Falcon Flyer
Fall Creek Intermediate - August 25, 2024
Upcoming Dates to Remember!
- August 27 PTO Meeting, 1pm
- September 6 Falcon Fest
- September 9 First Choir Rehearsal, 8:15am
- September 11 Student Council Meeting, 8:15am
- September 19 Cross Country Meet at Riverside Intermediate, 5:30pm
- October 8 Picture Make-Up Day with Lifetouch
Great start to school!
School Supplies
For those who purchased the school supply box from PTO, note that the intention of that box was to provide the basic supplies and to be a small fundraiser for PTO.
Each team has additional supplies that are unique to their team and required for student use. Note that our teachers do not have funds to purchase every student on their team items needed such as folders, binders, etc. If you are in need of assistance, please email Mrs. Day/Mr. Williams. Thank you for your assistance.
Dismissal Happens Fast!
School safety
Important forms still missing.
Skyward Back to School Forms 2024-2025
Many students are still missing their Back to School Forms, which must be completed in Skyward. This includes things like 5th grade field trip forms, Medical Health Forms, Transportation Agreements, etc.
Be sure to log into Skyward to complete all of the beginning of the year forms this week. It is imperative that all of these forms, as well as updates to address, phone numbers, email, emergency contacts, etc. be made so we may stay in touch as efficiently as possible throughout the year. Beyond our basic need for communication, this can be a safety issue if we need to contact you, or an emergency contact, related to your child if information is not accurate.
FCI does not use School Dismissal Manager
If there is a change in your child's afternoon transportation which they are not aware of during the school day you can call the school office for us to get a note to your child about the change.
In order to report an early dismissal please either email FCI-general@hse.k12.in.us OR
call the school's attendance line 317-915-4228.
Helpful Hint
FCI's Lost & Found
Here at school, we have two locations for lost items.
- Near door 8, which leads out to the playground by the cafeteria, there is a shelf and bins that things like sweatshirts, water bottles, lunch boxes, hats, etc. will be found. Students can check this area on their own.
- In the main office, we have a space for smaller, more expensive items, like headphones, jewelry, purses or bags, and other personal items. Students will need to directly ask the front office staff if an item has been turned in.
Overtime these lost and found areas can get very full and we will donate items to different organizations because we do not have the space for long term storage. We will always give parents a notification in the falcon flyer before items are donated so you can encourage your child to find their lost items.
**Putting your child's name on items such as water bottles, lunch boxes, headphones, sweatshirts/jackets will help us identify the owner when they are lost**
Falcon Fest - September 6
FCI Student Only Carnival
Inflatables ~ Music and Photo Booth from DJ Sound Solution ~ Sweet Treat Walk ~ Pizza ~ Bottle Ring Toss ~ Glow Room ~ Games ~ Glitter Tattoos ~ Hair Coloring Station ~ Concessions Stands ~ Karaoke ~ Ice Cream ~ & More
This a super fun event for the students on Friday September 6th from 6:00-8:30pm. Early registration admission is $20.00 and admission at the door is $25.** Deadline for early registration is Thursday September 5th at NOON.
Click the button below for more information and to sign up!
Click the button above to find all of the details about our amazing Parent Teacher Organization:
Calendar for the year, Spirit Wear Sale, Student Planners, and Volunteer sign-ups.
School Nurse Updates
Mobile Dentist
Dear Families,
HSE Schools welcome the Smiles Program/Mobile Dentists to provide a free exam and cleaning to your child while they are in school. We understand many families do not have dental insurance and cannot afford the costs out of pocket, so we hope this will provide the dental care your child needs. Mobile Dentists accepts dental insurance, so please provide that information if you want your insurance billed.
Fall Creek Intermediate is hosting the Mobile Dentists on October 8, 2024.
To register your child, please complete a form by using one of the following methods:
Go to: www.myschooldentist.com, find your school in the listing and complete the form.
Scan the QR code below to take you to the website.
Complete the permission form that was sent home with your child and return to your building nurse. You may also scan and email to your building nurse or Amy Hanna at: ahanna@hse.k12.in.us. *Copies of the form are also available at the school front desk.
GoPlease complete all the information on the form. If any information is missing, you may be asked to complete another form. You may submit the form by Friday, September 27, 2024 to ensure Mobile Dentists have time to process the forms prior to the appointment date.
If you have any further questions, feel free to go to the website: myschooldentist.com or contact Amy Hanna, District Nursing Manager at 317-570-3384.
Attention Parents of 6th grade students
The Indiana State Department of Health requires all 6th grade students to receive additional immunizations prior to the first day of school in August. The required shots are:
- Tdap (Tetanus diphtheria & acellular pertussis) booster
- Meningococcal conjugate
If your child has previously had a religious or medical exemption on file, a new form needs completed each year. Forms are located on the HSE website under 'Departments', 'Health Services', then 'Immunizations'.
Please send your child’s updated immunization record (or religious/medical exemption form) to FCI school nurse, Carol Gump, either by email, fax, or mail/hand delivery as soon as possible so that Skyward can be updated. The nurse can be reached during normal school hours, or by email at cgump@hse.k12.in.us, to answer any questions you have about your child’s immunization status.
