Hidden River Newsletter
Week of February 10 - 14, 2025
Weekly Reminders
Mon., Feb. 10th - National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) See info HERE!
Wed., Feb. 12th - Coffee with the Principal from 8:15-9:00am
Fri., Feb. 14th - School Dance/Activity Day 1:30-3:00pm
Next Week (2/17-2/21)
Mon., Feb. 17th - No School (President's Day)
Thurs., Feb. 20th - FSO Meeting from 5:30-7:00pm in the library
Principal's Note
Hello Families!
Happy February! This school year has flown by! We look forward to our families joining us on Monday, February 10 for NAAPID. Please see the attached flyer. Hope you can join us!
Many thanks to our families who are using Blair St. for drop off and pick-up. It ensures our students' safety!
Our students are looking forward to our Dance Activity Day this Friday. Please remind your student to make sure the are getting to class on time and staying on top of their school work!
Finally, we had an amazing group of families at our 1st Keep Connected workshop event this past Tuesday night. It is not too late to join the fun. Contact Katie Nye at 651-335-7835 or knye@thechangeinc.org. Please join us!
As always, please feel free to reach out to me via email teresa.vibar@spps.org or phone 651-744-2442 with suggestions or questions!
Principal Vibar
School Information
8th Grade Families - Central High School will host their open house and showcase for prospective students on Tuesday, February 12th. More information available here.
Student of the Month - January (Inquirer)
6th Grade
Finley Dalton
7th Grade
Edna Mbangwana
8th Grade
Nahlia Vang
Classroom Updates
AVID Field Trip to Camp Fire!
On Thursday, February 27 the AVID Elective classes will be visiting Camp Fire in Excelsior, MN for a day of fire-building, s'mores, and team-building (both outdoor and indoor)! Kids are encouraged to dress in layers and should turn in the permission slip and waiver by Friday, Febuary 21.
We are in need of chaperones for this event! If you are interested in chaperoning, please reach out to Melissa Hart at melissa.hart@spps.org. Thank you!
French Immersion History Day
We are excited to announce that our French Immersion History Day event will take place at Hidden River on Thursday, February 27, at 4 p.m. We warmly invite you to support the students as they present their projects, which will be judged by Francophones and Francophiles from our community.
This year, our students have chosen a variety of topics, including the Woodstock Festival, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Jackie Robinson, the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Manhattan Project, the Night Witches, the Hiroshima Bombing, the Holocaust, the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, the Radium Girls, Bob Dylan, D-Day, Maurice Richard, and the 1924 Truckers' Strike among others. Thank you for your support!
EDL - After School
Hello Hidden River Families,
This February we are starting a new session of Extended Day Learning. The LOOKBOOK link below has all the information in regards to new and cancelled classes for this term.
Please have student take THE QUIZ requested to see if the interest for NEW classes is enough for it to be sustainable – GERMAN , FRENCH , CHOIR.
As the Hidden River site lead, I am able to make certain adjustments to the timeline and deadlines for EDL. If you have any questions , please feel free to email me or come see me. I am at school 9-5 M/W .
LOOKBOOK FOR EDL - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PsvphhezyNH2Gblk2dvQCGOvrLNogNoikNxD-XJjb1o/edit#slide=id.gc6f59039d_0_14
THE QUIZ for new classes - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1V3ucBj3cqo60cUnJRRUCrBwmfMPpnqNz5qPda-T_FG4/edit
ENROLLMENT LINK - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aPo-jdLiiqQ0IFCjhrDAVzEqIi5Mklya-QYG5bsGjG4/edit
Thank you,
Genesis Lopez
Hidden River EDL site lead
You’re Invited to our Middle School Debate Tournament!
Families and friends of debate are invited to join us at our second debate tournament of this season at Como Park High School this coming Wednesday, February 12! Rounds will begin at roughly 4 pm, 5 pm, and 6 pm. When you arrive at a tournament, please enter through the front doors of the school. Follow the brightly colored signs to the Tabroom, where staff will be able to direct you to where your student will be debating. If you need help finding your way, feel free to ask for directions from people wandering the halls - chances are they are a part of the debate community and can help! Debates are dozens and dozens of rooms throughout the high school.
Check out the MN Urban Debate League Facebook page to catch a glimpse of the community, smiles, and pride that we see at tournaments. Please reach out to coaches Ms. Hart or Ms. Bannon at melissa.hart@spps.org or kathryn.bannon@spps.org if you have questions!
Math Team
Hidden River's Math Team completed in the regional math competition this week at Inver Hills Community College. Mathletes competed in both individual and team events. Only the top 4 teams and 6 individuals advance to the state competition. While we are not advancing further, Math Coach Ellen Skaja, is proud of all the hard work students displayed advancing their math knowledge and coming together to work as a team! GO OTTERS! 🦦
Wednesday, February 12 @ 4:30pm Basketball: Game vs. Farnsworth @ Farnsworth Aerospace
*Students that are NOT on the team need to be with a parent/guardian in order to attend the game.
Health Office Note
Hi Families- Please notify the health office if you send your student to school with any medications INCLUDING over the counter medications and complete the following Parent/Guardian Authorization for the Administration of Over-the-Counter Medication
Over the counter medications can be kept in the health office for student use as needed. Students may be able to self-carry and self-administer. Please review the SPPS policy on SELF-ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION.
- State law permits select medications to be self-carried and administered by the student at school (i.e. insulin, inhaler, pain relievers) with written parent/guardian permission, and in some cases, healthcare provider authorization as well
- If a student requests to self-administer medication, the Licensed School Nurse will assess the student’s ability to administer the medication accurately and appropriately
- Students of any age with demonstrated competency can carry an inhaler (asthma medications), Epi-Pen, or insulin. However, only secondary students, grades 6-12 are allowed to carry over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers (e.g. Tylenol, Advil, and ibuprofen)
- The privilege to self-medicate can be revoked at any time if unsafe use of medication is observed
If you have questions or additional information is needed, please call Nurse Mary at 651-888-7657 or email her at mary.green@spps.org. Thanks 🩺
Family Engagement - Keep Connected 360
Keep Connected Family Engagement Partnership with Search Institute and Change Inc.:
As you might be aware, Hidden River has partnered with Search Institute and Change Inc. to offer the Keep Connected program to students and their families this year. Keep Connected offers resources to families, including tips, ideas, activities and learning opportunities to support strong family relationships.
Family Talk Starters - This Week’s Focus: Help each other set boundaries to stay on track. This is a great way to PROVIDE SUPPORT through family relationships.
When you have a few minutes, ask other family members a question or two. Enjoy the conversation!
- What rules are there in your family that you think are helpful? What rules don’t make sense to you?
- Where have your family’s attitudes about setting boundaries and rules come from?
How have family boundaries and rules changed as the years have gone by? What led to the changes? What kinds of changes do you see happening in the future?