WLWV School Board Briefs
August 17, 2021
The West Linn-Wilsonville School Board held a public meeting on Monday, Aug. 16. The following are important news and notes from that meeting.
School Board Adds Professional Development Day to School Calendar, First Day of School Now Sept. 8
The School Board voted to add a Staff Professional Development Day to the 2021-22 school calendar during the Aug. 16 School Board Meeting. The addition of a Staff Professional Development Day creates changes to the first and last day of school.
The first day of school for all schools and grade levels is now Wednesday, Sept. 8.
The last day of school for all schools and grade levels is now June 20. As a reminder, the last day of school is subject to change in the event of inclement weather or other necessary calendar adjustments during the school year.
The School Board added the Professional Development Day to give school staff more time to prepare for the coming school year. Staff Development time will allow for school staff to focus on care and connection for students as we prepare for their return to a full five-day per week schedule this fall.
This extra day of planning and preparation will allow staff to:
Review social-emotional student survey data (Panorama) from last spring in order to implement strategic systems of care and connection right away;
Plan social-emotional lessons designed to support students with transitions, peer relationships and sense of belonging (e.g. Second Steps, School Connect, Sources of Strength);
Plan community-building activities to reconnect students to one another, to staff and to their school community (e.g. Circle Forward, Equity by Design); and
- Provide time to integrate social-emotional routines, rituals, and structures specifically for the first week of school as well as throughout the school year that foster inclusive and equitable learning communities (e.g. 7 Components).
Board Approves Land Purchase — District Plans for Additional Parking at West Linn High School
The property will be used to add additional parking to the visitor's lot for use during the school day and during school activities. More information about the piece of property can be found in the online meeting agenda.
District, Long Range Planning Committee Provide 2019 Capital Bond Program Quarterly Report
Ms. Pettenger shared her experience walking the Wilsonville High School campus with the Bond team to see project progress of the schools new Performing Arts Auditorium first-hand. Mr. Douglas provided a brief overview for current project updates. Important highlights from the quarterly report included:
- More than 40% of current funding, $91.2 million, has been committed to projects
- The Bond Management Team remains confident in completing all bond projects within available funds.
- The third option high school project construction has started.
- The forecasted over/under for the program was reduced by $2.2 million since the last quarterly report. Bid results and progress on projects reduced financial risk for several projects, allowing funds to shift to cover the Wilsonville High School Auditorium Project.
- Learning with Technology projects are underway.
The full Quarter 2 Report can be found on the district website.
School Board Appoints Two New Members to Long Range Planning Committee
Selecting from an impressive pool of candidates, the Board selected Kim Jordan to fill Position 3 and Amy Paterson Sandie to fill Position 5. Both positions are three year terms. Kim Jordan previously served on the Long Range Planning Committee. Amy Paterson Sandie is new to the Long Range Planning Committee
The Long Range Planning Committee is a seven member citizen committee responsible for guiding the development of the Long Range Plan, that provides a rational framework for evaluating and addressing future school facility needs as the West Linn and Wilsonville areas grow. Learn more by visiting the district website.
Board Approves PERS Bond Budget for 2021-22 School Year
Chief Financial Officer Son Le Hughes provided an overview of the pension bond program and the district's decision to opt in. The Board voted to allocate funds from the bond program to applicable areas in the 2021-22 budget. To learn more, access the memo in Boardbook.
Upcoming Events
September 13 — Regular School Board Meeting
Rapid Resources
About West Linn-Wilsonville
Email: kilstroa@wlwv.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us
Location: 22210 Southwest Stafford Road, Tualatin, OR, USA
Phone: 503-673-7000
Facebook: facebook.com/wlwvschools
Twitter: @wlwvdistrict