MVS Family News
Blazing our own path to excellence!
Wednesday, September 4th
In Our New Home!
Last Friday, MVS moved into our new, renovated space! There is still a little work going on around us, but we are unpacking boxes and making it feel like home! From now on, to come into MVS, you will use the actual front door of the building. See the picture below!
So exciting!
:0) Mrs. Bishop
Upcoming Dates
September 12-- 7th Grade Science Lab at MVS @ noon to 2:00
September 13-- Optional ASVAB testing for 10-12 graders (at Maryville High School @ 8:25 AM)
September 19-- 8th Grade Science Lab at MVS @ noon to 2:00
October 7-11-- Fall Break/ No School
October 14-- Intervention and Enrichment/ No School
October 15-- Professional Development/ No School
October 22-- ACT Retake for all Seniors (at Maryville Virtual School)
Keeping You in the Loop!
Using AI Assistance for Assignments
AI is an interesting field that is emerging everywhere and does have some important ties to education. Teachers everywhere are learning more about AI and how it can be used effectively as a part of education. With that being said, if a teacher wants your student to use AI to help with an assignment or writing, then he or she will let them know that when the assignment is made. Unless a teacher gives students permission to use AI for a specific assignment, students are not to use Artificial Intelligence sites or apps to help with MVS assignments. Work that is generated with the use of AI will be treated like plagiarism and will be graded as such. If this occurs, teachers may give students the option to come into MVS to rewrite an essay with paper and pencil or monitored technology.
🍎 Lower School: Grades 4th-8th
7th Grade Science Lab
7th graders will be at MVS on Thursday, September 12th for the STEM challenge “Constructing a Device to Regulate the Release of Energy”. Students will need to arrive at 12:00 and will be dismissed at 2:00. Please dress in lab-appropriate attire (closed toed shoes, hair out of face).
8th Science Lab
8th graders will be at MVS on Thursday, September 19th for the science lab “Plate Boundaries and Movement”. Students will need to arrive at 12:00 at will be dismissed at 2:00. Please dress in lab-appropriate attite (closed toed shoes, hair out of face…).
🎓 Upper School: Grades 9th-12th
ACT Retakes for All Seniors
All MVS Seniors will retake the ACT test on October 22nd at Maryville Virtual School. This retake is a free, on-line test opportunity provided by the state of Tennessee. More information will be coming home soon explaining the process of enrolling for the test.
ASVAB Testing at MHS (optional for grades 10-12)
MVS students in grades 10-12 have the opportunity to take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test at MHS on September 13th at 8:25. Students can choose whether or not they want their scores to be reported to the military. Participation in the ASVAB does not obligate a student to talk with a military recruiter or consider a military career. ASVAB results offer access to excellent career exploration information that can assist students in finding a career that matches their strengths. Please contact our Ready Graduate Advisor, Wes Lambert with any additional questions. To sign up, please click on the link/picture below. (More information on the test itself can be found here.)
Free TN College Application Week
The state of TN identifies September as College Application and Exploration Month. Several post-secondary institutions will offer a "free application week" at some point during the month including UT system schools, MTSU, ETSU, TN Tech, and Vanderbilt. Some institutions will waive application fees for the entire month! See the attachment for a complete list of schools participating. Click on the picture below for the details.
Upcoming Dates of Interests for Seniors
9/5: Maryville College rep visit at MHS**
9/6: Texas A and M rep visit at MHS**
9/7: Meet Maryville College Open House
9/13: Samford University rep visit at MHS**
9/14: Rocky Top Tailgate
9/16-9/20: College App Week (free application week at UT System schools!)
9/21: Fall Preview Day at UT Martin
9/25, 5:30-8:00: Blount Co College Fair at Maryville College
9/28: MTSU True Blue Preview Day
10/5: TN Tech Preview Day
10/19: ETSU Fall Open House
10/23, 6:00-7:30 pm: UTC Power C Tour
10/26: Big Orange Preview
11/1: UTK Early Action Admissions Deadline (also deadline to be considered for competitive scholarships!)
11/1: TN Promise application deadline
11/2: Blue and Gold Preview Day at UTC
11/2: ETSU Fall Open House
11/2: Fall Preview Day at UT Martin
11/2: MTSU True Blue Preview
11/12: 7:00 pm: Navigate to ETSU
11/15: UTK Early Action Completion Deadline
11/16: Meet Maryville College Open House
**These colleges will have representatives at Maryville High School on these days, normally from 9:55 to 10:15 PM. Please double check SchoolLinks for days & times. (Login through ClassLink, choose SchoolLinks, and click on Events. See picture below) If you are a MVS junior or senior and want to visit with the representative, please check in at MHS front desk and then make your way to their guidance office.
Optional PSAT Testing
High-achieving 10th and 11th grade students can register for the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), which is a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT (a college entrance exam). ​ The PSAT/NMSQT measures:​ Critical reading skills, Math problem-solving skills, and Writing skills. Taking the PSAT as a 10th grader can ease some of a student’s test anxiety about future college entrance exams. ​Taking the PSAT as a 11th grader offers students the opportunity to qualify the National Merit Scholarship Program. Our students have the opportunity to test with Maryville High School, if they complete the registration process before the below deadline. If you have questions, please contact Jennifer Abernathy at jennifer.abernathy@maryville-schools.org.
TEST DATE: Wednesday, October 16-- 7:45-12:00
LOCATION: Maryville High School
COST: $25.00 (The $25.00 registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.)
To Register--- Print and complete the below form. Return it to the MVS office along with $25 in cash or check (made out to MVS).
Community Connections
Principal: Deana Bishop
Registrar/Bookkepper/Front Office: Jennifer Davis
Academic Support Center: Marissa Geter
IEPs/ 504s: Melissa Vagnier
Ready Graduate Advisor (9-12): Wes Lambert
School Resource Officer: Adam Cook
Tech Support for Hardware: Click on the "Student Tech Help" button in ClassLink or click here.