Vol 10: Jan 24
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Quick Calendar
Jan 27 - No School - Staff Development Day (all schools)
Jan 31 - 5th Grade Career Fair - FES
Jan 31 - Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
Feb 3 - 7 - African Drumming Residency
Feb 5 - National School Counselor Day
Feb 6 - 1st Grade Field Trip - Stages Theater
Feb 7 - Sports Day (support your favorite team!)
Feb 7 - 5th Grade African Drumming Performance (1:15pm)
Feb 7 - PTP Movie Night (more information coming soon!)
Feb 13 - 2nd Grade Valentine Program
Feb 13 - Student Recognition Ceremony - 7am - Media Center
Feb 13 - 4th Grade Field Trip - Skateville
Feb 14 - No School - Professional Development Day (Elementary Schools) (Secondary Schools - Flexible Learning Day)
Feb 17 - No School - Presidents Day (all schools)
Feb 21 - 5th Grade Bowling Night (teacher sending information)
Updates from Principal Bican
Join the Class of 2038: Kindergarten Enrollment Open!
If your child - or a child you know - is ready to start kindergarten in fall 2025, now is the time to enroll! Enrolling now ensures you’re in the loop for all upcoming events and communications and it gives schools a chance to plan so they are fully prepared to give your child the best start possible. Enroll today at bit.ly/kindergarten-enrollment. We can’t wait to welcome our new learners this fall!
Literacy at Home
Families can help kids learn to read! Reading Rockets is a national literacy initiative that provides parents and teachers with instructional support. It has a special Literacy at Home section and a Reading 101: A Guide for Parents section that helps parents understand how to support their child's reading journey.
Rockstar Meadowview Employee:
Would you like to nominate your child’s teacher or another Meadowview staff member for being an absolute Rockstar at MVE? Click on the link below to share the staff member’s name and a message about what makes the nominee such a Rockstar! Thank you for taking the time to share your message of appreciation!
Meadowview Minute
Students of the Month - December
2024-25 Yearbooks
Meadowview Parent Teacher Partnership NEWS
Inside Out 2 & The Wild Robot are the official movies for the family movie night at Meadowview! Doors open at 6:00, showtime is 6:30 for both movies on Friday, February 7. Popcorn, cotton candy, candy, and water are all available for purchase. $2/person admission. Hope to see you and your family there! *This is not a drop-off event; parents must stay with their child for the duration of the movie.
Learn more about the Meadowview PTP: https://linktr.ee/meadowviewptp
Each year the FHS Choir program produces a show called CABARET. It is a musical theater and jazz variety show featuring solos, groups, dancers, fabulous costumes, and a great band!
We are welcoming back our Children’s Chorus of current 4th-6th grade students from Farmington Area Public Schools as well. It’s a fully staged musical revue for all ages to enjoy!
Show Dates & Times:
- Friday, February 21 at 7:00 pm
- Saturday, February 22 at 3:00 pm
- Saturday, February 22 at 7:00 pm
Performances are at Boeckman Middle School Auditorium. Online reserved seating tickets are $5 for students and staff, $10 for adults (plus taxes & fees). Tickets at the door are $15. Online tickets go on sale Sunday, January 26. Purchase your tickets here: https://bit.ly/4hKtmOn.
Lunch Visitors
Meadowview Elementary welcomes visitors for lunch with our students. Lunch times are listed below.
A couple of reminders:
- please use Door #1 and sign in at the office
- while you may bring food in for your student, food should not be shared with other students at any time
- when students are dismissed for recess, please return to the office to sign out, visitors are not able to be on the playground or in other areas of the building (ex: hallways and classrooms)
Arriving Late or Leaving Early
When your student is arriving to school after the 7:40am late bell or leaving before the 2:10pm dismissal bell an adult must sign them in/out in the office. Please come to the office through Door #1.
When students arrive late their attendance will be updated, lunch count taken, and a pass given for their teacher. This allows the teacher to know the student has been checked in and attendance has been updated.
When students are picked up early please plan for an extra 5 minutes, it is sometimes difficult to track down a classroom in the building and the extra time allows for everyone to not be rushed. When you arrive we will call for the student, this allows the learning to continue as long as possible. Letting your student's teacher know ahead of time is helpful so they can be packed up and ready when we call.
As always, thank you for your partnership.
Important School Information
Meadowview School Hours
7:25am - first bell rings, doors unlock for students to enter the building
7:40am - last bell rings, learning begins
2:10pm - dismissal, students are walked out by classroom teachers
Online Attendance Form
Is your student ill? Do they have an appointment and will be late to school? Planning a vacation? All of these situations and more can now be reported to the Meadowivew Office through our online attendance form! Head over to the Meadowview Home Page and on the left hand side find the Student Absence Form in the Quick Links.
Attendance Tip!
Getting to school on time is just as important as being at school. Research shows that continued tardiness leads to poor attendance. Many of the most important parts of a student's day happen within the first 15 minutes. This is often when they have a time to socialize with their peers, orient themselves for the day, take care of necessary business, and connect with their teacher before the day starts. Never underestimate the power of the first 15 minutes of school!
End of Day Routine
Please make sure your child's teacher has an accurate, up-to-date plan for your child's dismissal at the end of the day.
When changes are needed, please communicate those changes with your child's teacher prior to the start of the school day. We cannot always guarantee teachers will see emails during the work day (as it depends on the activities they have planned with the students).
For EMERGENCY CHANGES, please communicate with the teacher and call the front office no later than 2pm. Changes to end of day routines are difficult for students and teachers. If at all possible please change YOUR routine instead of your students routine.
Early Childhood Screening
Have a younger child at home who’s 3-5 years old?
Farmington Community Education’s next Early Childhood Screening is Friday, December 6! This free screening provides a snapshot of your child’s growth, development, and learning. It’s required before entering Kindergarten in a public school and is recommended at age 3, but children can also be screened at ages 4 or 5. Interpreter services are available at no cost. For more information, visit bit.ly/FarmingtonECScreening.
Community Resources
Did you know there is a place on the Farmington Area Public Schools website where you can find Community Resources that are available?
Just visit the website (link above) - select News - Community Resources - check it out!