Oakland Eagles
Athletic & Activities September 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year Eagle Fans
Parent, Guardian, & Spectator Expectations
1. The parent will encourage their student-athlete to be responsible and a good
sportsman by:
- Encouraging their student-athlete to discuss issues with coaches directly without any parental involvement.
- Encouraging their student-athlete to take ownership of their losses and discouraging them from finding excuses.
- Encouraging them always to respect coaches’ decisions.
- Encouraging them always to respect the referees’ calls/decisions.
- Encouraging them to be punctual at practices and matches.
2. The parents will communicate fairly and openly with coaches by:
- Communicating openly, honestly, and with respect.
- Communicating issues and concerns in a timely manner, including those of physical and emotional well-being on behalf of their student.
- Following an appropriate chain of communication such as:
- Parent and Head Coach
- Parent and Athletic Director
- Parent and Principal
- Attending parent's meetings and reading information disseminated by the coaches.
3. The parents will demonstrate good sportsmanship by displaying the following
- Providing support for coaches and referees to provide a positive, enjoyable experience for all student-athletes.
- Understanding the game is for the students and not the adults.
- Recognizing that student participation in athletics is a privilege.
- Using good sportsmanship as a spectator and conducting themselves in a manner that reflects both well on the team and school.
- Promoting the team by being supportive and helpful in the program.
- Refraining from coaching their student during matches and rallies only supportive words of encouragement.
- Expect consistent student attendance at practices and games.
4. The parents will create a positive and supportive environment to promote their student
athlete’s well-being by:
- Supporting good conditioning and healthy lifestyle habits
- Placing their student's emotional and physical well-being ahead of any personal desire to win.
- Expecting their student to play in a safe and healthy environment.
- Supporting their student in planning how to meet their academic responsibilities given the demands of training and practice.
- Being a role model for other parents by remaining positive at sporting events.
Unacceptable Behaviors for Spectators
Major violations that may result in not being able to attend sporting events at OMS include, but are not limited to, the following:
Aggressively confronting any coach for any reason before, during, or after an athletic contest OR practice.
Being ejected OR escorted from an athletic contest (home or away) for any reason by an official, law enforcement, or any school administrator.
Verbal or physical harassment of players, coaches, fans of either school, officials, or school personnel.
Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures.
Any other action reasonably deemed to be detrimental by a school administrator.
Issues not appropriate to discuss with coaches:
1. Playing position and time of any student-athlete.
2. Team strategy, practice organization, or challenge matches.
3. Other student-athletes.
Some situations may require a conference between the coach and the parent, and
this is encouraged. It is important that both parties involved have a clear understanding of
the other's position. When these conferences are necessary, the following procedures
should be followed to help promote a resolution to the issues or concerns.
Procedures to follow if there is a concern to discuss with a coach:
1. Please encourage your child to speak directly with the coach. Often, concerns can be
resolved at this level.
2. Contact the coach to set up an appointment.
3. Please do not attempt to confront a coach before or after a contest or practice.
These can be emotional times for both the parent and the coach. Meetings of this nature
do not promote the resolution of concerns. If the meeting with the coach did not provide a
satisfactory resolution, call to schedule an appointment with the athletic director to
discuss the situation.
Family Passes
We are selling our family sports passes. They are $75. Families can have two adults and three children per pass. Passes can be bought in the office or at the gate of all Oakland home events. All the money raised from the family passes stays with us at Oakland and is put back into the programs for uniforms and equipment. In the past couple of years, because of the money raised from the sports passes, we have been able to buy new uniforms for boys' and girls' basketball, volleyball, and track.
8th Grade Volleyball
7th Grade Volleyball
Cross Country
"OMS’s Cross Country team has grown in both number and skill. Our athletes have consistently improved their times on the 2-mile run, even in spite of the heat forcing us to practice inside last week. I am particularly proud of how our athletes encourage each other and push each other to be better with every run."- Coach A. Holland
Oakland Student Clubs
Book Club- Mrs. Holland
Equality Club- Ms. Arnold, Ms. Wolf, Mr. Des Camps
MAC Scholars- Ms. Bourdeau
Student Council- Mrs. Schuster
Drama Club- Ms. Howard
Robotics Club- Mr. Byrd & Mr. Patience
Board Game Club- Ms. Arnold & Mr. Patience
Positive Impact Empowerment (PIE)- Ms. Risha
Kindness Club- Ms. Moseley & Ms. Kaine
Soaring Hearts- Ms. Tranmer
CPS High School Spectator Expectations for High School Events
Here is Columbia Public Schools' spectator expectations for high school events. A parent or guardian must accompany middle school students to a high school event and for all middle school football games.
How to Best Support Your Athlete
- Encourage Commitment
- Proper Nutrition
- Punctual
- Abdicate during practice
Before the Game:
- Be calm by example
- Don't play the role of coach with playing advice
- Keep it Light (jokes, laughter)
- Avoid giving a pre-game scouting report
- Good meal & Hydration
- Good rest
- Have fun
During the Game
- Detach from results
- Keep a low profile
- Cheer for all athletes
- Set an example of sportsmanship with the refs and other parents
- Avoid being over protected
- Avoid focusing on only a win
After the Game
- Detach from results
- Supportive
- Avoid creating a "fearful ride home" by analyzing the game, players, coaching, refs, or result
- Don't initiate a post-game talk. Players will initiate if they are interested
- Good sportsmanship
- Good food & Hydration
Reference: T.C. North, PhD (Specializes in confidence & mental toughness coaching for athletes & parents)
The mission of Columbia Public Schools is to provide an excellent education for all students; the vision is to be the best district in the state. The district’s core values are trust, integrity, collaboration, transparency, empathy, and grace.