WMHS Newsletter
November 2024
Wildcat Students of the Month
WMS Wildcat Students of the Month
We had TWENTY-TWO Wildcat Students of the Month at WMS this month. They are pictured below:
-Greyson Almeida
-Silas Antonio
-Dominic Araujo
-Rod Bettencourt
-Caleb Carrancho
-Makailyn Costa
-Rose Fournier
-Aura Frias
-Chloe Hession
-Leeland Levrault
-Penelope Levrault
-Bella Medeiros
-Savannah Medeiros
-Liliana Murdock
-Sydney Neronha
-Mason Pacheco
-Lucas Pavao
-Jesse Pereira
-Savanna Reynolds
-Hailey Tavares
-Hannah Tavares
-Olivia Williams
Congratulations Wildcats! We are so proud of you!
WHS Wildcat Students of the Month
We had TEN Wildcat Students of the Month at WHS this month. They are pictured below:
-Layla Bossie
-Jacob Calouro
-Kyla Carmichael
-Juliette Evans
-Kailyn Ferreira
-Jaydalee Franquiz
-Daniel Hughes
-Elijah McGonigle
-Brandon Medeiros
-Matthew Melo
Congratulations Wildcats! We are so proud of you!
WMHS School Updates
Term 2 Progress Reports
December 11, 2024 marks the halfway point for Term 2! Progress reports will be available on the Community Portal by Monday, December 16.
Please note that progress reports and report cards are not mailed home at WMHS. If you are having difficulty accessing the Community Portal or need an account, please email Jackie Corey at jcorey@westportschools.org.
As a reminder, students who are failing more than two classes are academically ineligible for all after-school activities, including sports, clubs, dances, and all social events. Additionally, students who fail to meet the WMHS Citizenship Rubric standards will be placed on a social contract. Please refer to the Student Handbook for additional information.
2024-2025 MCAS Testing Schedule
Student Absences
To ensure we have the most accurate attendance records for your child, please note the following:
1.) If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please call them out.
2.) If your child is going to be absent due to Covid, a fever, etc., please contact the school nurse (Teresa for MS or Suzanne Walinski for HS).
3.) If your child is going to be absent due to a reason other than illness, please contact our attendance clerks. The MS number is 774-309-3022. The HS number is 508-636-1050.
Please make sure all excusal notes are brought in within 48 hours of your child's return to school.
Administrative Appointments
If you would like to speak with a building administrator, please schedule an appointment to do so. MS appointments can be scheduled by calling 774-309-3022. HS appointments can be scheduled by calling 508-636-1050.
We appreciate your assistance with this!
School Organization Updates
Music Boosters
The Westport Music Boosters are pleased to announce that with all of your contributions and support, we are able to help the Westport High Drama Club go to see Hamilton at PPAC! Thank you for all of your past generous donations and time!
The Westport Music Boosters support music and drama programs for all of the Westport Community Schools year-round. You will see us at the upcoming band and chorus concerts, supporting the Pep Band and helping out at all of the drama shows. Please consider helping with your time or donations!
Please mark your calendars for the Middle School Winter Concerts. Monday, December 16 will showcase our Middle School chorus students. Tuesday, December 17 is the day our Middle School Bands will perform for us.
We wish all students, faculty, staff and their families a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving and a peaceful and Happy Holiday season. We are grateful for all of your support.
The Westport Middle-High PTO is working hard to support our students at the Middle-High School. We have some great events planned and need your support! Please consider donating a few hours to support our efforts and events!
Upcoming Event Information
WES-MAC PTO Holiday Fair - December 7th - Visit our booth for Wildcat Swag and holiday gifts! Volunteer to help at our booth HERE!
December PTO Meeting - Date, Time, and Location TBD based on Cookie Pickup Date
Cookie Fundraiser Product Pick-up - Week of December 12, 2024 - Date, Time, and Location TBD
Visit us at the WES-MAC PTO Holiday Fair to purchase NEW WILDCAT MERCHANDISE which you can preview on our website. Wildcat Merchandise includes the following items:
Wildcat Golf Umbrella
Wildcat Handled Insulated Travel Tumbler
Wildcat 20 oz Insulated Travel Tumbler
Wildcat Teddy Bear
Westport Teddy Bear
Wildcat 12 oz Insulated Travel Cup
Wildcat Sling Bag
Wildcat Ornament
Wildcat Key Chain
8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip News & Updates:
Trip Information and downloads can be found on the 8th Grade Washington D.C. Page
Payment #3 Due Wednesday,, January 15th, 2024
No Fuss Fundraiser:
Support the PTO and participate in our “No Fuss Fundraiser” by Donating Today!
Please sign up HERE to stay informed and find out how you can support the Westport Middle-High School PTO mission of enhancing the educational experiences for the children of Westport!!
