"Knightly" News
Washington Street Elementary - December 13, 2024
Upcoming Events
- 16: PTO Snack Assembly, 9 am
- 19: PTO Holiday Parties, 10 am - 1:30 pm
- 20: Polar Express Day
- 6: School Resumes
- 13: PTO Meeting, Conference Room, 3 pm
- 13: Board of Education Meeting, 7 pm
Capturing Kids' Hearts Family Survey
Each year, we invite parents to share feedback on our Capturing Kids' Hearts processes. The survey focuses on the climate and culture at Washington Street Elementary, helping us celebrate successes and identify areas for growth. Your input is invaluable, and the survey takes less than 2 minutes to complete. Thank you!
🎄🍭 Candy Cane Grams are on sale! 🍭🎄
Stop by the lobby every morning to purchase your Candy Cane Grams now through December 19th!
🎄🚂✨ All aboard! ✨🚂🎄
Mark your calendars for Polar Express Day on December 20, 2024!
Holiday Book Drive
We’re collecting gently used holiday and winter-themed books to stock our Little Libraries for kids to enjoy over winter break! Thank you for helping us spread holiday cheer and the gift of reading! 🎄
Giving Tree
WSE is excited to bring a little extra holiday cheer to local families again this year! We invite you to join us in sponsoring a family for the 2024 Christmas season.
Please return all unwrapped items to the school by Today (or Monday at the latest), and include the gift tag so we can match the gift to the correct family member.
Gift cards and monetary donations toward gifts are also greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact Jen Knight at jknight@otsegops.org. Thank you for your generosity and support in making this holiday season special!
Congratulations to the following students for being chosen as their classroom's PRIDE winner this week!
P - Positive Attitude
R - Responsible Actions
I - Integrity Within
D - Determination to Succeed
E - Expect Excellence
Kindergarten: Elizabeth Minser, Solomon Hoffman
1st grade: Chloe Scheel, Bentley LeClear, Allison Whitaker
2nd grade: Hannah Sabatke, Lili Spencer, Ezra Bosley
3rd grade: Carly Cox, Natallie Peters, Xander Maystead
4th grade: Brenna Smith, James Maccune, Owen Rohm
5th grade: Amelia Deckert, Jackson Town, Jonathan Andress
Counselor's Corner
Handling Angry Feelings
Although it is perfectly normal to feel angry at times, sometimes kids may need help learning how to handle those big feelings. This is a great video to watch with your kids to help them understand how to work through angry feelings.
Little Dawg Basketball - Register by January 4th
It's the little dawgs turn! Registration is now open for Little Dawgs Basketball! This fundamental skills program is a 6-week program that takes place on Saturday mornings for boys and girls Kindergarten-2nd grade. The deadline to register is January 4th!
Watch D.O.G.S.
Recess Dress Code
Reminder: Students will need all of their winter gear! This includes **snow pants and boots**, especially with snow on the ground and real-feel temperatures expected to drop below 32°F.
Mileage Club
We love having families join us for Mileage Club! Check the times below. In case of rain, Mileage Club will be canceled. For updates, please visit the Washington Street Elementary Facebook page.
Milk is $.50 if your child brings a cold lunch and wants milk.
Sign Up for Mrs. Knight's Remind ASAP!
Washington Street Elementary Contact Information
Attendance Line: (269)694-7880
WSE BASE: (269)694-7835
Email: jknight@otsegops.org
Website: http://wse.otsegops.org/
Location: 538 Washington Street, Otsego, MI, United States