Eagle Heights Family Newsletter
October 2024
Daily Times:
Breakfast 8:30 Daily
Arrival 8:30-8:45 Daily
Student hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Early Release Days:
End Time: 1:15 pm
Student Pledge
At Eagle Heights Elementary, I am a respectful, in control and safe, and responsible leader.
Principal's Post
Happy Fall Eagle Families
Hi Eagle families!
I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of fall! One of my main goals for our school climate is to foster a positive and respectable environment. I am kindly asking for your support in reinforcing respectful behaviors with your children. Please don't take my words as putting blame on anyone. In my first month here I've observed a large amount of disrespectful behaviors and I am setting it as a goal for our staff to work on helping kids to improve in this area. Respect is the foundation of our school culture, and by discussing with your children the importance of kindness, understanding and empathy in their daily interactions, we can work together to ensure that our school remains a place where every student and adult feels valued and heard.
Everyone can be reminded what it looks like to be kind, myself included. Suggested topics could be; lunchroom voice levels, picking up after themselves at lunch and in the classroom, respectful actions with each other and the lunchroom/recess aides, not talking to friends during instruction, not throwing items whether during class instruction or work times, use of foul language, respecting adults in the building no matter their position, how to report and not be a part of these behaviors, etc.
Thank you for being such an integral part of our school community. Together, we can help our students grow not only academically but also as thoughtful and respectful individuals.
💚 We loved being greeted by our Warrior's Football Team! 💚
24-25 School Calendar
Staff Shout Outs!
Want to let an Eagle Heights staff member know they are appreciated, send them a shoutout!
Click the picture to submit a shout out!
Eagle Heights staff is excited to share with you some important information about our school’s commitment to fostering a positive learning environment through Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
What is PBIS?
PBIS is a proactive approach that we use to promote and recognize positive behavior in our students. The goal is to create a school culture where positive behavior is the norm, making our school a place where all students can thrive.
How Does PBIS Work?
PBIS focuses on teaching students our school’s expectations for behavior in a clear and consistent way. We emphasize the importance of being respectful, responsible, and safe in all areas of the school. This past week students practiced these expectations all around the school including, the cafeteria, hallway, playground, and their classroom. When students demonstrate these positive behaviors, they are recognized and rewarded. This might include praise, tribe tickets, warrior bucks, or other incentives that encourage them to continue making good choices.
How Can You Support PBIS at Home?
You play a crucial role in reinforcing the positive behaviors we encourage at school. Here are a few ways you can support PBIS at home:
Talk about school expectations: Discuss the importance of being respectful, responsible, and safe.
Celebrate successes: Praise your child when they demonstrate positive behavior.
Stay Connected: Keep in touch with your child’s teacher and stay informed about their progress.
Together we can build a strong community that nurtures our children’s growth and sets them up for success in the classroom and beyond.
Thank you for your continued support!
Chromebook Insurance
Grades 3-6 Chromebook Insurance
News from Encore!
Art with Ms. Aeschliman
Happy fall EHE families! We have had a great start to our school year. We celebrated Dot Day on Friday, Sept. 13!
In September, our PK made some little red crab artwork to go with our Surf Into Learning theme. K-2 students have been learning about light and dark values using soft and hard pressure with their pencils & crayons. They have also been practicing using that in a drawing. We have also covered tips and different ways to use markers. Ask them if they can tell you what they learned! (Snap the Cap, go slow, color in one direction, & use the side for a thick line and to color in large spaces and the tip for small areas or details)
3-5 graders have been using drawing center supplies as well. Third grade tried a value scale for the first time and are working on using different values in their art. In fourth & fifth grade, we are talking about using value as well but on a more wide range of values - they practiced 5 values on a worksheet and are now working on a value scale drawing using those values. They can use either a regular #2 pencil or colored pencils for their artwork. 6th grade 2D art has been working on earning badges for their artwork. It’s like a choice board so they can choose what projects they make so everyone is doing something different, but a lot have been enjoying photography and printmaking!
We are using Artsonia again this year for students’ portfolios. You should have received an email from Artsonia about how to login for your student(s) account if you are new to Artsonia. If you didn’t get an email from Artsonia, I don’t have a good email of yours to give to them. Email me at aeschlia@smithville.k12.mo.us and let me know what email you prefer, your students name, and teacher, and I will get it entered into Artsonia as soon as I can. Artsonia is very private with only their first name and a number assigned to them online. No private identifiable information is published online and you can see your students’ work, along with visiting the gift shop and purchasing products that have your students' work printed on it. If you signed up last year, you don’t need to sign up again, it will roll over to this year. Artsonia is an amazing company that also offers you the option to invite other family members (think grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) to become a part of your student(s) fan club, so even if they do not live nearby they can see what is being created at school!
