Hathaway School Community News
March 2025
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Principal's Message
Hathaway Community, March is a long month with many important events happening on campus! We finish up the Second Trimester and have Family Picnic Day on Friday, March 7.
Please check out the pictures of some of the great events that have been happening at Hathaway!
Below is information about a fun family carnival at CSU Channel Islands Campus on Saturday, March 8th, 2025. The Event is free and open to the public!
We also have our Spring Open House on Thursday, April 3rd, right at the start of April, and our Spring Break is from Monday, April 7, to April 18!
The Hathaway staff and I want to express our gratitude to our parents and community members for your unwavering support. We are here for you, ready to address any questions or concerns about your child's progress or provide support at school or home. Please stop by, call, email, or text us!
Reminder that EVERY Wednesday is an early release day!
Bell schedules and Cafeteria Menus are below
The online Hathaway Spirit Store is now open! Check out the information below!
If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress or need support at school or home, please stop by, call, email, or text us! If you or your student have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the office staff or me at 805-488-2217
Mr. Beneke - Principal
Important Dates
- 03/01 - 03/31: - Women's History Month
- 03/07: - End of 2nd Trimester - Minimum Day
- 03/07: - Family Picnic Day
- 03/08: - CSU Channel Islands STEAM Carnival
- 03/10: - Staff Development Day - No School
- 04/03: - Spring Open House
- 04/7 - 04/18: - Spring Break
- 05/02: - Progress Notices
- 05/05 - 05/09: - Spring Parent Conferences
Hathaway Family Picnic Day! Friday March 7!
Thank you to all the staff who supported an awesome Hathaway Family Picnic Day! Great job everyone! In spite of the chilly weather, we had almost 400 Guests! WOW! Pre-kinder through 5th grade students, families, educational partners and staff had a great time at lunch on the field and having fun! Check out some of the great pics below!
100 Days of School!
Students and staff had a wonderful time celebrating our 100th day of school. It's hard for everyone to believe this year has gone by so fast!
Spring Open House!
Please mark your calendars for Thursday, April 3, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. for Hathaway's Spring Open House!
4:00 pm. - Doors open for Mr. Softee and Pizza Man Dan. Food and treats will be available for guests to purchase. We will also have awesome music on the quad!
- Scholastic Book Fair in the library
- Campus will be open for Art Walks and Authors Fair
- We will also have many community information tables around campus to learn more about the incredible things our community has to offer!
4:15 - 4:45 pm. - HESD Student Mariachi performance on the quad!
4:45 pm. - 5:00 pm. SHINE Foklorico
5:00 - 5:15 pm. Hathaway Announcements
5:15ish - 6:00 pm. Visit campus and discover some of the incredible art, writing, and poetry created by students!
LCAP Family Survey
Hathaway Community, please participate in the LCAP Family Survey – it is a valuable opportunity for you to share your thoughts and help shape the future of Hueneme Elementary School District (HESD). Your input is crucial as we work together to guide our district forward. The survey is completely confidential, and your feedback will directly influence the creation of the 2024-2025 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). We kindly ask that you complete the survey by Friday, March 31.Access the LCAP FAMILY SURVEY here For our Spanish-speaking families, the survey is also available in Spanish. Simply click the rectangular box in the upper left corner above the school name and district logo to switch languages.Thank you for your time, your input, and your continued partnership in supporting the success of our district!
Women’s History Month - March
During March, we pay extra attention to the amazing accomplishments of strong, determined women. Since 1987, the United States has formally recognized March as National Women’s History Month. Every woman has a story and gifts to share with the world.
Women’s History Month is dedicated to reflecting on the often overlooked contributions of women to United States history. From Abigail Adams to Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth to Rosa Parks, the timeline of women’s history milestones stretches back to the founding of the United States. The theme for Women's History Month in 2025 is "Moving Forward Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations."
H20 Assembly!
Students had a great time learning more about water and water conservation!
Please Report Your Absences
If your child will be absent, please call the school and report the absence to our front
office: 805-488-2217 Please bring any doctor's notes or necessary documentation to
excuse any absence to the school office or email it to Veronica Hernandez
Basketball is Back at Hathaway!