Visit our Website for the latest PTO Information meeting schedules or to make a DONATION.
If you have questions or need to contact us, please email us at whspa02790@gmail.com.
Thank You for your continued support,
Westport Middle-High School PTO
Happy Thanksgiving from Your Westport Athletic Boosters:
Dear Friends,
The Westport Athletic Boosters would like to wish all of our Wildcat families a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Thank you to ALL of our players, coaches, staff and our AD for all of your hard work and dedication!!
We also have some GREAT news, our Wrestling Event is BACK for 2024!
Please Save the Date: December 15, 2024 Bell Rings at 5 PM and Doors open at 4 PM.
The event will be held at the Westport Middle-High School Gym, which will be transformed into an authentic wrestling ring featuring renowned wrestlers from the area.
Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are available in the event bight link below... OR please call us at 508-493-7671 for more information.
Event Bright- WAB Wrestling Event 12-15-2024
LIVE Pro Wrestling Fundraiser for Westport Athletic Boosters 2024
Get ready to experience an electrifying night of live pro wrestling and support the Athletic Boosters!! Doors open 4pm. Bell rings at 5pm.
This is our biggest fundraising event of the year, and all proceeds directly benefit our students and the Westport Community Schools Athletic Program.
We truly need your support to make this event a success!
As the basketball season approaches, We will need help to staff our concession tables. Our team will put out volunteer signups for each home game by facebook, sports you and emails.
Keep an eye out and Please consider signing up to help. If you have any questions, email us at wesportsportsboosters@gmail.com.
Athletics and Activities
WMHS Athletics
Our fall sports teams had a tremendous season with all five varsity sports playing the MIAA State Tournament. Both the boys and the girls soccer teams made it to the Sweet 16. The Field hockey team, girls soccer, and boys soccer all won the Mayflower Conference regular season championship, and the Golf team won its first ever Mayflower Conference tournament championship. The Junior Varsity boys soccer team finished their season undefeated with a record of 14-0. The JV volleyball team finished their season at an impressive 17-1. Sophomore Bella Babb on the field hockey team was named conference MVP and eighth grader Lily Veracka was also named conference MVP for girls soccer.
Winter sports registration ends on November 26 with tryouts starting December 2.
WMS Student Council
The Middle School Student Council is hosting a Food & Family Fun Drive. The drive is running from November 18th through December 12th. They will be collecting non-perishable food items and new unwrapped toys. All donations will support the Westport Food Pantry and Toys for Tots.
WHS Student Council and STEEL
Please see the attached PDF for information on WHS Student Council (Homecoming and Pep Rally Week) and STEEL.
WMHS Activities
Art Club - Melissa Lambert
Robotics Club - Judy Graham
Math Club - Debbie Milton
Makerspace - Rebekah Gendron
E-Sports - Rick Monast
Newspaper - Betheny Borges
WMS Drama Club - Liz Carvalho
WHS Drama Club - Jarrod Russell
WMS Student Council - Trish Paiva and Michelle Tripp
WHS Student Council - Melissa Avila
WMS Yearbook - Kim Barone
WHS Yearbook - Rick Monast
WHS Environmental Club - Jordan Silva
WHS Medical Club - Suzanne Walinski
Music Club - Liam Sullivan
GSA - Jen Borelli
Please be on the lookout for additional announcements and messages regarding clubs at WMHS!
Homework Club
Homework Club is open to any WMHS student! It runs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school from 2:15-3:15 PM. There is no sign-up required.
Early Release Day
Today will be an early release day for students with dismissal at 11 AM.
Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024, 11:00 AM
400 Old County Road, Westport, MA, USA
Thanksgiving Break
There will be no school on Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29 in observance of Thanksgiving. School will resume a normal schedule on Monday, December 1. Happy Thanksgiving to all our Wildcat families!
Thursday, Nov 28, 2024, 07:30 AM
WES/MAC PTO Holiday Fair
Saturday, Dec 7, 2024, 09:00 AM
400 Old County Road, Westport, MA, USA
Early Release Day
Today is an early release day for students with professional development in the afternoon for staff. Pickup is at 11 AM.
Thursday, Dec 12, 2024, 11:00 AM
400 Old County Road, Westport, MA, USA
Winter Choral Concert
Please join us as our MS Chorus students perform their winter show! Attendees should enter through the Gym/Auditorium entrance.
Monday, Dec 16, 2024, 06:30 PM
400 Old County Road, Westport, MA, USA
Winter Band Concert
Please join us as our MS and HS Band students perform their winter show! Attendees should enter through the Gym/Auditorium entrance.
Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024, 06:30 PM
400 Old County Road, Westport, MA, USA
WInter Break
Winter Break begins on Monday, December 23. School resumes on Monday, January 6.
Happy Holidays and New Year to all of our Wildcat families!