The World of Westwood Wolves
There is no place like our PACK. #WestwoodFamily
Week of May 6th-10th
Dear Parents,
It’s that time of the year when everything is happening around the same time! We had an awesome assembly with a huge surprise for one of our Kindergarten teachers. If you haven’t heard about it, make sure to ask your student to share. We also celebrated our fearless leader, Mrs. Crumby, and a group of 1st graders who participated in a tutoring grant through the University of Arkansas! Nothing fills our hearts more than celebrating our school family!
We have another big week coming our way since we’ll be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week. Booster club, parent volunteers and our office staff will be presenting teachers with special goodies each day to show them how much we appreciate them. Our teachers love, love, love shout-outs. If you would like to send a shout-out to a teacher to let them know how much you appreciate them, please fill out the form below. Teachers will receive all their shout-outs as soon as they are received.
Please take a few minutes to review the updated information below. We have so much going on and we want to keep you well informed. Our Talent Show and Play Performance will take place on May 22nd. If your student would like to participate in the talent show, please have your student ready to perform their talent during the auditions that are taking place on May 9th & 10th. To help us prepare for the performance, please sign and return the form Mr. Stewart is sending home. We want to make sure we have enough seating for all our parents and visitors. Please let us know if there are any questions. Mrs. Crumby and Mrs. Tompkins are only a phone call/email away.
We hope you have a wonderful week. Stay safe!
Mrs. Kimberly Crumby, Principal
Mrs. Martha Tompkins, Assistant Principal/Parent Facilitator
Important Dates:
May 7th-Mobile Pantry & 3rd-5th Grade Play Performance at 6:00 pm
May 14th-5th Grade Little Olympics at 9:30 am.
May 16th-Senior Walk at 1:30 pm.
May 16th-Skate Night at 6:00 pm.
May 17th We did our best on the test Celebration at 1:30 pm.
May 22nd-Talent Show & Play Performance at 8:15 am.
May 23rd-One Book One School Assembly at 8:05 am.
May 23rd-Pre-K Celebrations at 9:00 am.
May 24th-Kindergarten Celebration at 9:00 am.
May 24th-5th Grade Celebration at 1:30 pm.
May 27th-Memorial Day-NO SCHOOL
May 28th-Field Day
May 29th-Last Day of School
Mobile Food Pantry
Tuesday, May 7th
Starting at 3:35 pm.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
BOGO Book Fair from 8:45 am. to 3:10 pm. the week of May 6th-10th!!!
Attention 5th grade parents!
We only have a few Yearbooks left!
It's time to order your yearbook! We only have 100 copies to sell. Get yours for $20.00. First come, first serve so order soon! Please call the office for details.
We would love to get your feedback. Please take a few minutes to participate!
Registration Gateway
All parents/guardians need to complete an online information update at the beginning of each school year. This information is used to effectively communicate with you and your student(s). This information is critical to your child’s health, safety and well-being.
Using this link ( https://rgupdate.sdale.org/) you will be asked to log in and verify your child’s information. You will need their 9 digit student id for user name and their birthdate as the password (xx/xx/xxxx). This should be repeated for each enrolled child.
NOTE: A note will be coming home for students who still need to take care of this update. If you have questions, please call Ms. Griselda at 479-750-8871
How do I receive information from Westwood?
PHONE CALLS: We also send out phone calls through an automated system; you will receive these calls if your phone number is correct in Registration Gateway. If your number changes, you can update the information in Registration Gateway, or call the office to update.
SOCIAL MEDIA/WEBSITE: The weekly parent update and other announcements/stories are also posted on our school's Facebook page and website. We are working on activating our school's Instagram account also- we'll let you know when that's up and running.
PAPER NOTES: We also send out paper notes at times; most of these will be sent in folders that come home every Tuesday. Every now and then, we need to send information on other days, so it's a great practice to check the backpacks each afternoon/evening.
We don't want you to miss any information, so we put things out in lots of ways!
Safety First!!!
Crosswalk Safety Car/Bus Rider Safety
Crosswalk safety is important every month!
Distracted Driving (Marshallese)
Our School Day
Car Riders:
- If you have students in grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade, your students will need to be dropped off and picked up in the front of the building.
- If you have students in grades 3rd-5th your students will need to be dropped off and picked up on the east side of the building.
- For the safety of all students, please have their car tag hanging on the rear view mirror as we are continuing to use the same dismissal procedures as the last couple of years.
- Teachers and support staff will be available to help students find their way to their classroom the first few days of school.
- Once again this year, students who are walkers or bike riders will be dismissed on the far side of the fence on McRay Ave.
- We ask that parents do not congregate inside the fence for our students' safety.
- We will continue to have a cross guard at the corner of McRay Ave. and Carlton St.
- We ask that students and their families refrain from crossing in front of the building on McRay Ave.
We appreciate your patience as we work through all of these items on the first days of school. Our students' safety is our number one priority. We cannot do it without your help!
Westwood's Mission:
About us
Mrs. Martha Tompkins, Assistant Principal/Parent Facilitator, mtompkins@sdale.org
Email: westwoodinfo@sdale.org
Website: https://westwood.sdale.org/
Location: 1850 McRay Avenue, Springdale, AR, USA
Phone: 479-750-8871
Facebook: Westwood Elementary