Basketball is Back at Hathaway! Thanks to Mr. Morimune, Mr. Magdeleno, and Panther Team Members for sharing your enthusiasm, efforts, and energy! This year we will have teams in 4th and 5th grade! Best of luck to you all! We know you will represent the best of Hathaway! Come out and support our 24-25 Basketball team!
The 2024-2025 season Has started!
4th-grade Girls
02/08: - 9:00 AM Colonia v. Hathaway - Rio Vista Gym
Rotary Tournament
02/22: - 8:00 AM Hathaway v. Sunkist - Rio Vista Gym
03/01: - 10:00 AM Hathaway v. Mesa Union - Rio Vista Gym
03/08: - 8:00 AM Rio Real v. Hathaway - Rio Vista Gym
4th-Grade Boys
02/08: - 12:30 PM Hathaway v. PAL 2 - PAL Gym
Rotary Tournament
02/22: - 1:30 PM Rio Del Mar 1A v. Hathaway - PAL Gym
03/01: - 11:30 AM Hathaway v. Mesa Union - PAL Gym
03/08: - 1:30 PM Rio Del Sol v. Hathaway - PAL Gym
5th-Grade Boys
02/11: - 8:00 PM Hathaway v. Rio Lindo - Colonia Gym
02/18: - 1:30 PM Tierra Vista v. Hathaway - Colonia Gym
02/25: - 11:30 AM Hathaway v. Rose Ave. - Colonia Gym
03/04: - 8:00 PM Hathaway v. Rio Rosales - Rio Vista Gym
03/10: - 8:00 PM Rio Lindo v. Hathaway - Colonia Gym
Go Panthers!
Fabilous Fourth Grade!
Fantastic Fourth Grade!
Cafe con Leche/Coffee and Cream Parent Gathering
We proudly bring our educational partner, "Cafe con Leche," to Hathaway! These parent and staff gatherings are designed to help you learn more about Hathaway, how schools operate, and valuable community resources, ask questions and receive any support you may need.
Please join us in our library on Friday, March 28 at 8:00 a.m. Members of our technology department will give an important presentation. This information will help parents navigate student technology! We ask parents to sign in at the front office and join us for fresh coffee and pan dulce!
Immigration Concerns and Resources
At Hueneme Elementary School District, our guiding vision is “Inspiring and empowering every student to thrive every day.” We remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that every student and family feels valued, supported, and safe within our schools.
We understand that recent concerns about immigration enforcement in the broader community may create uncertainty or fear for some of our families. I want to take this opportunity to reaffirm our district’s steadfast dedication to safeguarding the rights, privacy, and well-being of every student.
In alignment with Hueneme Elementary School District Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5145.13 – Response to Immigration Enforcement, we want to emphasize the following:
Student information is confidential and will not be shared with immigration enforcement authorities unless required by a court order, judicial subpoena, or with parental consent.
Staff are required to notify the Superintendent or Principal immediately if immigration enforcement officers request access to a student, school premises, or school records. No action will be taken without first consulting the district’s legal counsel.
Every student in HESD is entitled to equal educational opportunities and protections from discrimination, harassment, or intimidation, regardless of their immigration status. This is supported by California Education Code and federal law.
The right to a free public education is guaranteed to all children, regardless of their immigration status (Plyler v. Doe, 1982). Additionally, under California law (AB 699), schools are not allowed to ask about or disclose the immigration status of students or their families. These safeguards ensure that all children can access their education without fear.
We also want to remind you of the resources available to support our students and families:
Resource Page for Educators and Families from Ventura County Office of Education
VCOE Spanish Video: Derechos Educativos en California
Radio Indigena Spanish Video: Aplicación de la Ley de Inmigración y Escuelas
At HESD, we are proud to celebrate the diversity of our community, which enriches our schools and inspires us to foster inclusive, supportive, and equitable environments where every student can thrive. Together, we can ensure a brighter future for all our students.
Thank you for your partnership and care as we uphold these commitments.
Dr. Christine Walker, Superintendent
Start the day off right!