Counselors' Corner
Snack Attack Program is Back
FCI is pleased to announce the return of the Snack Attack program for those students in need. This program, supported by the Fishers Youth Assistance Program, is designed to provide students a little extra nourishment for the weekend until they can receive a hot meal at school on Monday.
Here's how the program works: Your student will receive a small sack of food to be taken home over the weekend. The sack is filled with individually wrapped snacks such as granola bars, fruit cups, pop tarts, peanut butter/crackers, Goldfish crackers, etc. The type of snacks will vary each week. Please let us know if your child has a peanut allergy as he/she will receive a special bag of peanut-free snacks.
There is no cost to you or the school. To be part of this free program, you must sign up your family online. https://forms.gle/qQ2GgbD32C66Dhfg7 or have questions, please contact FYAPFood@gmail.com.
For more information on the Fishers Youth Assistance Program please visit their website at https://youth-assistance.squarespace.com/fishers.
FCI Activities
Choir - Directed by Mrs. Spangler and Mrs. Young
Choir rehearsals are Monday mornings beginning on September 9, 8:15-9:00 am.
A performance for families will be held on Monday, November 4 at 6:30 pm at FCI in the Cafeteria.
Please sign and return the lower portion of the attached form to register.
Student Council Information
Student council elections are coming up! Election letters should be available for interested students starting on Monday, August 26th. Student council elections will take place the week of September 2nd in each Block 1 class. Candidates will be required to address the class at least once to give their speech and answer a few questions. We are encouraging the candidates to try to fit the S.O.A.R. acronym into their speech!
Good luck to all the Falcons that decide to run!
Mrs. Conway and Mr. Zook
Listen to morning announcements and read upcoming newsletters for information on our school's activities.
R.A.V.E. Review
Do you know of an HSE staff member who deserves a shoutout? Someone who consistently goes above and beyond to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
Give them a R.A.V.E. Review and share your appreciation! It’s simple to do - just complete a quick online form here: hseschools.org/rave.
You can send as many reviews as you’d like throughout the school year.
R.A.V.E. stands for Recognizing All Valuable Employees, and it’s our way of celebrating the incredible staff who make Hamilton Southeastern Schools a fantastic place to learn and grow.
In the Community
Free Swim Lessons:
We are looking for children aged 5 – 14 who have not taken swim lessons at the YMCA in the last 12 months (or ever!) who would be interested in the Safety Around Water (SAW) free swim lessons program. There are 2 opportunities to take the course. The Saturdays of August or the Saturdays of September from 12:30 – 1:30pm. The course is all 4 Saturdays building on each other, so attendance each Saturday is necessary.
The August program will consist of 2 half hour lessons each Saturday starting August 10th. (August 10, 17, 24, 31)
The September program will start September 7th. (September 7, 14, 21, 28)
To register please call the Fishers YMCA at 317-595-9622 or use the QR code below. If you have questions regarding the program, please contact the Senior Aquatics Director Amy Wentzel: awentzel@indymca.org
Mudsock Youth Athletics Information
Register Now for Winter Basketball:
- Boys Basketball - Early bird registration for the Mudsock Boys Basketball rec season (K - 8th) and (New) Mudsock Elite (formerly Rec+) is open at myathletics.com. Travel tryout registration (3rd – 6th) is also open. Please note, Mudsock Elite will be separate from the rec league; players who register for Mudsock Elite will NOT be required to register for rec basketball. Learn more.
- Girls Basketball - Early bird registration for the Mudsock Girls Basketball rec season (K-8) is open now at myathletics.com, along with Mudsock Select (formerly Travel) for 3rd – 6th graders. Learn more.
Winter Scholarships - Are you interested in winter registration scholarship opportunities with our leagues? Families can apply for one per season per child and must apply and be accepted during our open registration period. For winter sports these dates are 8/1 – 8/31. Email info@myathletics.com.
(New) esports - Registration for our brand-new esports league is just around the corner, and it’s open to gamers age 8-15. Team play kicks off this winter. Information will be updated here soon.
Fall Updates:
- (New) Fire Elite Fall Cross Country Option – Open to athletes in the 10U - 15U age divisions, participants must register for the recreational cross country season at myathletics.com to be considered for Fire Elite. Athletes who qualify and are approved by the board will be offered roster spots early in the season. Learn more about this advanced program.
- Mudsock Youth Softball All-Star Tryouts – Attend the parent/guardian information meeting on August 28th and learn more about this program here.
What' Happening @ the Creek
Monday, August 26, rot I
Tuesday, August 27, rot I
- 9:30am-3pm - Johnson Block 1 Study Trip
- 1:00-3:00pm - PTO Meeting
- 4:00-5:00pm - Cross Country practice
Wednesday, August 28, rot I
- 9:30am-3pm - Johnson Block 2 Study Trip
- 4:00-5:00pm - Cross Country practice
Thursday, August 29, rot I
- 9:30am-3pm - Coffman Block 1 Study Trip
- 4:00-5:00pm - Cross Country practice
Friday, August 30, rot I
FCI Spirit Day - Spirit Wear! Encourage your students to wear their Falcon gear or blue!
