Monday over statistical questions, mean, median, mode and range. Then we will learn about outlier, dot plots, histograms, and bar graphs.
Advanced Math: We will begin our Geometry unit with Area of Figures and Composite Figures next week.
Accelerated Math: Next week we will be beginning our geometry unit. We will begin with area of parallelograms, triangles, and composite figures. If we are ready, we will have a quiz over area on Friday.
ELA: Students completed their letters to Mrs. Saint-Jean hoping to include a short recess in our middle school day. We have started our next novel study, Freak the Mighty. Please ask your child about the book. We will integrate all our fictional standards throughout. Students will be completing an individual project connected to the novel due in March. Most of this will be homework or completed in synergy class. More details coming soon. Please continue to remind your child to complete Membean. Their 6th grade vocabulary is growing exponentially!
Advanced ELA: Advanced ELA students will read and analyze two texts ( short story and a poem), focusing on narrative elements that shape characters' identities. They will also begin modifier warm-ups and practice identifying and correcting vague pronouns to strengthen their writing.
Social Studies: In social studies, we are beginning our Latin America unit! Last week's field trip went great! We would like to give a big shout out to our chaperones, thank you for all your help! If you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to your student's social studies teacher.
Advanced Social Studies: Students will begin our study of Latin America. We will learn about the geography of Latin America along with environmental issues. Students will participate in the Brazilian Rainforest Conference where they will take on the role of a player in the rainforest deforestation issue. They will debate and try to convince a panel of judges to vote in their favor.
Enrichment: This week we have continued to learn how to apply the QAR strategy to our reading and test questions. We ended the week with some well-deserved fun Friday time! Next week we will venture down the path of poetry.
7th Grade Information
Science with Mrs. Joseph, Mrs. Pennington, & Mrs. Roth
Science classes will continue the unit on genetics. The students will obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain how organisms reproduce either sexually or asexually and transfer genetic information to determine the traits of their offspring.
Advanced science students will need a package of Starburst on Tuesday, 2/11 for a lab on selective breeding. Also, advanced science will have their science fair during connections on Feb 28, 2025.
Math with Mrs. Coley, Mrs. Kittrell, Mrs. Moore, & Mrs. Smallwood
Math classes will be continuing to use the percent proportion to solve word problems. We also will begin applying percentages to situations with money such as sales tax, tips, discounts, markups, and simple interest.
Advanced Math with Mr. Bruce
Next week we will begin our second geometry unit. We will begin with a review of area of parallelograms, triangles, and trapezoids. Then we will move into area of circles and composite figures. I do not think we will get to a quiz next week.
Accelerated Math with Ms. Moore
We have completed our work on the Pythagorean Theorem and have started learning the 8th grade volume standards. We will complete this unit next week and test early the following week.
Social Studies with Ms. Foley, Mrs. Perkins, & Mrs. Jaeger
7th grade social studies finished their Africa history unit this week and began working on the governments of S. Africa, Nigeria and Kenya. In addition, students will learn how the lack of government stability impacts education, food and medicine in these areas. Students should expect a quiz sometime next week.
8th Grade Information
8th Grade Field trip info went home Monday. If your student is interested in attending, please return the permission slip and make the first payment on School Pay by February 10th. Financial aid available upon request.
Spanish Permission Slip Part 1 Spanish Permission Slip Part 2
In science we will be wrapping up our unit on motion (speed, velocity, & acceleration). On Tuesday 2/11 students will have a quiz on analyzing and interpreting graphs on motion, and on Thursday 2/13 students will have their summative assessment.
Advanced Science:
Updated quiz and test dates are 2/13 for Newton's Laws and 2/21 for Unit 9 Motion and Newton's Laws. The students are going to be experiencing Newton's Laws through lab experiences and calculating the effects of the mass of different planets on gravity.
On Level Math:
On-level math will be reviewing for the Unit 6 Test on System of Equations, which will take place on Tuesday, February 11th.
Accelerated Math:
Accel math will be learning about arithmetic and geometric sequences and also differentiating between linear, quadratic, and exponential equations.
Spanish 1:
We will begin to use verbs and adjectives to describe people in our lives. Vista #4 will be assigned this week. Due date: 2/20/25.
This week we will complete a formative quiz and begin working on our summative writing assignment for this unit. We will also complete our verbals study.
Advanced ELA:
This week we will begin our next novel study and explore allegory a bit more deeply. We will also complete our verbals study.
Advanced Georgia Studies:
Students will finish their New South summative project that is due at the start of class on 2/12. Students will also complete an FRQ about disenfranchisement on 2/11. We will then learn about Georgia's role in World War I and the Great Depression.
Jessica Jacobs
Georgia Highlands Medical Center
Georgia Highlands Medical Center is excited to announce their partnership with Otwell Middle School!! see attachment below for more information.