Summer Reading
@ the Lower School Library
Books, Books, and More Books!
It has been a year full of reading at the Lower School! Check out ways to continue reading throughout the summer.
Checked Out
Top 5 Titles
There have been so many books checked out this year, but there are a few that make it into the top five. This years top five titles are all graphic novels. They include Dog Man Grime and Punishment, Super Rabbit Racers, Guts, The Bad Guys in the Big, Bad Wolf, and Cadwad, It's Me
Summer Reading Challenge
Visit Your Public Library
Resources & Recommendations
PebbleGo and Capstone eBooks
LibGuides from the DCDS Libraries
The DCDS Libraries has curated some summer reading recommendations. Click here to see suggestions that the whole family will enjoy!
Other Summer Reading Options!
Summer Reading Challenge - What and How to Read
Summer Reading Club at Schuler Books
Another great summer reading option is available through Schuler Books. Children grades K-8 are invited to join their Summer Reading Club. Readers can earn up to three $5.00 Schuler Books coupons. Visit their website to learn more - https://www.schulerbooks.com/summer-reading-club.
Share what you are reading on social media using #dcdsreads!
Email: khincks@dcds.edu
Website: http://dcds.libguides.com/reading
Twitter: @KellyHincks1