Davis Elementary
E-news 10/18/24

Important Updates
Thank you to all the wonderful parents & guardians who donated food and beverages last week. It was so helpful for our teachers and staff during conferences! And a BIG THANK YOU to the PTO for the delicious dinner!!
In D303 we take a variety of assessments each year. If you would like to learn more about specific state testing and large-scale district assessments as well as the opt out process for any of the assessments, please click the links below:
Davis Scarecrow Display
Student Council Members used alot of creativity and teamwork to put together the Davis Scarecrow for the Scarecrow Festival! All the students at Davis helped create a piece for our display. Thanks to everyone who participated and voted!
Davis Mascot Madness: The Ultimate Showdown - Dogs vs. Dragons!
Dear Davis Families,
The results are in, and the excitement is through the roof! Our Davis Mascot Madness has reached its thrilling climax, and we can't wait to see the results!!.
🎉 Our finalists are: Dogs 🐶 vs. Dragons 🐉 🎉
What's Next? The Road to Our New Mascot
Early November Voting: Mark your calendars! We'll be holding the final vote between Dogs and Dragons in early November.
Professional Mock-ups: Get ready to be wowed! We're commissioning professional mock-ups of both mascots. These will be presented to students and staff before the final vote.
The Big Reveal: Our new mascot will be unveiled at an all-school assembly. Prepare for an unforgettable celebration as we welcome the newest member of our Davis family!
Stay Tuned!
This is your chance to be part of Davis history! Whether we become the Daring Dogs or the Dazzling Dragons, our school spirit will shine brighter than ever.
Keep an eye out for more information about the voting process and the upcoming assembly. We can't wait to see which mascot will represent our amazing school community!
Go Davis Dogs! Or maybe Dragons! The choice is yours!
🧑🏻🤝🧑🏻👭 Fabulous Friends!! 🧑🏻🤝🧑🏻👭
Watch DOGS Needed Friday Afternoons
- Dads/male guardians/grandpas/uncles/adult brothers etc. - this is your opportunity to interact with and provide positive male role models for Davis students.
- We need 4 volunteers every Friday from 11:15-1:25.
- Please click HERE for more information and to signup.
Unity Day at Davis
Unity Day, the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, was celebrated at Davis on Wednesday. This nationwide event involves schools, businesses and individuals who wore orange to unite for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. (include staff picture)
STEM Classes
Take a look at what our students are learning in STEM this fall - Science, Technology, Engineering & Math:
Kindergarten/1st grade - Light and Sound
2nd/3rd grade - Weather Factors and Hazards
4th/5th grade - Patterns in the Universe
Paletero Man
1DG and 1LH culminated Hispanic heritage month with a read aloud that talks about the act of kindness within our community.
2nd Grade News
2TH used their place value skills to organize, count, and compare collections. Students found that counting is much more efficient when we organize and count in friendly ways. Our largest collection was 400 and our smallest was 78. We love Math!
2CH enjoyed sharing
their personal narratives
with their peers.
Maddie's Mitten March
Are you in need of winter gear for your family? Stop by Richmond Elementary on Tuesday October 22nd to "shop" for all your winter gear needs! If you have any questions please reach out to Christine Amoni, social worker at christine.amoni@d303.org.
5th/6th Grade Orchestra Combined Concert:
Date: Friday, October 25th
Place: Thompson Middle School
Times: Student drop off: 4:45PM at the gym
Mandatory Rehearsal: 5:00-5:45PM
Concert Starts at 6:00PM in the gym
Dress: Nice dress clothes. No jeans or t-shirts
Bring: Instruments and binders
Fall parties are right around the corner, and we would like you to be aware of our plans and expectations so that you can help your student to prepare. Our celebration is scheduled for Thursday, October 31st.
The parade will be held outside from 1:55 to 2:15 pm. Parents may line up around the Kindergarten playground off of Horne Street to watch the parade.
Classroom parties will run from 2:15 pm to 3:00 pm
Room Parents will be allowed to go to classrooms at 1:30 pm for party setup and to assist with costumes after they have checked in at the office
In the event of inclement weather, there will not be a parade
Costume & Party Guidelines
Students should bring costumes in a bag. Costumes must be appropriate for school. Costumes should not be violent or scary in nature. No blood, guts, or weapons. No masks. Make-up is discouraged because it is difficult to apply. No bare midriffs or scant clothing. Students may be asked to remove or put away any parts of costumes based on teacher judgment.
Room Parents who are assisting with the parties should not wear disguises that would make it difficult to recognize them as a safe person
Only Room Parents may attend the classroom parties and assist students.
Room Parent Guidelines
No more than 4 room parents per classroom may attend. (Others may assist with preparations or goody bags). Sign-up for Room Parents was completed through our PTO in September.
If you have never had your ID/drivers license scanned at the school, it is very helpful to have that done prior to the party. Stop by the office at your convenience.
Lead Parent: Work with the classroom teacher & other room parents on activities/games for the party
Lead Parent: Coordinate with the teacher & other room parents on any non-edible goody bags to be sent home. No food treats will be eaten during the party or sent home.
Mark Your Calendars!
Click HERE for Davis Google Calendar
Friday, October 18 - Trunk or Treat (4:30-6:30)
Saturday, October 19 - Steel Hockey Game 6:05 pm
Tuesday, October 22 - Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Wednesday, October 23 - Noodles & Co. Restaurant Night (4-8pm)
Thursday, October 24 - PTO Meeting 7:00 Davis LRC
Friday, October 25 - 5th Grade Orchestra Concert (TMS)
Wednesday, October 30 - 5th Grade Field Trip
Wednesday, October 30 - (2:35pm) Early Release
Thursday, October 31 - Halloween Parade 1:55-2:15pm
Thursday, October 31 - Halloween Classroom Parties
Saturday night November 2 - Daylight Savings End (move clocks back 1 hour)
Tuesday, November 5 - No School (Election Day)
Wednesday, November 6 - Morning Beginning Orchestra Practice (not 4th grade advanced) - music & specials are following a Tuesday schedule. Bring instruments if you have a Tuesday lesson; wear PE shoes
Friday, November 8 - School Photo Retakes
Tuesday, November 11 - Veterans Day Assembly (Wear Red, White and Blue)
Wednesday, November 20 - Report Cards on HAC
Wednesday, November 20 - (2:35) Early Release
Thursday, November 21 - PTO Meeting 7:00 Davis LRC
Monday - Friday November 25-29 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
PTO News
PTO Meeting Thursday - Oct 24th - 7pm
Please join us in the Davis LRC - all parents and guardians are welcome!
District News
District 303 Partners With GPS Parent Series
District 303 is proud to partner with the Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) to offer our families broader access to information sessions and resources that support their child’s development.
For decades, GPS has been offering free programs that aim to empower and strengthen families, individuals and communities. As a partner organization, District 303 will support promoting upcoming programs and their importance to our local community.
Click HERE to view upcoming programs and access support resources.
Davis Attendance - Call 331-228-2200
Leave messages 24 hours a day
Give reason for child's absence & clearly speak student’s name & grade/teacher
Call every time your child is absent or is more than 45 min. late
Vacation? Submit the prearranged absence form
Call early in the day with changes to dismissal routine or email the teacher and both Administrative Assistants (linda.jezek@d303.org & mona.carlson@d303.org)
If your child is signed up for Baker Station and will not be attending, you must notify both the school and Baker Station (630-675-1674)
Davis Elementary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: https://davis.d303.org/
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DavisElementaryD303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303