Woods Lake Elementary: A Magnet Center for the Arts
Library Assistant, Ms. Varnesdeel is Retiring!
Library Assistant, Ms. Varnesdeel is retiring at the end of this school year. She has made a tremendous impact within the Woods Lake Community and Kalamazoo Public Schools District. Thank you Ms. Varnesdeel for your years of dedication and service!
Weekly Announcements May 27, 2024 through May 31, 2024
Hello Woods Lake Families,
Please read the following:
1. Gilmore Piano Lab Spring Recital will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 for Grades 2-3 at the S. Westnedge location at 6:00 pm.
2. PTO meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 28th will be rescheduled. Please see information from the PTO President, Mrs. Nettleton at the bottom of the newsletter.
3. 5th grade students will be going to Binder Park Zoo on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.
4. Math Mania Family Fun Night will be held on Thursday, May 30, 2024 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm at S. Westnedge. Food will be served.
5. 4th and 5th Grade Spring Concert will be held on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 10:00 am at the Oakwood location. Please read additional information at the bottom of the newsletter.
6. 4th and 5th Grade Dance Companies are performing at Crosstown Parkway on Friday, May 31, 2024.
7. Last day for Communities in Schools After School Program is Thursday, May 30, 2024.
8. Kindergarten Promotional Ceremony will be held on June 5th at 10:00 am at S. Westnedge
9. 5th Grade Promotional Ceremony will be held on June 6th at 10:00 am at Oakwood
10. Families we need your help to make sure that your child is in school each day and on time. Also, please talk to your children about following the ARTS which stands for: Achievement, Respect, Taking Responsibility, and Safety.
11. May 27th Memorial Day: all buildings closed. School will resume on Tuesday, May 28th.
12. June 6th half day and students dismissed at 12:02 pm
13. June 7th half day and students dismissed at 12:02 pm. This is the last day of school for students.
Last Call for Computers for Students in Grades 1-4
Message from the PTO President, Mrs. Nettleton
- Volunteer help is needed during the Gilmore Piano recital to sit with students as they wait their turn to perform. This is Tuesday May 28th at 6 p.m. The students will be arriving by 5:45. We would love some support!
- We have both kindergarten celebration and 5th grade graduation coming up. I will be sending an email with what volunteer support will be needed. We typically provide cookies and waters for kindergarten, cake and water (with all utensils and paper products) for 5th grade graduation. I'll keep you posted!
- We did it! Yearbooks are in! Flyers are going home with students with information for families if they would still like to order a yearbook. PTO also ordered extra copies for teachers and staff (we get a small commission check from Lifetouch for fall and spring photos- that money mostly covers the purchase of the teacher and staff books)
- The 5th Graders used Track and Field T-Shirts from last year for Track and Field Day. Hopefully we can order a new set next year. PTO also ordered solid royal blue t-shirts for our 5th graders as their end-of-the-school-year shirts. They will be using markers to sign and decorate the shirts. A parent made a donation of $300 to go toward what was a $388.00 purchase.
- We wrapped up both the catalog fundraiser and book fair. We will be completing financial forms this coming week related to both those events.
- Two PTO parents, about 8 other parents and caregivers, and many teachers, administrators, and staff were present for the SWOT analysis with Dr. Darrin Slade. This was a very productive conversation in terms of brainstorming ideas for next year.
I think that is all I have for now. Thank you so much for your support!
Main Office
Linda Mitchell, Principal
Sierra Prather, Assistant Principal
Kari Burke, Lead Secretary
Meghan Lloyd, Assistant Secretary
Susana Morales-Reyes, Part-Time Secretary
Natalie Orbe, Home Support Specialist
Irving Smith, Achievement and Behavior Support Specialist
Email: mitchellld@kalamazoopublicschools.net
Website: www.kalamazoopublicschools.com/woodslake
Location: (Grades K-3) 3333 South Westnedge Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI, 49008 (Grades 4-5) 3410 Laird Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Phone: 269-337-0790
It is very important that we maintain the safety of all of our students. Therefore, we will be strictly adhering to the district’s already established practice of not accepting telephone calls or written notes for same-day or temporary bus assignment changes. Students will ride their assigned bus each day. If it becomes necessary for you to change your child’s bus assignment due to a change of address or a new childcare provider, please notify the school at least five days prior to the change. We will notify you once the change has been approved. If you do not want your child to ride the bus and you are picking up your child from school please notify the office no later than 3:00 pm. Thank you for helping us keep our children safe.
Dana Flynn | Site Coordinator
Woods Lake Elementary
Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo
269-337-0790 or 269-337-0795, flynndc@kalamazoopublicschools.net
* Please contact Dana Flynn if you are in need of resources.
Marilyn Williams | ASC at Woods Lake
Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo
269-337-0790 or 269-337-0795, wilsonnj@kalamazoopublicschools.net
Face Mask are Optional
Please remember if your child is sick please keep your child at home and contact the Main Office at 269-337-0790 (K-3) or 269-337-0795 (4-5) to report the absence. If you need to report a positive COVID-19 test please complete this form by accessing the following link: https://www.kalamazoopublicschools.com/Page/2422