Hathaway Spirit Wear Now Available!
The online Hathaway Spirit Store is now up and accepting orders! Be on the lookout for weekly sales on special items. Every Friday! Items will be sent straight to your home. Your order will be received them within two weeks. Families and friends can order things together and save on shipping costs. We can't wait to see you all in your brand new Panther Gear!
Link to online store HERE
Dressed and Ready to GO!
Gentle reminders for dressing for success when coming to school: Please wear school appropriate clothing when at Hathaway.
Items that are not allowed:
gang-related insignia/graffiti on clothing, backpack or school supplies/work,
clothing with inappropriate writing (alcohol, drugs, weapons, disrespectful statements)
No clothing, hats or personal items with team/sports logos
Pajamas (except on celebration days)
sleeveless tops, see through blouses/shirts, low cut or bare midriff tops; spaghetti straps
Nothing that distracts from the learning environment is allowed.
If you or your student have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the office staff or me at 805-488-2217
Lost and Found
Is your student missing a sweatshirt or jacket? Please check in our lost and found location by the front office and see if we can find it!
Safety First
Hathaway Community, one of the most important goals at Hathaway is for us to work together to keep all students, staff and educational partners safe as we enter and exit campus.
Please remember:
During morning drop-of and afternoon pick up, please do not park in red zones or double park on Dollie Street in front of the school.
Parking lots are for district staff and individuals who need accessible parking only.
Please remember to use crosswalks and sidewalks when walking to campus.
Please be respectful to staff as we work together to enforce safety for all.
Thank you in advance for your help making Hathaway a safe and excellent school!
No Bullies!
Anti-Bullying Policy:
Hathaway and the Governing Board recognize the harmful effects of bullying on student well-being, student learning, and school attendance and desire to provide a safe school environment that protects students from physical and emotional harm. No individual or group shall, through physical, written, verbal, or other means, harass, sexually harass, threaten, intimidate, cyberbully, cause bodily injury to, or commit hate violence against any student or school personnel, or retaliate against them for filing a complaint or participating in the complaint resolution process.
If you or your student have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the office staff or me at 805-488-2217
Its that time of year again! Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten 2024-25 enrollment is now open!
Students who turn 5 between September 2nd and February 2nd may enroll in Transitional Kindergarten.
Students who turn 5 by September 1st may enroll in Kindergarten.
TK is offered at Bard, Haycox, Hueneme, Larsen, and Williams Schools.
Enroll for both TK and Kindergarten at Hathaway. If TK is not offered at Hathaway, office staff will assist in enrolling your child in one of the TK classes at another school site. Based on enrollment, TK classes may be added to additional school sites like Hathaway. To see a TK and kindergarten classroom in action, please watch this short video:
Further enrollment details can be found here: https://www.hueneme.org/page/registration
Registration Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Counselor's Corner Mr. Bravo
Please let us know if you or your student needs any support.
School Counselor: Clemente Bravo
805-488-2217 Extension: 1889 Email: cbravo@hueneme.org
To access the full resources of HESD Counseling Corner students and families click here: https://sites.google.com/hueneme.org/hueneme-school-counselors/home
You can also find additional support here: https://covid19k12counseling.org/.
March Lunch Menu
For detailed information about the 2024-2025 School year click below ↓
🕗 Hathaway 2024 - 2025 Bell Schedules 🕝
Every Wednesday is an early dismissal day!
Contact Us: 📬📞💻
Julien Hathaway Elementary School - 805-488-2217
Office Manager: Veronica Hernandez, vhernandez@hueneme.org
School Counselor, Clemente Bravo, cbravo@hueneme.org
Principal, Thomas Beneke, tbeneke@hueneme.org
Need to contact your teacher?
- Contact your teacher during during school hours
- Seesaw or Google Classroom
- Call your teacher: 805-488-2217 +classroom extension
Julien Hathaway Elementary School
Email: tbeneke@hueneme.org
Website: http://hathaway.hueneme.org/o/hathaway-elementary
Location: 405 East Dollie Street, Oxnard, CA, USA
Phone: 805-488-2217