Early Childhood Newsletter
Dear Families,
During our first EC Site Council meeting of the year, parents expressed interest in having opportunities to gather on Saturdays. In response, we’re excited to announce family-friendly activities on one Saturday each month for the rest of the school year!
Our first event will be held at First City Creatives in downtown Leavenworth on Saturday, December 13th.
You can find details and sign-up information in the flyer posted below.
Have ideas for future activity destinations? Interested in organizing an event? We’d love to hear from you—please reach out!
In the spirit of the Thanksgiving last week, gratitude filled my heart as I reflected on the unwavering support and kindness of our school community. From dedicated teachers who inspire and nurture a love of learning, to support staff members who ensure every detail is attended to with care, to the families and students who bring life and joy to our shared spaces, each person contributes to a vibrant, uplifting environment. Together, we celebrate achievements, overcome challenges, and grow stronger with every step. It is a privilege to be part of a community that values collaboration, kindness, and a commitment to excellence. Thank you for making this school a place where everyone can thrive and belong.
As temperatures drop, please remember to send students to school in warm coats, hats, and gloves or mittens. To help staff maintain efficiency during morning drop-offs, please have your child dressed and ready to exit the vehicle promptly. Thank you for your cooperation!
Please reach out with any questions or concerns,
Dr. Rebecca Dalton
For Your Calendar
Tuesday 12/3 - EC Site Council Meeting @ 5-6
Friday 12/6 - Count Your Kid In Screening
Wednesday 12/11 - Child Care Santa Visit @ 3:00
Friday 12/13 -LV County Early Learning Program Winter Wonderland @ Parker Carousel Museum
9am-11am (Flyer Below)
Saturday 12/14 - Lansing Early Childhood Holiday Art Party@ First City Creatives
10am-1pm (Sign up with Flyer Below)
Monday 12/16 - Spirit Week: Ugly Sweaters
Tuesday 12/17 - Spirit Week: Flannels and Pajamas
Wednesday 12/18 - Spirit Week: Crazy Hair
Thursday 12/19 - Spirit Week: Holiday Accessories
Friday 12/20- 1/3 - No EC Classes, Winter Break
Friday 12/20 - Child Care open
Monday 12/23 - Child Care open
Tuesday 12/24 & Wednesday 12/25 Child Care closed
Thursday 12/26 & Friday 12/27 Child Care open
Monday 12/30 & Tuesday 12/31- Child Care open
Wednesday 1/1 - Child Care closed
Thursday 1/2 & Friday 1/3 Child Care open
Monday 1/6 - EC classes resume
Repeated Information
Car Seat Requirements
Just a friendly reminder that Kansas State law requires all children under the age of 4 to be in a federally approved child safety seat. Children between the ages of 4 and 8 must also be in a federally approved child safety seat or booster seat, unless the child weighs more than 80 lbs. Additionally, school district staff are mandated reporters and are legally required to report any incidents that give them 'reasonable cause' to believe that abuse or neglect of a child (or a vulnerable adult) may have occurred. There are multiple sights to contact if you need assistance installing your car seat. Please take a look at this website for resources https://www.ktsro.org/child-passenger-safety#station
If your family is on state insurance the health department can help get car seats, please contact hwamsley@leavenworthcounty.gov. If you are not on state insurance please contact me for assistance.
Nurse's Corner
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures For EC classes
Safety is our top priority when getting all students to and from school. Please follow all of our arrival and dismissal procedures to keep everyone safe. If everyone works together and follows the procedures we can complete the process in 15 minutes or less.
*Please consider taking your start-of-school pictures at Sneak-a-Peek in order to follow arrival and
dismissal procedures on the first day. Walking your child to the classroom is discouraged to establish important routines and procedures.
*Car Line- See map below
*Car Line- Be ready: Please ONLY exit the first 5 cars in the line (identified by numbers on the sidewalk), then allow others to pull up. It helps our car line move more efficiently, compared to drop off 1 by 1.
*Car Line- Please stay in your car if you are not one of the first 5 cars.
Please be patient- SLOW DOWN.
*If you prefer to not wait in the arrival/dismissal car line. You can park in a visitor's spot on the
north side of the Early Childhood Building. Please use the cross walk to safely
cross the parking lot.
*Do not park or walk in the dismissal or arrival area. This is a safety issue and actually slows
down the process.
*Bus Riders- EC staff will arrange if you marked 'yes' in your application. The bus drivers call parents/guardians and verify pick up and drop off times.
Early Childhood and PreK parents are required to approach the bus and meet at the curb or the driveway of the bus stop. This will ensure the bus can provide transportation to and from the safest, street location closest to student’s doorstep.
*If you arrive 10 minutes after arrival, you must walk your child in and sign them in.
*Ride Changes- Please limit ride changes to emergency situations only and call at least 30
minutes before dismissal. If a ride change is necessary-please call 913-727-1755. You can also
email your child's teacher.
Thank you for helping us create a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal system.
Early Childhood Transportation is not set up the same as K-12
We will sign up your child if they are eligible for transportation. When routes are worked out, the bus driver will contact you and inform you of pick up and drop off times.
EC Communication - SeeSaw app
Please download the Seesaw app on your phone for regular communication from teachers. You will be given a QR code that will lead you to your child's teacher's contact.
This will also be how monthly newsletters are sent out.
Food and Nutrition Services
Making online payments to breakfast/lunch accounts
- Go to skyward.usd469.net
- Enter your Username and Password (if you don’t have it call your school’s office to obtain it.)
- Choose the student name in the top left side and click on the Food Service key on the left hand side of the page.
- Click on Make Online Payment in the center of the screen.
Making Peer Model Payments Online
Watch instructional video below
Link to Payment Portal
Invitation to Participate in Early Childhood Site Council
Our staff would also like to invite parents to participate in the Lansing Early Childhood Site Council. The site council is an advisory group made up of teachers, parents and community leaders. This group of dedicated individuals works very hard to support Lansing Early Childhood students and staff. If you would like to participate, please sign up at meet the teacher or email rebecca.dalton@usd469.net