I do have an Amazon wish list for EHE because the yearly budget only affords me the very basics in art supplies. If you would like to help support our art studio and the EHE artists go to my wishlist here: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/TAO5QQQYZRM2?ref_=wl_share
A HUGE thank you to those of you that already purchased some items for us! THANK YOU so much for all of your support! You are an amazing school to work for!
Ms. Aeschliman
Eagle Heights Elementary
PreK - 6th grade Art Educator
Innovation Lab: with Mrs. Thompson
We are in full swing here in the technology and innovation lab!
We have gone over some digital citizenship skills with all grades. We have focused on media balance and our digital footprint. Students will continue to practice good digital citizen habits throughout the school year.
Kindergarten continues to do awesome things at the innovation stations. One big project they will be completing soon is building a small prototype of their favorite playground equipment. They will put their masking tape skills and cutting skills to the test!
First and second grade just finished Google Docs and Google Slides bootcamp. They are becoming masters with Google! First grade is moving on to building their own marble maze and second will be moving on to coding and debugging.
The 4th graders are in the middle of their 3D printing unit. Each student will have the opportunity to print their own name tag keychain!
The 3rd grade crew is working on their email etiquette. We have learned the ins and outs of G-Mail. In a few weeks they will be assigned to a 6th grade penpal to practice their skills.
Our fifth graders are starting their tiny house project which is always a hit. They are researching families that could benefit from a tiny home and multi use space. They will create their prototype from cardboard and also 3D print a piece of furniture to go in the home.
Each October, Common Sense Education leads Digital Citizenship Week, an annual campaign to promote a healthy, balanced, and positive approach to media and tech use among young people. We are going to celebrate this important technology week with some dress up days at Eagle Heights.
As always, if you ever need to reach me or simply have questions about how your student is doing in the technology and innovation classroom, don’t hesitate to reach out to me! My email is thompsoa@smithville.k12.mo.us or you can reach me by phone at extension 7628.
P.E. with Coach Parker
🦅 Eagle Heights Elementary PE Newsletter - Keeping You in the Loop! 🏀
Dear Eagle Heights Elementary Parents,
We hope this newsletter finds you well and your children are enjoying their school year! We are excited to provide you with an update on the Physical Education classes at Eagle Heights Elementary, specifically for students in Kindergarten through 6th grade.
K-1st Grade PE Activities:
Our youngest learners in Kindergarten and 1st grade have been having a blast in PE class. They've recently started using various equipment such as gator skin balls, and soccer balls to practice partner catching and throwing and partner kicking activities. We have played a game called Pin Blast that allows students to aim at a bowling pin as their target. The goal of the game is to protect their pin, while trying to get other students out. These activities are not only fun but also help develop fundamental motor skills and teamwork. We have also introduced the rock wall and scooters to our K-1st students.
2nd-6th Grade PE Highlights:
For our 2nd through 6th graders, indoor team soccer has been the focus of their recent PE sessions. This engaging team sport promotes physical fitness, coordination, and cooperation among students. We've witnessed great enthusiasm and sportsmanship on the field (basketball court).
Looking ahead:
*Fitnessgram Fitness Testing:*
Starting soon, our 2nd through 6th graders will be participating in the Fitnessgram assessment. This includes various fitness tests such as the Pacer (a test of aerobic capacity), Push Ups, Sit Ups, and Curl Ups (abdominal strength and endurance). These tests are an important part of our PE program, allowing us to monitor students' physical fitness progress and encourage a healthy, active lifestyle.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to an active and healthy school year ahead!
Coach Parker
Library with Mrs. Rice
Library News:
September flew by here in the library! Classes have been focusing on many library skills to become better readers! There are a lot of events happening this month so make sure to read below for all the information and for what each class has been working on!
Fall Eagle Heights Book Fair:
The Scholastic Fall Book Fair will be happening from October 25-November 1st. To access all information about how to set up your student's e-wallet, hours, and other info, visit our Book Fair Homepage: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/eagleheights
Information will be sent home with each student as to hours to shop when classes can shop, and e-Wallet information later this week or early next week! If parents would like to volunteer to help at the Book Fair, please email Mrs. Rice at ricel@smithville.k12.mo.us
3rd Annual Spooktacular Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Since it is October, the Eagle Heights Library will be hosting our 3rd Annual Spooktacular Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Students who wish to participate can reach out to Mrs. Rice or find all the information here:
The library will accept pumpkins until October 21st and the voting will take place during library encore classes. Families can venture into the library during parent-teacher conferences to see all the great creations and take their pumpkins home if they choose! There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner - each winner will receive a book fair voucher to use at the Fall Book Fair or save it for the Spring Book Fair!