- 9:30am-3pm - Coffman Block 2 Study Trip
No School - Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3, rot F
- 4:00-5:00pm - Cross Country practice
Wednesday, September 4, rot F
- 9:30am-3pm - Teal Block 1 Study Trip
- 4:00-5:00pm - Cross Country practice
Thursday, September 5, rot F
- 9:30am-3pm - Crane Block 1 Study Trip
- 4:00-5:00pm - Cross Country practice
Friday, September 6, rot F
FCI Spirit Day - Spirit Wear! Encourage your students to wear their Falcon gear or blue!
- 9:30am-3pm - Symons Block 1 Study Trip
- 6-8:30pm - Falcon Fest
School Front Office Details
Attendance Phone: (317) 915-4228
Main Office Phone: (317) 915-4220
School Hours: 9:15am-4pm
Office Hours: 8:45am-4:30pm
Office Email: fci-general@hse.k12.in.us
Important Safety Reminders
- Office Entry - When you ring the buzzer for entry, remember that the office staff will ask you your name, intent, child's name/homeroom to ensure those that enter FCI should enter.
- Photo ID - Please have photo ID such as your driver's license ready for identification purposes.
- Door 1 entry - All visitors must enter via door 1 regardless of time of day. Please do not come in the cafeteria door with students before school.
- Bus lot - Do not enter the bus lot prior to bus arrival or while buses are in the lot.
- Drop-off - Please make all attempts possible to have your child exit your vehicle on the side of the curb. Exit the opposite side and walking in between cars is not safe.
Late Arrival Drop-Off
Students must be accompanied into the building and signed in by parents/guardians any time after 9:15am. Students should not come in by themselves.
Early Dismissal
Please notify the school in advance of an early dismissal. You can send a note in with your student or call the front office. At pick up, parents must come inside the building to sign out their child. Parents must ring the buzzer and indicate that they are picking up their child. Photo ID is required to be provided to office staff every time students are signed out. We will not release your child to anyone other than the legal guardians listed in Skyward without written or verbal permission.
Transportation Changes
If the child is aware of how they are going home in the afternoon, no note or call is needed. However, if there is a change during the day the student is not aware of, please call the office (317) 915-4220 by 2:30pm to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal.
FCI Drop-off and Pick-Up Procedures
Please ensure that you are staying within the cones during drop-off and pick-up. This means patiently waiting in the "zipper" lines as well as not going around the cones at the ends of the aisles regardless of time of day. Students should also exit & enter vehicles on the side nearest the curb.
Additionally, when entering and exiting our parking lot, please be extremely cautious. This is why it is suggested that all travel northbound to both enter and then when exiting our parking lot. Doing otherwise, makes it challenging to enter & exit across the traffic on Olio especially with the traffic into and out of Fall Creek Junior High.
You may NOT park and get out of your vehicle to get your child from the curb at dismissal. If you need to get your child early, you must bring your driver's license into the office to check out your child
All of our practices are constructed for the safety of our students & families! Let's remember that our children are watching! We can set the good example! Thank you, Falcon family!
Safe Visitor Badges
Per HSE Policy, visitors and volunteers must have their Safe Visitor Badge scanned by office staff to check-in to the building.
If you do not have a Safe Visitor Badge, please find the directions to apply for one listed here https://www.hseschools.org/departments/school-safety under Visiting and Volunteering.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tobi Fields at 317-594-4100.
Mental Health Concerns
If you or someone you know is at risk of self-harm, suicide, or harmful towards others, please contact one of the following (All lines are free, confidential, and available 24/7):
Community Health Network - Call 800-662-3445 or Text HELPNOW to 20121
National Suicide Prevention Hotline - Call 800-273-8255
LookUP - Call 800-284-8439 or Text LookUp to 494949
Mental Health Issues are common and treatable. Hamilton Southeastern Schools has a contract with Community Health Network and has a mental health therapist working with students in each of our schools. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to your school’s school counselor for further information. Mental Health & School Counseling - Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation (hseschools.org)
Non-Discrimination & Non-Harassment Information
All students in HSE Schools deserve to come to school free of fear and to feel safe to be their authentic selves. Discrimination of any type is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated at HSEHS Schools – this includes sexual harassment (Title IX) and discrimination based on disabilities or race (Titles II and VI).
If students ever experience any type of harassment, we ask that they report this immediately to an administrator, school counselor or trusted adult. Beyond reporting directly to building officials, HSE Schools has an entire support system in place for filing concerns and complaints, which can be located on our District website. Non-Discrimination & Non-Harassment Statement - Hamilton Southeastern School Corporation (hseschools.org)
All About FCI
Assistant Principal - Mr. Marc Williams (mwilliams@hse.k12.in.us)
Email: FCI-General@hse.k12.in.us
Website: https://fci.hseschools.org/
Location: 12011 Olio Road Fishers, IN 46037
Phone: (317) 915-4220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fall-Creek-Intermediate-Falcons/536020973132615
Twitter: @FCI_Falcons