Holy Ghost Catholic School News
February 29, 2024
Kids Against Hunger
February 14, 2024-March 26, 2024
“Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you?”
“When you did it to the least of my people, you did it to me.” Matthew 25
Those who walk in the footsteps of Jesus are called to care about others in need. Therefore, we respond to those who are starving in our world by participating in our 18th year of the “Kids Against Hunger” project. This event had its beginnings at Holy Ghost Catholic School in 2007, and this year we are bringing it back to where it all began! Over the years, more than 1,000,000 servings have been packed and distributed in New Mexico and around the world. Hungry people need us to share our blessings NOW.
Lent began on Wednesday, February 14th. During Lent, we are called to the three practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We focus on Jesus and His ways so that we can more fully live in His love. As we prepare for the great feast of Easter, we consider how to continue to share in the ministry of Jesus. How do we care for those most in need? We can’t do everything, but we can do something. This Lent, talk as a family about ways you can help those who are starving and in need of our help.
What if, in the spirit of prayer, we humbly consider what we could sacrifice to help others with greater needs than our own?
What if, in the spirit of Lenten fast, we give up - or fast - from one or two non-necessary purchases each week, such as a new toy, video game, or that cup of coffee or stop at our favorite fast food restaurant, and give the money that these extras would have cost to those who do not have food?
What if, in the spirit of Lenten almsgiving, we give those funds from fasting to support Kids Against Hunger?
Thank you for encouraging your children to care about others. To raise funds for this endeavor and keep the issue of hunger in the forefront, Holy Ghost will offer free dress days on March 5th, and March 12th for $5 that will be charged to your Family FACTS Incidental Billing account. Separate from the free dress days, students will bring home a collection bag. Please put it in a central place in your home, perhaps on your family dining room table. Talk about what you can do as individuals and as a family to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Together, we can again make a difference and put our belief in Christ into action.
From February 14th, Ash Wednesday, to March 26th, each student is asked to raise or donate at least $10 and keep track of it in their collection bag. The more you give, the more people can be helped. All funds must be turned in by Tuesday, March 26th. Please count the money collected and write a check to Holy Ghost Catholic School. On Tuesday of Holy Week, March 26th, the students will participate in packing food on site at Holy Ghost. The meals packed will be distributed locally and globally to those in need. Thank you!
2024 Holy Ghost Golf Tournament
We are excited to see our Holy Ghost community out on the links! Funds raised through the Holy Ghost Catholic School annual golf tournament will help ease the financial burden of purchasing our annual curriculum. Each curriculum used at Holy Ghost Catholic School shares the common goal of helping students learn. Our curriculum creates a consistency of strategies and verbiage from Pre-k through 8th grade. Our reading, math, and science curriculum keeps our students and staff current on learning strategies and concepts.
How can you help?
Donate gift cards for door prizes
Sign up to golf - grab friends and form a team!
Become a sponsor of any level
Become a monetary sponsor and let us purchase the door prizes
Help spread the word!