Grades 4, 5, and 6th: Be on the lookout for information about MT/Truman Nominee information as students who participate get a chance to vote for the winning Missouri book, go to the Children's Literature Festival in Warrensburg to meet authors, and get books signed, and have a chance to be entered into a grade level drawing for a $50 Scholastic Book Fair gift card!
What are we learning in Library Class:
PreK: Learned about clouds, apples, and next up: the season of Fall!
Kinder: Learned how to take care of our library books, they also learned how to find their books from the picture book section using the "Sneak Peek" and "Buddy Book" techniques!
1st: Learned how to take care of our library books, find first-grade favorite books in the library, and will be moving into ABC order and finding authors!
2nd: Learned about Second Grade Book Favorites, got introduced to what Call Numbers are in the library, and how to use them to help find the books we want!
3rd: Students learned how to sort books, and find books by playing "Be the Librarian"! Where students put book spines in ABC order and worked as a team to complete their full shelf!
4th: Fourth grade reviewed Call Numbers and learned how to log in to Midcontient Library as each student here at EHE has a public library card that allows them to always have access to different books!
5th: Fifth Grade has worked hard at creating their own Me as a Reader poster and Designing their own bookmarks using Canva!
6th Grade Encore: The Books to Movies class is off to a great start! We are reading our second chapter book, Wrinkle in Time, and each student takes a Quick Little Quiz once we read a section to test their comprehension and at the end of the book, we will complete a novel study choice project!
Message from Mrs. Rice: Thank you for ALWAYS supporting the library! The Amazon Wish List is here if you would like to purchase items for the EHE Library. As always feel free to reach out with any questions ricel@smithville.k12.mo.us.
Happy Reading!
News from Music
Eagle Heights Music Notes/October Edition
Welcome to this month’s edition of Eagle Heights Music Notes. We have exciting activities happening in the music room this October, and we’re thrilled to share them with you!
Drum Circle Fun
This month, our students will be diving into the rhythms and energy of our Drum Circle! Students will explore various percussion instruments while learning the importance of teamwork, coordination, and creativity through music.
Electronic Composing Platforms
We’re also introducing our students to electronic composing platforms where they can experiment with creating their own music digitally. This is a great opportunity for them to explore technology and music in a hands-on way.
Jubilee Choir Begins!
We’re excited to announce that choir will be starting for fourth, fifth, and sixth graders on October 10th. Practices will be held on Thursday mornings 7:30-8:30 for students who are interested in joining. It’s a fantastic way for students to develop their singing skills and be part of an enthusiastic musical community. We can’t wait to hear their voices!
Daniel Venner
Music Instructor, Eagle Heights Elementary
News from Eagle Heights PTO 💚
Joining PTO provides you with the opportunity to volunteer and contribute to your children’s educational experience! Our purpose is to support our teachers/staff and our children to make their school year experience successful!
There are many ways to help, so please consider joining! Online sign up and payment is available at this link: EHE PTO MEMBERSHIP FORM
All latest updates can be found on our Facebook page
Any additional questions, please email: eagleheightsptosmithville@gmail.com
Important Upcoming Dates
Oct. 2: Custodian Appreciation Day!
Oct. 7-11: Fire Prevention Week
Oct. 16: Board Meeting 7pm
Oct. 18: No School - Staff Work Day
Oct. 21: PTO meeting
Oct. 21-25 School Bus Safety Week
Oct. 22: Clay County Dental Screenings
Oct. 25: Fall Classroom Parties - sponsored by PTO
Oct. 28: Clubs Choice Delivery
Oct. 30: Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Oct. 31: No School, Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00 - 5:00
Nov. 1: No School
Nov. 1: November Parent Newsletter Emailed to Home
Nov. 3: Daylight Saving- Turn back your clocks 1 hour
Nov. 5: Intruder Drill
Nov. 8: Parent Educator Day
Nov. 11: Veterans Day- Free Breakfast for Veterans
Nov. 11-15: School Psychologist Week
Nov. 14: Passport to Learning
Nov. 20: Board Meeting 7pm
Nov. 20: Education Support Professionals Day (Security Monitor, RWL Coordinator, Vision Specialist, Recess Aides,
Behavior Interventionist, Curriculum Facilitators, ISS Monitor, Reading Specialist)
Nov. 22: Substitute Educator Day
Nov. 23: All District Choir Performance @ Platte City High School
Nov. 27-29: No School- Thanksgiving Break